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Monday, January 2, 2017

Re: [camnetwork] A proposed unified Leadership structure for Southern Cameroons--- President, Speaker and Chief Justice of the Congress --- [1 Attachment]


This is just a preview of the tribal division we'd see in Southern Cameroon assuming we were so see that la-la land.. This is about the 3rd SC governing  structure being circulated.. The 1st one is that of the SC octegenerian Fon. Forgi  Dinka of widikum, NW who's based in Cameroon..  His Royal Highness Dinka has already chosen his P.M and even made his cabinet.. The other faction is led by Dr. Ébenizer Akwanga, young Bakweri, SW asylee hiding in MD, USA who's already assumed his position as Prez. Of Rep. of Ambazonia. Dr. Akwanga has been sending  serious threats to Fon. Dicka (his appellation) to take flight b4 him (Dr. Akwanga) the true leader arrives Ambazonia for official swearing in ceremony.. Now U have this new breed more "democratic" I guess, fighting as the United wing of Ambazonia out of diaspora. I assume there are other secret wings out there who have a "better" way fwd for SC. Some of us have posited that given history of secession, an independent SC will bring that zone years behind due to tribal and regional wars. Anyone who doubt my take should look at Southern Sudan that succeeded Sudan just few yrs ago, they're now a war torn country bcs  of factional divides.. Seeking a solution to the anglophone pb within a United CMR would dislodged the latent NW/SW schism or other sectarianism conflicts that could ensue.. Many SC Separatist often maintain this Ostrich mentality that they are good at keeping their houses in order.. If we cannot keep our houses in order now when order is needed the most  hw can we be orderly later??.

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On Jan 2, 2017, at 2:31 PM, Jean-Bosco Tagne [camnetwork] <> wrote:

[Attachment(s) from Jean-Bosco Tagne included below]

Commoooon NOW mon BEAU!

Where is my brother's name? kenneh kenneh Kenneth John B Fou Ndeh should be part of this after what he did at his Viking Center. So paawce should not also be reunited with the others you named? That is already DIVISION...

What about my great friend Ebini the Shey Sessekou? Was thinking that after what the Rev JJ Awas did at the UN his name should be on the flyer...not in the mail. He should be on the flyer...

Anyway, was simply herring ... Will come if I am around town. The Rev pick me up so we can ride together please to the Hampton...


On Monday, January 2, 2017 2:13 PM, "Herbert Boh [camnetwork]" <> wrote:

[Attachment(s) from Herbert Boh included below]

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