Mark Baretanews: The 5 basis of restoration and independence of Southern Cameroons


The 5 bases for the restoration and independence of Southern Cameroons

1. The UNO resolution 1608( 5) of April 21st 1961 supports the sovereignty of Southern Cameroons. The resolution stated that the government of la republique du Cameroun and the government of Southern Cameroons would come together to determine their destiny in terms of their relationship. It refers to two different people. We were never destined to be a united republic at all.

2. The question was taken up by a plebiscite on October 1st 1961 when the Southern part of Cameroon voted to join La Reoublique on the basis of Federation. The northrmern part of Cameroon voted to join Nigeria. That is why we are called Southern Cameroons. Then, following the joining on the basis of Federation a two states federation was established which means we joined La Republique as two separate people with equal rights and self -derermination as enshrined inti the UN Charter 1,article 1 & 2. However , due to bad faith Ahidjo staged another plebiscite in 1972 involving Francophones which dissolved the two states federal structure. The UNO should not have allowed such a cynical plebicite because it violated the terms of Resolutions 1608(5) of April 21st and October 1st 1961. The crux of the matter is the 1972 dissolution of the two states claiming a unitary state( United Republic) instead under a one party system was a fraud and corruption perpetrated by an agenda of annexation,annihilation and plunder of Southern Cameroons ' riches

3. The UNO officials dispatched to Yaounde by the UN Secretary General presented two maps to the dictator Paul Biya on May 20th, 2010 depicting the two separate federal states as it were which are la republique du cameroun and Southern Cameroons. The two maps are a gift of history to Southern Cameroons as a piece of substantive evidence.

4. All the UNO documents on the history of German ,French and British Cameroon from 1884 to 1961 bear Southern Cameroons and la republique du Cameroun.There is no UNO document that officially and legitimately bears another in association with Cameroons .

5. The UNO charter, chapter 1 ,article 1 & 2 states that the UN seeks to establish friendly relations among nations based on the principle of equal rights and . self- determination of people against colonization. The Southern Cameroons is entitled to this principle because we Southern Cameroonians are fighting off recolonization wrapped up in marginalization. We are first of all recolonized by La republique du Cameroun in 1972 and perfected through marginalizaton by successive generations of la republique du Cameroun officials in connivance with a handfull of Southern Cameroonians.

6. The current UN Secretary General , Hon Antonio Guterres addressed the UN Special Committee on Decolonization on 22 February, 2017 and reiterated that the UN was committed to ending the colonization of 17 territories. He stated that " when the Special Committee was established in 1962 the United Nations had 110 Member States . Today ,there are 193 and most of the new states were former colonies. The Special Commiittee has played a vital role in that process faithfully discharging its General Assembly mandate.Despite this significance progress ,17 territories( Southern Cameroons is not mentioned,though) remain Non - self Governing Territories. We want to reaffirm the commitment of this Special Committee to assist each Tertitory in finding an appropriate format and timing for the completion of its decolonization process ,taking into account the Territory ' s particular circumstances. Achieving that goal requires proactive and sustained engagement by all parties involved- the administering powers ,the peoples of non- Self Governing Territories ,the United Nations and other stakeholders."


We have outlined the logical flow of the history of Southern Cameroons which gives us a strong diplomatic ammunition with which to build our case. It should be noted that the Administering power of former British Cameroons was Great Britain under UN Trusteeship.
La Republique du Cameroun was never designated as an administrator of the tertitory of Southern Cameroons.

Also, Southern Cameroons was a UN member state in 1962 out of the 110 after we became a two separate states federation on October 1st 1961.
The sad comnentary is, La Republique du Cameroun appears to speak and represent Southern Cameroons at the UN ,which is wrong because our seat at the UN has been vacant/ empty since 1972 when La Republique recolonized Southern Cameroons.
Therefore ,the UN Secretary General has the power in good faith to order la republique out of Southern Cameroons. The particular circumstances require us to seek international support for the enforcement of the UN resolutions as well as a resolution condeming the 1972 fake plebiscite that let to the dissolution of the two states federal structure. The resolution should focus on total submission to our equal rights to self - determination and self - rule that comes with self determinstion.

In fact , the presence of La Republique in Southern Cameroons is bizarre and mind boggling. There is no UN measure anywhere that authorizes la republique to administer Southern Cameroons. We should remember that Southern Cameroons leaders who were deceived by Ahidjo in 1972 finally denounced the forceful union of Southern Cameroons with la republique du Cameroun.

Thank you all for reading .Share the facts and diplomatic logic and potential legal implications

Jonathan Awasom


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