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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

La Republique du Cameroun abducts Mr. Kubri Bruno Ngwa, executive member of the Southern Cameroons Parents Association at Customs Junction Bamenda


The colonial government of La Republique has struck again.


Mr. Kubri Bruno Ngwa, executive member of the Southern Cameroons Parents Association, has just been abducted at (Customs Junction), up-station Bamenda and is currently held at the judicial police station in Bamenda. Mr. Kubri recently gave an interview on BBC on the current crisis and is the second member of the Parents association to have been unlawfully arrested by the security forces of this terrorist regime. The association spokesperson, Mr. Penn Terence Khan, the vice principal of CCAST Bambili is currently held at Kondengui in Yaoundé having been abducted in Nkwen, Bamenda on the 17th of January this year. He is facing grave charges of treason and secession along with Dr. Balla, Fontem, Ayah and Mancho.

Your urgent action is needed now to prevent the unlawful transfer of Mr. Ngwa to Yaoundé where he will be tortured, mistreated and will not be able to get a fair trial. Above all we fear for his safety, for not all the abductees have been accounted for. Please act NOW. Call the authorities in charge and demand Mr. Kubri's immediate release. Meanwhile, the residents of Bamenda, and the North West are requested to storm the Judicial Police station and demand his immediate release. Enough is Enough. These arbitrary arrests of our people exercising their basic rights of free expression must STOP now. For more of information, call Mr.Pascal Ngwa: 237679209629

Prince Akere Divine Achu
(Southern Cameroons Parents Association) Consortium Stakeholder.
WhatsApp: 23767569480

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