Fwd: Breaking News! Southern Cameroons(Ambazonia) pressure Groups Create United Front to Restore Statehood


3/1/17, 7:19:23 AM: ‪+1 (717) 659‑4382‬: Breaking News!

Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) Pressure Groups Create United Front to Restore Statehood:

The drive towards the total restoration of the statehood of the Southern Cameroons has scored the biggest victory of all times. About all the organizations previously scattered across the world with separate and sometimes contradictory positions on what should be good for the people and how the objective could be attained, have all come together under one umbrella to henceforth speak in the same language.

The leaders of the SCNC, SCAPO, Republic of Ambazonia, The Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium - CACSC,  MoRISC, Southern Cameroons South Africa Forum, Southern Cameroonians in Nigeria - SCINGA and the Ambazonia  Governing Council agreed to form a new body bringing everyone together to carry out tough actions for clear results.

After four days of deliberations, from the 23rd to the 26th of February, the leaders declared the creation of the Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia Consortium United Front, SCACUF and agreed to henceforth be referred to as Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia). The leaders put in place the structures of a permanent secretariat with head office Buea and branches abroad, agreeing to man the various organs in the days ahead.

Going forward, SCACUF unanimously adopted the image of Barrister Nkongho Frlix Agbor Balla, President of the Consortium as the face of the entire struggle, and then endorsed Tassang Wilfred Fombang and Barrister Eyambe Elias Ebai of the same Consortium to be their mouth piece with the mandate to continue to direct the ongoing struggle on the home front.

Other key decisions include the proscription of the CPDM (RDPC) party and its affiliates all over the territory of Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) as terrorist and money laundering organizations sponsored by La Republique du Cameroun, with immediate effect, the outlawing of any elections organized by La Republique du Cameroun, the beginning of preparations towards the official declaration of the statehood of Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) in the days ahead and the recruitment of an international law Firm, the Foley Hoag International Law Firm to commence legal proceedings against La Republique du Cameroun and individuals in her government in the appropriate jurisdiction for crimes against humanity and genocide.

Details can be found in the official declaration that has been released this March 1, 2017.


Long Live Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons, West Cameroon)

Julius Achamukong
To deny a People their human rights is to challenge their very humanity (Nelson Mandela)

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