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Wednesday, December 28, 2016


20th May or the Political Lie of the Century for Cameroonians

Cameroonians who are 40 years and younger and who may not have been interested in the history of their country; have been spoon-fed this notion that Cameroon's National Day is "20th May". Fat Lie.

Every year, they are fed with Soviet style display of Military Parades, Political Parties ebullient jamboree March Pasts, Distribution of free T-shirts with the President's effigy, "Booze in abundance (33 export, Guinness, King, Castel beer etc), Akembe Federale, Mukanjo, Oboroko, Macquereaux Fish and free sex to hungry CPDM Militants. Not forgetting pre-screened, well coordinated tax-payer well paid (Gombo) CRTV Journalists who; with grandiloquent sophistry and alacrity, will give the celebration the solemnity and grandiosity in historical "justifying" analogies albeit fabricated or FIX News.

The 20th May gastronomic "bombance" even takes Government Ministers, Party apparatchiks and other wanna-be  dignitaries to "Etoudi Unitary Palace" where the "Bidoung-Kwat" salutation adoration phenomenon has been engineered for posterity. It is now called on Facebook as "Pardon, Bidoung-kwat moi un peu"...which simply means "C'est quoi ton probleme? Pardon, Salut moi comme on salue Biya. Regarde moi quelqu'un".

20th May is the biggest surreptitious LIE that Cameroonians have been "celebrating" for almost 40 years as their "National Day". Paul Biya himself knows that the whole thing is a "LE FAUX", a FEYMANIA POLITIQUE,  a gangster-like Political Hood-winking and Collective brain washing Manipulation coupled with an unforgiving Deception of monumental proportions.

20th May is a BIG FAT LIE and a deception of monumental significance even to contemporary historians. 20th May is NOT and I insist on the NOT, a Cameroon  Holiday of any significance. Ahmadou Ahidjo signed a unilateral "Decree" on that date abolishing the name "Federal Republic of Cameroon" and announcing (without consulting with any of the Southern Cameroons leaders) that henceforth Cameroon will be known as "United Republic of Cameroon". In the process, he sacked the Prime Minister of Southern Cameroons, Augustine Ngom Jua (whom he considered as a thorn in his flesh) and replaced him with the more (corruptible?) influence-able Tandeng Muna to the chagrin of the soft spoken and very religious John Ngu Foncha.

Ahidjo was successful in his Machiavellian maneuvers because he claimed that when he introduced the Franc CFA in 1962 to replace the SC Pound, the Southern Cameroonian Politicians at the time who spent all their time "Fighting and Jockeying for positions, suspecting each other about a ridiculous SW/NW hegemony; never raised any eyebrows. The SC currency (Pound) was replaced without any monetary fluctuations or upheavals. Again, the Anglopones had just been out-maneuvered.

Seeing how desperate he had rendered most of the "Anglophone Elites, (By now, most were financially "Broke", politically frustrated and were in a complete quagmire; the French stooge Ahidjo then thought the time was ripe for France's next move in annexing Southern Cameroons.

Enter the 20th May 1972 Decree (which simply abolished the FEDERAL System of Government replacing it with his choice of a "Unitary State". Again, no eye-brows were raised and to this day, the LIE that is 20th May has been perpetuated with hilarious synchronicity. To the extent that most Cameroonians today don't even remember why they are celebrating 20th May. They just know "C'est une Fete Nationale". Fete Nationale de quoi?

Ladies ad Gentlemen:
In 2017, before they start hammering your ears and eyes about 20th May; ask them this simple question: "Qu'est ce qu'on celebre au juste? Les Anglophones (qui etaient l'objet de la re-unification de deux Cameroun) ne veulent plus de cette association truquee. Entre-nous, c'est quoi le 20 Mai au Cameroun qu'on celebre sepuis 40 ans avec pompe, panache et abnegation?

Again, Cameroon's "National Day" IS NOT 20th May as CPDM politicians would want you to believe. PERIOD;
End of Story. 

If they asked for my advice (which in their braggadocio they will never do), I will tell them to consider (for their country) the following dates: January 1st; 11th February and October 1st as possible dates for their "National Day celebrations"...or even the date of birth of their First Lady.

Mishe Fon

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