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Monday, January 2, 2017

Re: [camnetwork] Paul Biya is Served: Southern Cameroons is on anIndefinite Strike against Colonial "La Republique" until Self-Rule isRestored

Sometimes Our people refuse to read for some reasons. All Papers by Dinka are found on the webpage, You click on Information to access the documents. You will see for yourselves how much work Dinka has accomplished solo so far up to the UN (Africa Division, Department of Political Affairs and UNSG)  and proclaiming Ambazonia. What he was missing was popular support and uprising like this "Coffin Revolution" to buttress his claims. As a matter of fact, Dinka had nailed Biya to the wall like he says, "A Widikum Tiger kills an animal by hanging tight on the animal's neck and suffocates it gradually to death". Biya has been bleeding gradually since 1985 that Dinka set the Self Determination Revolution in motion with Prof Benard Fonlon(RIP), Hon. Albert Mukong(RIP), and Prof Anyangwe . If the timing was not right all along, Could the timing be this "Coffin Revolution"? Well, "qui vit vera".  We are very close to Sovereignty.

On Mon, Jan 2, 2017 at 10:01 AM, Tabong Kima [camnetwork] <> wrote:
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I really wonder whether the writer of the posting below is asking rhetorical questions or he seriously wants somebody to give him answers. Why don't you draw your own conclusions as to what the symbolism of two maps from the UN meant or means? Did you ever try to inquire the reason from the UN? It is intellectual laziness to expect Boh Herbert or anyone else to give you those answers. As for your second question about Boh's take on some empty slogan Biya made in an end of year speech, I will again say draw your own conclusions. Is it not clear to you that that statement is a big lie to put it bluntly? Even elementary school children know that what their president said is a big fat lie. Even as the president of the country, he has no divine powers to re-write history. Is it not clear to you that the cliche of "Cameroon as one and indivisible country" is counter history and even counterintuitive?
Frankly, those of you who ask these kinds of questions I must say, are asking them in bad faith. If you were not asking them in bad faith, as a searcher of truth, you would have checked with the UN why it has contradicted itself so many times.
 If I have time, I will dig through the boxes of papers in my garage and I am sure I will find a paper  Fon Dinka wrote to the UN addressing its contradictions as regards the Southern Cameroon issue. I also have an amicus curiae he submitted to the IOJ at The Hague showing that La Republique had no standing in the La Republique v. Nigeria case. It is one of the best pieces of legal writing I have ever read. It left no hole for a counter argument but it was set aside by the Judges for reasons best known to them. So if you are misinformed, it does not mean that nothing was done or is being done. Lastly, I must remind you that this struggle for freedom does not need distractions like Bakassi at this time. That will be a non issue after freedom is won and the boundaries redrawn. 
Tabong Kima
Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 2, 2017, at 10:03 AM, tikum Azonga [camnetwork] <> wrote:



A lot has been said and written on these two maps. Some readers have
interpreted them as a recognition by the UN that today`s Cameroon is
made up of two separate states. However, when in his end-of-year
speech, Paul Biya says "Cameroon is one and indivisible and will stay
that way", what is your take on his statement? Furthermore, how can
you explain the fact that the same UN condoned and supervised the
handing over of Bakassi by Nigeria to Paul Biya of all people? Did you
cry foul about that move? And what are you doing about it?

On 02/01/2017, tikum Azonga <> wrote:
> You say the strike will go on "until self rule is restored". Who is to
> restore it? How is it to be restored? Perhaps someone will be handing
> it to someone else on a platter of gold somewhere? Who are the two
> parties involved? Where will the handing over take place? Also, will
> you people who reside abroad also be taking part in the strike and
> preventing your own children from going to school for as long as it
> lasts or will you contend yourself with egging on those here at home
> to put their lives in the firing line will you bask in the comfort of
> your petrodollars, green cards, fast cars and credit cards?
> On 02/01/2017, Samuel-king Etongwe [camnetwork]
> <> wrote:
>> Sango Boh,
>> Happy New Year!
>> I have taken a quick look at your posting below. I also followed the link
>> to
>> the "MoRISC" website. I saw your "Road Map" to the restoration of self
>> rule
>> in Southern Cameroons.
>> I saw the published CNN footage on the website. I ,again, also saw a
>> photo
>> of supposedly leaders of the MoRISC movement standing in front of a
>> bridge
>> with a green banner that they COULD NOT EVEN HOLD UP RIGHT.
>> On your "Road Map", you called for "Ghost towns" once every week, etc..
>> I also observed that the MoRISC declarations were drawn at a meeting held
>> in
>> Maryland, USA.
>> I wondered if on those Ghost Town Mondays you have called for, those of
>> you
>> who drew up that Road Map and resident here in the USA would be staying
>> away
>> from your work, staying away from your groceries shopping, and generally
>> be
>> abstaining from the routine affairs of daily living that you ask of your
>> "soldiers" in Cameroon.
>> What I was particularly looking for, but which I did not find, is a
>> definition of who or what MoRISC is. I expected this information to be on
>> your official website.
>> Perhaps, you would be kind enough to oblige me this.
>> By the way, Sango Boh, I wrote something (last year) that I will post.
>> Please, look out for it!
>> Hopefully, you will be able to resolve some of my concerns about the
>> organization of this liberation struggle.
>> Gob Bless!
>> Samuel-King Etongwe
>> Laurel, MD
>> ________________________________
>> From: <> on behalf
>> of
>> Herbert Boh [camnetwork]
>> <>
>> Sent: Monday, January 2, 2017 1:39 AM
>> To: Herbert
>> Subject: [camnetwork] Paul Biya is Served: Southern Cameroons is on an
>> Indefinite Strike against Colonial "La Republique" until Self-Rule is
>> Restored
>> Paul Biya is Served: Southern Cameroons is on an Indefinite Strike
>> against
>> Colonial "La Republique" until Self-Rule is Restored
>> By Ntumfoyn Boh Herbert (Yindo Toh)
>> Most presidential speeches are unpredictable. Not so, speeches by Paul
>> Biya,
>> the President of "La Republique du Cameroun". Last Saturday was the
>> president's 35th end-of-year address and it proved, anew, that Mr. Biya's
>> newest problem is an old one. His every outing is stubbornly true to form
>> and style. Boring. Predictable. Fact free. Power drunk. Sickening.
>> Removed
>> from reality. Overloaded with empty promises. Full of spin and half
>> truths…
>> Even outright lies.
>> Those, including some members of the Movement for the Restoration of the
>> Independence of Southern Cameroons (MoRISC), who had hoped that Mr. Biya
>> could use the speech to demonstrate that he is, indeed, the president of
>> the
>> two Cameroons say they were stunned by it. Mr. Biya could have been
>> speaking
>> to the inhabitants of Mars as an actor in some "Alice in Wonderland"
>> movie;
>> oblivious of any reality. With so much at stake, Mr. Biya blew another
>> golden opportunity to make history… to be presidential.
>> The speech came on the heels of the most violent and tragic government
>> crackdown of peaceful street protests by Southern Cameroonians. Like
>> Pharaoh
>> in Egypt, Mr. Biya sounded God has "hardened his heart". The time devoted
>> to
>> this issue very early in the speech, betrayed how much the regime has
>> been
>> rattled by ongoing strikes by lawyers and teachers as well as by the wave
>> of
>> street protests across the world and campaigns involving the Diaspora
>> calling, among others, for the restoration of self-rule for Southern
>> Cameroons.
>> It would have been laughable were it not so tragic. The same Mr. Biya
>> who,
>> by presidential fiat destroyed the "Union of the Cameroons" in February
>> 1984
>> when he unilaterally reverted to the name of "La Republique du Cameroun",
>> claimed that he is walking in the footsteps of the founding fathers.
>> Ahmadou
>> Ahidjo, Um Nyobe, Ernest Ouandie, John Ngu Foncha, E. M. L. Endeley and
>> Augustine Ngom Jua must be turning in their graves. The "best pupil" of a
>> certain French president would "eat the earth" (swear) that imposing the
>> worst form of colonial rule on Southern Cameroons creates a "ONE and
>> INDIVISIBLE" country than the two-state federation set up by the
>> founders.
>> Not true!
>> What is true is the following: only divided families and countries
>> afflicted
>> with divisions would find the need to issue loud sounding declarations
>> about
>> being "ONE and INDIVISIBLE". Gabon is not proclaiming that it is "ONE and
>> INDIVISIBLE". Mr. Biya found it important to do so twice in the same
>> speech.
>> Very telling of the gravity of the profound divisions that he knows must
>> exist yet must pretend they don't exist. A believer in the "argument of
>> force", the abusive spouse ("La Republique du Cameroun") in the "union of
>> the Cameroons" wants divorce denied simply because the couple is "ONE and
>> After disseminating a December 15, 2016 "Diplomatic Note" in which it
>> distorts facts and tells outright lies about the events unfolding across
>> Southern Cameroons, Mr. Biya claims in the speech to be "deeply
>> concerned"
>> by these events. A power hungry regime whose secret motto must be "in
>> Machiavelli we trust" slams "The Coffin Revolution" as "a group of
>> manipulated and exploited extremist rioters". Amazing, right?
>> Like every abusive spouse, Mr. Biya misidentifies and belittles the
>> problems
>> of the couple. He dismisses the problems raised by the abused spouse as
>> unimportant compared to other ideals and values of the marriage: the
>> sanctity of the matrimonial bed (such as the flag and Constitution) or
>> what
>> Mr. Biya calls the very "foundations of our togetherness". The president
>> argues that the couple is still "standing on its feet"; that the abused
>> spouse seeking divorce "can rightfully opine on any aspect of national
>> life,
>> including through duly declared peaceful strike action".
>> Did anyone warn the regime to be careful what it wishes for? Too late
>> now!
>> MoRISC has already evoked this "inalienable" right… the "fundamental
>> civil
>> right… enshrined in the Constitution" to declare (see our Roadmap at
>><> that Southern
>> Cameroonians, with effect from this first day of January 2017, have "duly
>> declared" an indefinite "peaceful strike" against the colonial "La
>> Republique du Cameroun" until self-rule is restored to the former British
>> Southern Cameroons.
>> Threat of divorce has a way of reminding abusive spouses of the need to
>> woo
>> their partners as before, charming them with care, love, gifts and
>> flowers.
>> Our first love (Ahidjo) wooed Southern Cameroons on the constitutional
>> promise not to violate the sanctity of the federation of two equal
>> states.
>> In the hope of convincing the abused spouse to stay on in the union, Mr.
>> Biya offered a bribe. He wishes to "personally supervise" (?) the
>> building
>> of a dam on the Menchum River, not far from the site of another project
>> (The
>> Ring Road) whose construction he also pledged to supervised only months
>> into
>> his now 35-year reign. The big problem with telling lies is that the
>> teller
>> has to remember them.
>> The regime reminds the abused spouse that the "marriage certificate" was
>> based not just on democracy – pure and simple – but "in the model of
>> democracy which I (the abusive spouse) have proposed". Go figure what
>> this
>> "model of democracy" means! Is it about upholding only those parts of the
>> Constitution that serve the dictatorship? Why has Mr. Biya's regime not
>> implement the current Constitution, 20 years since it was adopted in
>> 1996?
>> "La Republique du Cameroun" has notably failed to hold a dialogue
>> envisaged
>> in the hope of saving the union of the Cameroons under a 2009 ruling by a
>> court accredited to the African Union. The regime is so abusive it won't
>> even abide by the court orders to hold a dialogue with the abused spouse
>> within 180 days.
>> Mr. Biya lacks credibility to point an accusing finger at Southern
>> Cameroonians. Why is it okay for the president to resurrect "La
>> Republique"
>> dead and buried on 1 October 1961 and not okay for the spouse to raise
>> from
>> the death Southern Cameroons?
>> Truth be told. President Biya – not Southern Cameroonians - is the
>> hostage
>> of a few, manipulated regime and party extremists. Their only job over
>> the
>> past 35 years has consisted of shielding the "absentee tenant of Etoudi
>> Palace" from coming face-to-face with the ugly reality of misery,
>> poverty,
>> hopelessness and despair that nearly four decades of his misrule has
>> visited
>> on the peoples of the Cameroons. The extremists include Prof. Fame
>> Ndongo,
>> who has never stopped undermining the Anglo-Saxon system of education.
>> Extremists like Paul Atanga Nji who deny the existence of any problem.
>> Extremists and "agents provocateurs" like Premier Yang, who descended on
>> Buea and Bamenda, looking for a crowd to rent to "Dimabola" for the
>> regime.
>> The extremists include those who violated students, "disappeared" and
>> killed
>> demonstrators. Extremists like those who chased leaders of teachers' and
>> lawyers' trade unions in the closing days of 2016 in the hope of signing
>> a
>> deal lifting their strikes. Unable to reach a deal, the regime's
>> extremists
>> simply "cooked" one up.
>> What else could it be called but playing desperado? Plain. Simple.
>> Mr. Biya was defiant, warning no doubt that his regime will not retreat
>> into
>> a hole. However, the regime dropped a heavy hint that it could be waving
>> the
>> white flag. At his discretion, Mr. Biya says he may convene discussions
>> on
>> the same problems extremists within claim do not exist.
>> The dust in Southern Cameroons won't settle until a deal is reached.
>> Southern Cameroonians are only getting started. They won't stop
>> mobilizing
>> until they win self-rule. The regime can work for a bargain or it can
>> play
>> ostrich, hiding behind empty slogans like "ONE and INDIVISIBLE". History
>> is
>> full of the story of countries that once claimed exactly the same bull
>> yet
>> could not prevent the birth of new nations. The people of Southern
>> Cameroons
>> are a different people from those of "La Republique du Cameroun". They
>> have
>> a right to self-determination that cannot be denied by Yaounde. The march
>> to
>> freedom and self-rule can't be stopped. Certainly, "La Republique du
>> Cameroun" is "ONE and INDIVISIBLE". But so, too, Southern Cameroons is
>> "ONE
> --
> Doctorat/PhD (Communication de Masse), Mastaire ès Lettres
> Spécialisation Journalisme, Postgraduate Diploma in French, Diplôme
> de Traducteur-Interprète, Diplôme de Professeur de Français Langue
> Etrangère, Certificado de Profesor de la Lengua Española, Cambridge
> Certificate of Proficiency in English.
> Institute of Vocational and Professional Training
> The Blue Campus
> Entrance Opposite Infinity Building
> Health Centre Street
> Sosoliso-Molyko
> P.O. Box 1572 Molyko Post Office
> Buea
> Republic of Cameroon
> TEL: (237) 68289 1407 (Office)
> (237) 67720 3801 (Student Welfare Officer
> (237) 67701 3064 (Dean of Studies)
> (237) 6732 4352 President & Board Chairman
> ------------------------------------
> African Journal of Social Sciences (AJOSS)
> Faculty of Management and Social Sciences
> University of Buea
> International Journal of Resource & Environmental Management (IJREM)
> Faculty of Management and Social Sciences
> University of Buea
> ------------------------------------
> Lecturer of Mass Communication
> Saint Monica University
> (The American International University)
> Buea-Cameroon
> ----------------------------------------
> [Enseignant Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme (ESJ) Paris / Ecole
> Supérieure de Gestion (ESG) Douala / Institut Universitaire du Golfe
> de Guinée - Douala]
> ------------------------------------
> Private Post Box 1572
> Molyko Post Office
> Buea
> South West Region
> Cameroon
> PRIVATE TEL (237) 69996 8663


Doctorat/PhD (Communication de Masse), Mastaire ès Lettres
Spécialisation Journalisme, Postgraduate Diploma in French, Diplôme
de Traducteur-Interprète, Diplôme de Professeur de Français Langue
Etrangère, Certificado de Profesor de la Lengua Española, Cambridge
Certificate of Proficiency in English.


Institute of Vocational and Professional Training
The Blue Campus
Entrance Opposite Infinity Building
Health Centre Street
P.O. Box 1572 Molyko Post Office
Republic of Cameroon

TEL: (237) 68289 1407 (Office)
(237) 67720 3801 (Student Welfare Officer
(237) 67701 3064 (Dean of Studies)
(237) 6732 4352 President & Board Chairman
African Journal of Social Sciences (AJOSS)
Faculty of Management and Social Sciences
University of Buea

International Journal of Resource & Environmental Management (IJREM)
Faculty of Management and Social Sciences
University of Buea
Lecturer of Mass Communication
Saint Monica University
(The American International University)
[Enseignant Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme (ESJ) Paris / Ecole
Supérieure de Gestion (ESG) Douala / Institut Universitaire du Golfe
de Guinée - Douala]
Private Post Box 1572
Molyko Post Office
South West Region

PRIVATE TEL (237) 69996 8663


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