The MoRISC SAGA : A report presented to the people of Southern Cameroons on MoRISC BY jNATHAN aWASOM

Dear Southern Cameroonians                                                                  2/1/2017   
A report presented to Southern Cameroonians following the January 21st MoRISC Conference in Washington , DC , USA in the light of the Southern Cameroons struggle
By Jonathan Fru Awasom                             
Greetings to all of you brothers and sisters in the sovereign God of freedom and love
In the true spirit of democracy and free speech, I speak only when it is absolutely necessary especially where life and death is involved. I wanted to  ignore this MORISC saga but it has dawn on  me that it must be addressed to protect our people from falling into the HOAX of MoRISC.  We must continue to teach ourselves how  to behave ourselves in a diverse "geocultural"and social environment because the germ of tyranny has definitely taken a huge toll on most Southern Cameroonians. If we want to build a nation then we must start right now practicing the principles of good governance  under the ethics of transparency and accountability.
So, I wanted to put this nightmare to rest because personally I like to choose my battles to be sure it is winnable.  They are suffering from self-inflicted injuries and it is no surprise that they have been looking for people to scapegoat It has come to my attention that some CPDM militants loyal to the evil empire of Cameroon authorities who have infiltrated the MoRISC concept are very mad at me for x-raying them! Well, it is because I know how to spot them out and have done so in the past. So, this man you are reading from is  the same man . Water no go leave stone.  I fear no evil. Thou shall not touch God's anointed says  the word of God. We cannot be all over fighting from several competing and conflicting angles granted that one's resources are very limited. The MoRISC crisis has been treated as an internal matter. I have addressed the issue with the individual concerns and I think they have understood my stance. 
My involvement and participation at MoRISC as a representative of the Confederation of British Southern Cameroons North America(CBSCNA)  was in good faith . Yes, I traveled  to DC on the 21st of January  along with 5 delegates from our less talkative but proactive group , CBSCNA,  and was looking forward to a productive meeting and outcome. It turned out otherwise. I gave a speech unsolicited because I knew  the CPDM spies were there and would stop me.When I asked to speak again during the unexpected topsy-turvy , they made sure I did not speak again because they saw me as a threat ! I wonder why MoRISC has not released the footage of the speeches to our people including mine?  Please, MoRISC I urge  you  to release that video to our people but you won't release it if  CPDM is involved.  If you can't send to me privately. I know what to do with it.
I told Mr Boh Herbert that they were putting the cart before the horse with their undemocratic and autocratic style of running the meeting. They did not heed to my advice. Even so when the place erupted like an angry volcano orchestrated by powerful women who shamed the MoRISC men for acting undemocratic and uncivilized, still I was a peacemaker with one or two others to ensure that we left peacefully. Yes, MoRISC meeting was like a house on fire and what is wrong to report the facts and truth ? If we have to build a virtuous and free society insn't it incumbent upon us to be transparent and accountable right now? The MoRISC organizers angered the people because they came to the meeting to impose a constitution and a readymade over salted MoRISC made in DC Executive Committee.
What happened is the people mounted an unusual resistance to the Morisc CPDM –like insurgency to manipulate and impose their agenda on the people. As you know this is typical of CPDM party in Cameroon. The resistance was led by women and in spite of their appeal for the MorISC entities to change their foolish mentalities, they would not liberate themselves from their old habits voting by acclamation.  How different from Paul Biya> You wonder what they want to change and whom they will change ?
In the mid of the chaos the MoRISC leaders, some of them who are CPDM agents like Kenneth Fru Ndeh and Chia Innocent held the microphone hostage and had learned the art of stage management. What this means is they would hand over the microphone only to one of theirs to attempt to manipulate and brainwash the people to buy into their mediocrity. Unfortunately, they failed. They people were firm and of course the CPDM gang at the meeting were pushing  their corrupt agenda forward.
Folks, how can MoRisc ORGANIZE a conference and at the sametime would not allow  the conference participants to decide how they want to run the show? The first item on their imposed agenda after prayers was  to force everyone to adopt the MoRISC constitution in which they stated that " MoRISC was an umbrella organization … registered as a Political Party…" . This alarmed the authentic delegates and behold hell broke loose against which backdrop the goose chase began. They was no chairperson elected , no minutes secrecy and no designated MC for the day. It was damn disorganized and all the MoRISC leaders were on stage. I thought it was quite an absurdity of the 21st century granted that we are enjoying the ideals of liberty, freedom and democracy here in the USA. I thought they would offer the best.
Let me be frank .  I will explain why.  In my personal demeanor, I am a unifier. It is the way I function because  the idea that " unity  is strength" cannot be overlabored  since it is an old saying.  We are not reinventing the wheels.  We are simply not able to swallow what has been chewed and given to us to swallow. Please, think about what this messenger of truth is saying.  However, the stupid idea  that " Cameroon is one and indivisible" is an immoral frame of reference  for the Pro-MORISC fanatics who have not understood that  " unity is strength" does not entail uniting under the absence of transparency and accountability. When we talk about unity, we mean business . There are values and principles by which we abide and must serve as a moral compass in the pursuit of  the cherished ideal of building a united front and leadership structure for the struggle. Those who think that they can manipulate others in the same manner that CPDM  party does in Cameroon  must have been  in for a rude awakening.
I do not spare the rod and spoil the child. Get this into your CPDM numbskulls. You never give up. We know that but how funny you want us to give up  when you are not giving up ? Is it that when people are CPDM they don't reason again?  CPDM people never change. You are all over North America and Europe. When authentic people organize "their thing "you carry that your bad luck CPDM blood money and invade the place. Your masters at home and here corrupt many of you who come as wolves in sheep clothing to sow seeds of hatred, division and confusion.  Who are you people fooling?  Won't it be a human sense of compassion filled with empathy if you could speak out against the regime in Cameroon you blindly and foolishly support right here in the USA than dare attack people who are trying hard to prevent the impending genocide against our people in Southern Cameroons?
I have read the first letter written to x-ray MoRISC as a Ponzi scheme. The author of that letter was  100 % correct because I remember the gentleman collecting money at the gate when I  lined up like every other person to register with $50. 00. I remember he was really concerned and if we left the meeting without a finance committee. There was no transparency and accountability to the Advisory Council that was created to oversee the MoRISC Secretariat until  the 11th of February .  Instead the MorISC loyalist composed mostly of CPDM mlitants continued to defy the Advisory Council and held another clandestine meeting in the evening of the 21st of January when we had already separated during, which they came up with their resolutions. Well, if they are already well established as a separate group why would they  give the false impression to Southern Cameroonians that  they are unifiers?  They claimed that they would not conduct any elections because they did not know who was truly sincere for fear that the wrong persons might be elected  for a hostile take over ! Well,  so what preparations were made before the meeting to resolve issues like that with the various groups ? They had not even contacted the groups and their represenatatives until we came to the meeting.  CBSCNA attempted many times to meet with the MoRISC people but they were very evasive. We reached out to them and they would not cooperate. They also  established their resolutions long before the first Advisory Council met !  MoRISC has a serious problem .  I will be very careful.
I was pleased to meet folks I have been chatting with  online and had not met them in person. I am referring to Boh Herbert and Christmas Ebini , and many more. I also reconnected with some classmates like Billy Mukoi and many others whose name I choose not to disclose. It was a warm welcome and I thought well about being there but when it came to real business, everyone seemed focused and serious. I am bound to say that the MoRISC idea to organize people and all  Southern Cameroons groups was a great one. That is so far the only good thing about it. They brought us together because we had and still have a common problem that ought to unite us to form a great team of unity and develop strategies to work together. Did they succeed?  NO. Why not ?  Since I am not writing an academic paper , I will simply report what happened and how I feel about it with some recommendations. If we came together it is because we all believe in unity.  Look at it ,MoRISC is just another new group fighting to establish itself as a political party. So, why deceive people to come together when they were not honest?
Recommendations to help MoRISC   with their self-inflicted injuries. They cannot blame someone else for their behavior and should act like the Biya's regime who is blaming the victims. They must swallow their bloated egos and grow up.

  1. We are in a very tough place in life. I will recommend that individuals MUST stop  making  the struggle about a race to the first place  and let us focus on the strategies and methods that will help  us overcome the evil facing us now.  In order words let us get serious and stop the  reality TV show business. 
  2. The MoRISC have their freedom to constitute themselves as another group fighting for whatever they are fighting for . Therefore, they MUST stop  lying  that they are a supreme commander of all other groups because they are empty  vessels that make the loudest noise.  MoRISC is just fighting for name recognition but that is not what matters in this struggle to   end the evil against our people
  3. MoRISC must stop perpetrating false hopes to the suffering and desperate people of Southern Cameroons by pushing a reckless foreign policy agenda that is not well thought out. I had advised that  we cannot declare any independence , yet without a new UN resolution from the UN General Assembly. The tendency of citing all resolution to back an action of a declaration of independence has failed in the past. Therefore, it is not smart to indulge in such an action again. It is useful to cite an old resolution but that must be only to enable the establishment of a new one. For instance UN GEN Resolution 1608 XV( 5) is a case in point. There are deadly consequences in pursuing a declaration when we are not fully prepared because the Biya ' regime will exploit that to kill. I will not be silent to see innocent people misled by opportunists in the Diaspora.
  4. In order for MorISC to even get legitimacy, it must purge itself of all the CPDM notorious spies like Kenneth Fru Ndeh. How can you take the son of a Minister under Biya to talk to me about people dying in Southern Cameroon when he is heir to his father's ill gotten wealth living at large here in the USA?
  5. Any blood money that CPDM has donated to MoRISC in order to use them to cause confusion and betray our path towards resolving this problem should be taken back to the source. We need money but our goal of coming to DC was not to fight over donations.
  6. MoRISC must set up an independent auditory body  look into the money we raised together ,which has been taken hostage by the MoRISC people
  7.  MoRISC should apologize publicly for their bad behavior and fast for two days for God to forgive them and change their autocratic and undemocratic mentalities if they are even serious
  8. I will caution anybody dealing with MoRISC to be extremely careful because  of the involvement  of the Cameroon authorities  there. One or two people may  be serious but again,  be very careful.
Jonathan Awasom


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