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Sunday, January 1, 2017


Dear Compatriots of West Cameroon.

The truth about 2016 was that 31st December 2016 was the deadline to
decide if La Republique du Cameroun recognizes the Union in any Level
as it holds on National Unity, One and Indivisible Cameroon but Mr,
Paul Biya the President of La Republique played with words like a
Literature Teacher in his Classroom.
Nevertheless he made mention of those who fought for National Unity
meaning there was an agenda that brought the two entities together.
Today is the 1st of January 2017 and I want to speech as a Civil
Society Consultant from Ndian Division in West Cameroon that time has
come when this issue is no More Lawyers and Teachers of the English
Speaking Cameroonians.
I thought the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium was really
a Civil Society Driven Platform not knowing it was for Lawyers and
Teachers Trade Unions. Why then do we keep on decieving ouselves with
deceitful words like "Civil Society" when its a professional
Consortium, unrepresented and underrepresented by concerned actors.
To this note, I am of full bid that The Consortium should no longer
Represent the West Cameroon since the issue is no more Teachers and
Lawyers Concern.
We are all Aware that the Bishops of South West and North West Region
wrote a letter to the La Republique President who finally termed it as
a group of "Manipulated Extremists".
Leadership is what we Need Now not Professional Representation. Let
the Ambazonia Administration Called for all Political Parties, Civil
Society, Religious Leaders, Trade Unions and Opinion Leaders in West
Cameroon so that we can meet in Buea and then to Bamenda to discuss
issues and draft Memos to Submit at the United Nations, Africa Union
and other International Institutions Against La Republique du
La Republique du Cameroun is looking forward to extinct the Culture,
People and Leaders of La republique with its Brutal Forces of Law and
Order which he reiterated in his Speech.
Before they continue to use the Consortium as Spokesperson of the West
Cameroon People, we have to first of All Use the available
Communication Means to Address a Final letter of Self Administration
with Copies sent to the United Nations, African Union, Diplomatic
Missions and to International Courts for Illegal Occupation of the
West Cameroon,, Torture, Detention, Murder and Disappearance to West
Cameroon Leaders that La republique is targeting to do or Die.
Finally, We have to send Letters to our Chiefs and Fons to Stop
attending meetings called for by La Republique Administrators at all
levels. I will draft and circulate letters to all Chiefs, Mayors,
Parliamentarians, Pastors and other Community Based Organization
leaders to this effect but before doing this I must be certain that
the Consortium has been reorganized to include all Community Leaders
or the Ambazonia government Officially Making Physical Communiques
indicating their Presence to Preside over Meetings towards the
Solution we require.
There is in Compatibility Between La Republique du Cameroun and West
Cameroun. Biya Made his point very Clear and did no Mention of his
intentions to embrace Federation in terms of the National Unity he
Assumes. Ndian Division shall not continue to be a Manner Field for
Perpetrators and I will do all even to PAY with my BLOOD to Secure the
Borders of Ndian Division which Mr. Biya is planning to divide and
make Regions out of it!!! Divide and Rule even in his grave near
Let us Prove to Him that There is Nothing Else to Discuss with Him
without the United nations, Britain Etc...

Itoe Francis Ebongue
Civil Society Consultants

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