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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Re: Fwd: [cameroon_politics] Fw: [AFOaKOM] Another Strategy; The COMMONWEALTH CARD

By Tem Martin

One of the ways to solve a problem is to go back to the roots to trace where the problem arose and why it arose.
We have most of the time exposed how the problem manifests itself but we have not taken time to really pin point where the problem came from.

I have decided to give a historical cause of this problem. It will enable us to appraise it and see how to give a definitive solution to it or to keep trying to "raise the dead" or better still play the ostrich.

Permit me to point out the fact that, Southern Cameroons and La Republique du Cameroon are not in a "cam-we-stay" marriage as many people have said. Many of the UN trust territories gained independence just like Southern Cameroons gained theirs by joining La Republique in a plebiscite. The reasons for the problems will be given later.

As a matter of fact, there are many cam-we-stay unions that are more admirable than some legally contracted unions because the basis for understanding exist. So our problem is not that of the illegality of the union but rather that of a mismatch.

It is important to note that after the WWI, all the countries that fought the war on the side of the Triple Alliance, also known as the Triplice which was a secret agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary that fought alongside in World War I.
On the other hand, the triple entente was a merger between the Russian Empire, the French Third Republic, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland after the signing of the Anglo-Russian Entente on 31 August 1907.
All the losers in the war lost their colonies to their opponents which administered under the League of Nations as mandated territories or League of Nations mandates. When the League of nations was replaced by the United Nations Organisation, these mandated territories become United Nations Trust Territories administered through the United Nations Trusteeship Council.

Germany was one of these nations that had to lose its colonies in Africa. Thus Kamerun was a cake that was split into two between France and Britain. Britain took a small portion to administer alongside with Nigeria while France took their work seriously with their own portion.

Let's just make a review of the United Nations Trust Territories, when we come to the Cameroonian case, you will be able to see where the seed for the divide was sown. It did not manifest itself immediately but from that day, the seed for the divide was sown.

Let's restate the fact that the United Nations trust territories were the successors of the remaining League of Nations mandates, and came into being when the League of Nations ceased to exist in 1946. All of the trust territories were administered through the United Nations Trusteeship Council. The one territory not turned over was South-West Africa. It eventually gained independence in 1990 as Namibia.
Let's do a quick listing of the trust territories and how they gained independence.
• The Territory of New Guinea (Australia): The north-eastern section of this island had been a League of Nations mandate, the south-eastern section had been Australian before World War I; after World War II, the two were combined into a unified entity for administrative purposes, although the legal distinction between the Territory of Papua and the Territory of New Guinea was maintained. In 1975, the two entities were legally unified and granted independence as Papua New Guinea. The western half of the island, formerly Dutch and now part of Indonesia, was never part of either territory.
• The Trust Territory of Ruanda-Urundi (Belgium, effectively linked to the Belgian Congo): Separately gained independence in 1962 as Rwanda and Burundi.
• The Trust Territory of Tanganyika (United Kingdom): Granted independence in 1961. Federated with the former British protectorate Zanzibar in 1964 to form Tanzania.
• The Trust Territory of Togoland under French administration (French Togoland): Became independent as Togo in 1960.
• The Trust Territory of Togoland under British administration (British Togoland): Much smaller than French Togoland, this territory was merged in 1956 with the British colony of the Gold Coast, which was granted independence as Ghana in 1957.
• The Trust Territory of Western Samoa (New Zealand): Granted independence in 1962, now known simply as Samoa.

• The Trust Territory of the Cameroons under FRENCH ADMINISTRATION (French Cameroons): Achieved independence as the Republic of Cameroon in 1960.
• The Trust Territory of the Cameroons under BRITISH ADMINISTRATION (British Cameroons): Somewhat smaller than the French Cameroons, this territory was administered in two parts (Northern Cameroons and Southern Cameroons). Following a plebiscite, Northern Cameroons became part of Nigeria in May 1961 and Southern Cameroons joined the Republic of Cameroon in October 1961.

I used capital letters above to draw your attention to one of the causes of the divide between Southern Cameroon and La Republique du Cameroon.
Many of the other trust territories like British Togoland, Tanganyi gained independence by joining Ghana. We have not heard much about them in the news like Southern Cameroon and La Republique because they all had the same administering body – Britain. They had the same cultural heritage. The same applies for New Guinea and Papua that became Papua New Guinea, look at the case of Tanganyika and Zanzibar becoming Tanzania. We don't hear much about them.
Let's come right home, look at Northern Cameroon gaining independence by joining the Federal Republic of Nigeria, we don't hear much wahala from that end.

Why is it that there is a lot of wahala between the merger of Southern Cameroon and La Republique du Cameroon?
The British Southern Cameroons inherited a culture from Britain, which is the anglo saxon culture whereas La Republique du Cameroon inherited a different culture from France which is the French culture. That it why Cameroon is said to be a bilingual, bi-jural and bi-cultural society. Interestingly enough, these two cultural differences seemed to have refused to blend after over 50 years. One of the main reasons why the tower of Babel was not completed was because the people could not understand each other. The cultural differences made their work together pernicious because no matter how much you try, your partner did not understand you leading to frustration.

Another problem has been the issue of population. La Republique has a population of almost 4/5 of the country meanwhile the Southern Cameroons population is only about 1/5. So it has introduced the concept of superiority and inferiority. Even the land surface has the same discrepancies in size.

Watching an interview granted by Foncha in 1995, he explained how the Cameroon Bank which was a Southern Cameroon initiative helping to build the economy of Southern Cameroon was destroyed by the Ahidjo regime. He explained the systematic destruction of the marketing board and any other economic empowering agencies that made sense to Southern Cameroons. This was done to make sure that the minority should remain a beggar from the majority.

Because the former president worked hard to destroy the federal system, it also led to the destruction of values southern Cameroonians hold dear leading to discontent. The destruction of the federal system meant that you cannot protect 'your own thing'. It gave excessive powers to one person to dictate everything from his stand point with total disregard to what you think.
The change from Federal Republic of Cameroon to United Republic of Cameroon and finally La Republique du Cameroon showed that the minority was not important. Let's go back to our former status. It has cause the discontent in the minority who are also seeking to go back to their original status before 1961.

All the other problems we see in our country are stemming from the fact that the union between the two entities lacked uniformity in values, cultures and understanding for each entity. With this lack of understanding, many other issues have manifested themselves.

Permit me borrow a rule in real estate here. In real estate, the say three things give value to a piece of land. Here are the three things: 1. Location. 2. Location. 3. Location. In other words the most important thing in determining the value of a land is just one thing – LOCATION.
Equally in marriage, it is said that to enhance understanding in marriage there are three very important principles to put in place. 1. Communication. 2. Communication. 3. Communication.
I have a one point suggestion to the resolution of the wahala between Southern Cameroon and La Republique du Cameroon.
To resolve the Southern Cameroon or the Anglophone Problem:
1. Dialogue (sincere and tolerant dialogue)
2. Dialogue (with no intention to manipulate)
3. Dialogue (with the notion that everyone wants to be treated with dignity.)
In a dialogue there often comes a win-win situation. We don't need a win-lose, or lose-win. We need a win-win. Win-win means, you win and I also win. Everybody should come out as a winner. No one should feel like a loser.
Interestingly enough in a dialogue, people can agree to agree or they can agree to disagree agreeably.
In cases where dialogue fails, people decide to take their own steps that will satisfy their own demands in their own way.
Let us not allow that extreme to come in. Let us give dialogue a chance.
God Loves You Unconditionally,
Receive His Love and Blossom!

Tem Martin
SWR Rep. Of Cameroon,
P.O. Box 352 Buea.
Tel: 0023775647979
Buy His Books Online:

On Sunday, 1 January 2017, 11:12, 'Greig Batey' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Why are people afraid to sign posting they put up on social media?.
Cowards die several times before their dying day. pathetic.
Pa Batey Greig.

From: Betockvoices The voiceless Farmer <>
Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2017 3:32 AM
Subject: Fwd: [cameroon_politics] Fw: [AFOaKOM] Another Strategy; The COMMONWEALTH CARD

Walters wrote: "Happy new year to fellow Southern Cameroonians. This post has been inspired by some of the comments I read after the President's speech. Many, including most social media activists, appear to be engaged in a struggle whose nature they do not understand. The driving force of this struggle so far has been the determination and sense of onenes of the people. Our greatest threat at the moment is not the regime, but the absence of a unified leadership. Without such a leadership, we would simply be wasting our time and energy fighting for a lost cause. I am surprised that Southern Cameroonians were expecting Paul Biya to come out and tell us that Cameroon is now a federal country or that Southern Cameroon was free to go her separate way. Hahaha. It has never happened before. The fruits of a liberation struggle are not automatic. In one of my early posts, I warned against too much excitement and the danger that this could cause the struggle. In another post - 20th December - I expressed my worries about the different and, sometimes, conflicting messages we were receiving from different groups involved in the struggle and the danger that this posed to our unity. Many are yet to understand the nature of a liberation struggle, especially of the non-violent kind in which we are now engaged. It should be an on and off affair because, for the sake of our children, there must be some semblance of normal life. Strategies must be worked out. Boycotts of events such as 11th February, 20th May and so on. Refusal to cooperate, especially when that corporation is needed most by our oppressor. Strikes at appropriate moments. Above all, there should be a focused leadership. Bear in mind that your attempt to gain your freedom is a threat to another person's 'freedom' to keep you under his or her control and to exploit you. How many prominent Francophones have come out in the open to deny that there is an Anglophone problem? Even some Anglophones have maintained that there is no Anglophone problem. But, all the evidence is there to prove that such a problem exists. This means that these denials stem from fear of losing something. What have we achieved so far? 1) Southern Cameroonians are more united than ever, since 1972. This unity is one of the greatest threats to the regime, which has always planted divisions among Anglophones. 2) The sensitisation has been a huge success. Even inhabitants of the most remote parts of Southern Cameroon know that we've been relegated by the regime to the status of second class citizens. 3)We've succeeded to identify the in-house enemies, fellow Southern Cameroonians who, for selfish reasons, have taken sides with the oppressor. What next? The real struggle begins now. All is set, but for the fact that the bandwagon cannot take off. We do not yet have a unified leadership. We do not yet have a spokesperson. There is the CONSORTIUM that was created to coordinate the strike. The very people who acknowledge the existence of a CONSORTIUM are the very ones who take their next move without consulting this body. So, why should we keep on deceiving ourselves? If you want to use a liberation struggle to project yourself, then you are as much of an enemy to the struggle as is the oppressor. An All Anglophone Conference (AAC III) is now a matter of urgency. Calls for this conference fell on deaf ears. We can't ignore these calls again. It's only from this body that we can select the best of the best to lead us in our struggle."
On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 11:57 AM, Francis Njung [cameroon_politics] <cameroon_politics@> wrote:

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "peter bruce [AFOaKOM]" <>
To: "" <>
Cc: Cameroon Politics <cameroon_politics@yahoogroups .com>; SouthernCameroon <southerncameroon@yahoogroups. com>; Dalfcamnet Group <>; Spm <>; Charles Taku <>; George Achu <>; Njousi Abang <>; Anyangwe Carlson <>; Valentine Nke <>; Pa Fru Ndeh <>; Post Newspaper <>; Thestarheadlines <>; HerbertBoh <>; Martin Yembe <>; Edenmedia <>; CHO AYABA <>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>; Human Rights <>; Christiane Badgley <>; Christopher Ekom <>; Jaff Bamendjo <>; Kateu Jacques <>; L'Effort Camerounais <> ; Chris FOMUNYOH <>; Conac Cameroon <>; Bernard Achu <>; Nche ZAMA <>
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2016 9:56 AM
Subject: [AFOaKOM] Another Strategy; The COMMONWEALTH CARD

Attn: Southern Cameroonians in the Diaspora
Dear Komrades,
I trust this message meets you doing just fine.
Lets all keep figuring out strategies that could mount pressure on la republique.
Herewith another strategy we in the diaspora could consider;
Folks based in capital cities where the political power lies, i wish to encourage them to visit the following embassies; South Africa, Nigeria, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ghana etc... and other influencial Commonwealth countries and try to meet the Ambassadors or Consular General for a one-on-one talks on the recent events showing pictures and videos. There might have been some actions taken at the Commonwealth HQs already but we are not seeing or still to see any consequences. Its all about putting pressure.
Why is this important?
1. la republique became a commonwealth member bc of Ambazonia.
2. The same values that trigered la republique's acceptance into the union are the same values under attack.
3. la republique is the most disrespectful memberstate of the union with a President who does not give a damn by actively participating during Heads of Govt Meetings but the same person has always been omnipresent during francophonie meetings.
4. The way la republique's govt treats the citizens of Southern Cameroons is not different from the way this same govt interacts with Commonwealth issues.
Fact; when govt talks down to a Hon. MP from Southern Cameroons using phrases like "your people are the ones who came to us (la republique)" or another phrase like "que-est que vous allez faire?" they are not only talking down to Southern Cameroons, they are equally talking down to Commonwealth itself. They do not only mean that desperate Southern Cameroons came to join them, they equally imply that it is the Commonwealth that came to them.
Do your and let these Diplomats from Commonwealth member countries have to understand the points above. How could the Commonwealth be quiet when a member territory suffers from inhumane treatment?
5. Let them understand that la republique's membership is just a scam because the english speaking regions get little or no benefits from the commonwealth since everything is diverted to la republique e.g. how many anglophones have been awarded scholarships from the commonwealth scheme compared to francophones? The flip side of the story is to know how many anglophones are beneficiaries of scholarships from the so called Francophonie if it even exist?
The idea is that, after talking to the various Ambassadors, we expect them to report back to their various govts so that these govts would in turn be the ones to push for a review of la republiques membership in the union else the anglo saxon values will continue to be undermind or their contribitions to the union to foster anglo saxon values would continue to be diverted for purposes that contrary to their values.
Its clear that some of the Ambassadors might not react, or they might refer you to their counterparts based in Yaounde but believe me that some would do something if they really understand what la republique is all about.
Think about a scenerio where the Commonwealth starts questioning la republiques membership or better still to eject it off the union. Just envisage the kind of political ramifications this will triger. To be brief, my opinion is that the Ambazonia Republic would have been indirectly anointed if the Commonwealth of nations play fair game.
I have forwarded this suggestion to friends in Canada for consideration. I have also been urging them to make use of the PM & La Rep. Head of Govt Philemon Yang recent past since he served for more than two decades as la republiques top diplomat in Canada and he should be well known in Canadian diplomatic circles. Therefore, it suffice just to singly print out those horrific pictures on A4 sheets for clearer view and distribute them to embassies in Ottawa and telling them that all the atrocities are taking place under the watch of their former colleague now la republique's Head of Govt.
Bottom line, lets use all the resources at over disposal. If these suggestion makes any sense, kindly forward to others who might not be members of this house.
Stay tuned!
We keep in touch.


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