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Friday, March 31, 2017

Re: Why Southern Cameroonian SDF militants must resign and reject the SDF Party and NEC : Your own sacrifice for freedom

Mr Awasum

Do you remember this?

                 01/09/2010 WASHINGTON, DC , USA
                 Revised July 10, 2010 Newark,NJ,USA
                 Revised June 3, 2011 Newark ,NJ,USA

We are profoundly conscious that we Cameroonians\Africans encompass an integral part of the human race that are entitled to be free and endowed with inalienable and sacred rights within the cosmos.
We are inclined to become part of the unprecedented global "Truth Commissions" movement  in South Africa, Liberia, Kenya etc through the eyes of Prescillia Haye and former UN Secretary General, Mr Kofi Anan , which have successfully helped other nations in the process of healing, reconciliation and reconstruction to advocate for the Cameroon Truth Commission as soon as possible( CTC)
We believe in a loving God to whom we are answerable with our conscience and that all people are born free.That freedom must not be reserved for a "selected few". We are inspired by the vision of the Founding Fathers of the United States under the leadership of President Thomas Jefferson as follows; 
"That all human beings are born free and equal,  that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and

-  Mindful of more than 50 Years of corrupt tyranny and Dictatorship since Cameroon acquired a partial Independence from France and Britain; 
-  Conscious of the vast natural wealth and endowments of the lands and peaceful peoples of Cameroon ; 
-  Conscious of  the fact that the Government of Cameroon has flagrantly violated the Constitution of Cameroon in its entirety as well as usurped the inalienable and sacred rights of Cameroonians by multiple violations of the Constitution; 
- Conscious of the ungodly dictatorship cultivating and sustaining mismanagement, misinformation, misrepresentation, misdirection and underdevelopment of our nation; 
-  Granted that a free and democratic society be effective  and have a lasting impact on the civil society under good governance and  the rule of law; 
-  Disappointed by the fact that there are many Cameroonians in the Diaspora on exile and political asylum due to the extensive misdeeds of the Government of Cameroon; 
-  Inspired and strengthened by the true spirit of patriotism for our country Cameroon derived from the hunger to make life safe for all; 
- Considering the fact that it is increasingly urgent for us patriotic and concerned Cameroonians to articulate a new vision towards a free Cameroon to enable all people who are part of Cameroon to dream like others and see their dreams come true; 
-  Believing that there are other nations and people who are free and serve as an example of progress and prosperity founded on a visionary foundation; 
WE therefore Resolve: 
- To empower a new political  citizenry\leadership with patriotism, courage, wisdom and compassion to lead Cameroonians to participate in building a free Cameroon in the light of the socio-cultural ,economic and political needs of all. In that way, enhance respect for human rights and promote human dignity through justice, peace and prosperity 
- To enhance and absolutely uphold a transparent framework for the fundamental respect of human rights and freedom as a prerequisite to nation building and nationhood above all other obligations. 
- To act as an alternative movement for democracy grounded in good governance and the rule of law. 
- To adopt the vision  of the "Founding Fathers of the United States" that all human beings are born free and equal,  that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; 
- To connect, network, dialogue and mobilize Cameroonians and stakeholders around the world to support the vision of building a new Cameroon for greater possibilities and opportunities for every citizen within Cameroon regardless of origin,  ethnicity, sex, religion, language, culture and political linings. 
- To adopt the vision  for a 33 Council for a 24 months  transitional government to empower Cameroonians and stakeholders from all walks of life to invent a new political paradigm that guarantees freedom and democracy through transparency and accountability under the rule of law and Constitution. 
- To adopt a decentralized federal form of Government to enable regional participative economic and social development. 
-To create a Nation on the basis of equal Economic and Social
Justice, equal economic opportunities and African Economic Ownership & Empowerment. 
- To promote and enhance a value-based society wherein people are respected and honored on the basis of their Character and Service rather than by alien\internal Machinations of Corporate interference, personal gullibility, intellectual and psychological classism, and devaluation of self-authorship. 
- To engage in global advocacy and humanitarian relief of all natures to liberate, re-enliven, democratize, moralize and develop our nation boundlessly and empower the people to be part of this endeavor according to their aspirations and dreams.
 Jonathan  F. Awasom 

Pastor, Reformer and voice of Truth 
Freedom Fighter and Nation builder
Civil Rights Advocate
Human Rights Campaigner
Peace Advocate for Peaceful Transition of power
Senior Community Organiser and voice for the voiceless
Scholar, consultant and Truth Speaker to Powers 


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Awasom <>
Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2011 4:55 PM

                 01/09/2010 WASHINGTON, DC , USA
                 Revised July 10, 2010 Newark,NJ,USA
                 Revised June 3, 2011 Newark ,NJ,USA

We are profoundly conscious that we Cameroonians\Africans encompass an integral part of the human race that are entitled to be free and endowed with inalienable and sacred rights within the cosmos.
We are inclined to become part of the unprecedented global "Truth Commissions" movement  in South Africa, Liberia, Kenya etc through the eyes of Prescillia Haye and former UN Secretary General, Mr Kofi Anan , which have successfully helped other nations in the process of healing, reconciliation and reconstruction to advocate for the Cameroon Truth Commission as soon as possible( CTC)
We believe in a loving God to whom we are answerable with our conscience and that all people are born free.That freedom must not be reserved for a "selected few". We are inspired by the vision of the Founding Fathers of the United States under the leadership of President Thomas Jefferson as follows; 
"That all human beings are born free and equal,  that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and

-  Mindful of more than 50 Years of corrupt tyranny and Dictatorship since Cameroon acquired a partial Independence from France and Britain; 
-  Conscious of the vast natural wealth and endowments of the lands and peaceful peoples of Cameroon ; 
-  Conscious of  the fact that the Government of Cameroon has flagrantly violated the Constitution of Cameroon in its entirety as well as usurped the inalienable and sacred rights of Cameroonians by multiple violations of the Constitution; 
- Conscious of the ungodly dictatorship cultivating and sustaining mismanagement, misinformation, misrepresentation, misdirection and underdevelopment of our nation; 
-  Granted that a free and democratic society be effective  and have a lasting impact on the civil society under good governance and  the rule of law; 
-  Disappointed by the fact that there are many Cameroonians in the Diaspora on exile and political asylum due to the extensive misdeeds of the Government of Cameroon; 
-  Inspired and strengthened by the true spirit of patriotism for our country Cameroon derived from the hunger to make life safe for all; 
- Considering the fact that it is increasingly urgent for us patriotic and concerned Cameroonians to articulate a new vision towards a free Cameroon to enable all people who are part of Cameroon to dream like others and see their dreams come true; 
-  Believing that there are other nations and people who are free and serve as an example of progress and prosperity founded on a visionary foundation; 
WE therefore Resolve: 
- To empower a new political  citizenry\leadership with patriotism, courage, wisdom and compassion to lead Cameroonians to participate in building a free Cameroon in the light of the socio-cultural ,economic and political needs of all. In that way, enhance respect for human rights and promote human dignity through justice, peace and prosperity 
- To enhance and absolutely uphold a transparent framework for the fundamental respect of human rights and freedom as a prerequisite to nation building and nationhood above all other obligations. 
- To act as an alternative movement for democracy grounded in good governance and the rule of law. 
- To adopt the vision  of the "Founding Fathers of the United States" that all human beings are born free and equal,  that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; 
- To connect, network, dialogue and mobilize Cameroonians and stakeholders around the world to support the vision of building a new Cameroon for greater possibilities and opportunities for every citizen within Cameroon regardless of origin,  ethnicity, sex, religion, language, culture and political linings. 
- To adopt the vision  for a 33 Council for a 24 months  transitional government to empower Cameroonians and stakeholders from all walks of life to invent a new political paradigm that guarantees freedom and democracy through transparency and accountability under the rule of law and Constitution. 
- To adopt a decentralized federal form of Government to enable regional participative economic and social development. 
-To create a Nation on the basis of equal Economic and Social
Justice, equal economic opportunities and African Economic Ownership & Empowerment. 
- To promote and enhance a value-based society wherein people are respected and honored on the basis of their Character and Service rather than by alien\internal Machinations of Corporate interference, personal gullibility, intellectual and psychological classism, and devaluation of self-authorship. 
- To engage in global advocacy and humanitarian relief of all natures to liberate, re-enliven, democratize, moralize and develop our nation boundlessly and empower the people to be part of this endeavor according to their aspirations and dreams.
 Jonathan  F. Awasom 

Pastor, Reformer and voice of Truth 
Freedom Fighter and Nation builder
Civil Rights Advocate
Human Rights Campaigner
Peace Advocate for Peaceful Transition of power
Senior Community Organiser and voice for the voiceless
Scholar, consultant and Truth Speaker to Powers 


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Awasom <>
Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2011 4:55 PM

                 01/09/2010 WASHINGTON, DC , USA
                 Revised July 10, 2010 Newark,NJ,USA
                 Revised June 3, 2011 Newark ,NJ,USA

We are profoundly conscious that we Cameroonians\Africans encompass an integral part of the human race that are entitled to be free and endowed with inalienable and sacred rights within the cosmos.
We are inclined to become part of the unprecedented global "Truth Commissions" movement  in South Africa, Liberia, Kenya etc through the eyes of Prescillia Haye and former UN Secretary General, Mr Kofi Anan , which have successfully helped other nations in the process of healing, reconciliation and reconstruction to advocate for the Cameroon Truth Commission as soon as possible( CTC)
We believe in a loving God to whom we are answerable with our conscience and that all people are born free.That freedom must not be reserved for a "selected few". We are inspired by the vision of the Founding Fathers of the United States under the leadership of President Thomas Jefferson as follows; 
"That all human beings are born free and equal,  that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and

-  Mindful of more than 50 Years of corrupt tyranny and Dictatorship since Cameroon acquired a partial Independence from France and Britain; 
-  Conscious of the vast natural wealth and endowments of the lands and peaceful peoples of Cameroon ; 
-  Conscious of  the fact that the Government of Cameroon has flagrantly violated the Constitution of Cameroon in its entirety as well as usurped the inalienable and sacred rights of Cameroonians by multiple violations of the Constitution; 
- Conscious of the ungodly dictatorship cultivating and sustaining mismanagement, misinformation, misrepresentation, misdirection and underdevelopment of our nation; 
-  Granted that a free and democratic society be effective  and have a lasting impact on the civil society under good governance and  the rule of law; 
-  Disappointed by the fact that there are many Cameroonians in the Diaspora on exile and political asylum due to the extensive misdeeds of the Government of Cameroon; 
-  Inspired and strengthened by the true spirit of patriotism for our country Cameroon derived from the hunger to make life safe for all; 
- Considering the fact that it is increasingly urgent for us patriotic and concerned Cameroonians to articulate a new vision towards a free Cameroon to enable all people who are part of Cameroon to dream like others and see their dreams come true; 
-  Believing that there are other nations and people who are free and serve as an example of progress and prosperity founded on a visionary foundation; 
WE therefore Resolve: 
- To empower a new political  citizenry\leadership with patriotism, courage, wisdom and compassion to lead Cameroonians to participate in building a free Cameroon in the light of the socio-cultural ,economic and political needs of all. In that way, enhance respect for human rights and promote human dignity through justice, peace and prosperity 
- To enhance and absolutely uphold a transparent framework for the fundamental respect of human rights and freedom as a prerequisite to nation building and nationhood above all other obligations. 
- To act as an alternative movement for democracy grounded in good governance and the rule of law. 
- To adopt the vision  of the "Founding Fathers of the United States" that all human beings are born free and equal,  that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; 
- To connect, network, dialogue and mobilize Cameroonians and stakeholders around the world to support the vision of building a new Cameroon for greater possibilities and opportunities for every citizen within Cameroon regardless of origin,  ethnicity, sex, religion, language, culture and political linings. 
- To adopt the vision  for a 33 Council for a 24 months  transitional government to empower Cameroonians and stakeholders from all walks of life to invent a new political paradigm that guarantees freedom and democracy through transparency and accountability under the rule of law and Constitution. 
- To adopt a decentralized federal form of Government to enable regional participative economic and social development. 
-To create a Nation on the basis of equal Economic and Social
Justice, equal economic opportunities and African Economic Ownership & Empowerment. 
- To promote and enhance a value-based society wherein people are respected and honored on the basis of their Character and Service rather than by alien\internal Machinations of Corporate interference, personal gullibility, intellectual and psychological classism, and devaluation of self-authorship. 
- To engage in global advocacy and humanitarian relief of all natures to liberate, re-enliven, democratize, moralize and develop our nation boundlessly and empower the people to be part of this endeavor according to their aspirations and dreams.
 Jonathan  F. Awasom 

Pastor, Reformer and voice of Truth 
Freedom Fighter and Nation builder
Civil Rights Advocate
Human Rights Campaigner
Peace Advocate for Peaceful Transition of power
Senior Community Organiser and voice for the voiceless
Scholar, consultant and Truth Speaker to Powers 




Rev Jonathan Awasom

The force of truth is at the center of my faith in God and love for humanity 
I am a Cameroonian citizen for freedom of Cameroon from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.

Click on his blog and download 150 articles, a trail blazer of speaking truth to power,  a fearless advocacy and persistent activism that is shaping African policies in 21st century 

The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century for the Magna Carta( Freedom Charter for Cameroon and Africa)

The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy( human and civil rights) and prosperity for all

Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village that builds bridges

Advocating for the proven free three arms of Constitutional Federal System of Government for Cameroon , too ,which is one of the most multi-ethnic and tribal diverse societies in Africa with over 180 languages. 

Pass it on and thank you for your interest and cooperation

On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 11:39 AM, Nyangkwe Agien Aaron <> wrote:
The more reason why Jonathan Awasom should resign from flipflopping. It was not the SDF but a certain "specialist" Jonathan Awasum who beckoned for the calling off of the strike  thus "standing in the way of the Anglophone spirit and strength"

Plain craziness

Agien Nyangkwe

On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 4:08 AM, 'Jonathan Awasom' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Why Southern Cameroonian SDF militants must RESIGN and REJECT the SDF Party now.

It is time for southern Cameroonian SDF militants to resign and  reject SDF Party from your  blood veins from operating within the Southern Cameroons territory hitherto. The more we think about it and them , the more we are hindering our own progress. Cast SDF  into the dustbin of history , which is the past and let us forge ahead to liberate ourselves from bondage. I will explain to you why per my own perception and understanding of some pertinent and relevant issues. How Ni John Fru Ndi and SDF NEC helped Paul Biya to  kill the Anglophone spirit of unity and strength, great virtues we must recapture now. History will look back and applaud your courage when you do what is right. SDF is a liability in Southern Cameroons now and not an asset because Paul Biya is using it to say that Cameroon is one and indivisible since Fru Ndi claims SDF party is a national party.  

Instead of asking SDF MPS to come back home, the SDF militants  in Southern Cameroons must close down all SDF cells, offices and dissociate from SDF NEC. They  profit from your militancy and support to gain national legitimacy which justifies Paul Biya's national anthem of  one and indivisible. So, if you stop your loyalty to SDF Chairman and NEC as your own significant piece of sacrifice for the freedom of Southern Cameroonians from bondage, that will be greatly appreciated. In fact , if you reject SDF , then SDF NEC party  will be irrelevant in Southern Cameroons. That is if you really are serious. Now is time to choose between right and wrong, the oppressed and the oppressor.

The making of SDF as a national party was a dark political  design  to sabotage the anglophone struggle for restoration and independence after its founding in 1990s. When some people continue to say that SDF is a national party, I feel that either they are not informed or are all inside the pockets of Paul Biya and his regime of anglophone annexation and xenophobia.

You see, the idea to make SDF a national party should never have been a cause for celebration because it was Paul Biya's grandiose  scheme to disintegrate, divide and tear apart the Anglophone growing force for good that preceded the founding of SDF. Long before SDF  was founded, anglophones were united and would achieve so much  for themselves within a short space of time  with respect to overhauling anglophone national marginalization. The famous anglophone strikes against imposing French , English and Math as compulsory GCE subjects in Anglophone colleges angered anglophones in 1985 or so whose rose  to the occasion and stopped the decree. Then came the ANGLPHONE GCE Board and an ENS ANNEX Bambili.

The anglophone activists organized strikes and peaceful demonstrations all over anglophone regions and it was very effective until such a  bad policy was withdrawn. Then came the fight to upgrade the Buea School of Translation into a full -Fledge Anglophone University following the  marginalization of Anglophones at the lone Yaounde University 1 and 11.

The Anglophone struggle galvanized the people and significant successes were registered. Following a Presidential decree, Buea School of Translation was upgraded and transformed into UB and so , too was the University of Dschang. It was not too long ago in 1997-1999 that Paul Biya attempted to transfer ENS ANNEX Bambili to Yaounde and when Pa Mofor refused to signed the document authorizing the action, he was removed as Director of ENS and replaced with Prof Martin Asanji( RIP).Oncemore, Paul Biya tried again to abolish ENS ANNEX Bambili and transfer it to Yaounde but Prof Asanji did not cooperate. There are anglophones unsung heroes.Pay attention.

This means Anglophones have a history of casting the light of justice onto the dark spots of injustice against Anglophone way of life  perpetrated by agents of la republique du Cameroun. If we had continued in that spirit, perhaps the anglophone marginalization would not exist anymore because it was near eradication until SDF  came from hell and sabotaged the positive energy of anglophones unity and strength with their so called SDF National Party. Why ?

Because SDF brought in Francophones into the Anglophone problem in the name of national party and the mixing of oranges and mangoes marked the beginning of Anglophone divisions, animosity and  disintegration through power struggle at the so called national level and Parliament. As we seek Anglophone reunification be mindful of these historical facts, which are a bit lacking in statistics but truthful because many of my peers can attest to my assertions from either eye -witness account or participation. This is for the benefit of the much younger  generation who might not know the road we have traveled and are still traveling together. Too often we are dismissed by the younger generation but it will be helpful to understand somethings especially some victories scored in the past.

It is a journey we are still committed to and will never give up until we are free from the captivity  of la republique du Cameroun. Let me explain to you what the idea that SDF is a national party means to the Anglophone struggle. The goal of making  SDF a national party was well calculated by the shrewd politician Paul Biya against his subordinate  SDF chairman , Ni John Fru Ndi( surbordiante in the sense that he was  formerly a member of CNU and a subsection President of CPDM  in the North West following the CPDM  New Deal Congress in  Bamenda in 1985 before being part of the founding of SDF  five years after Paul Biya banned CNU and establish his CPDM).

Firstly , Paul  Biya made sure that Fru Ndi and his NEC destroyed all the intellectuals within the SDF who posed a serious threat to Paul Biya in terms of critical thinking and political analysis. In fact Paul Biya sensing that anglophones masses loved Fru Ndi tactically targeted anglophone scholars and activists.
  • The first target was Dr Tsinga Asanga( RIP). He died mysteriously. 
  • He began to put a wedge between  Barrister Ben Muna and NEC until he resigned and formed his own party after trying several times to unseat Ni John Fru Ndi as national Chairman and Presidential candidate of Sdf. He was often associated with the past sins of his father.
  • He  offered a ministerial position to  Ben Muna's sister Tutu Muna
  • He targeted Prof Asonganyi(RIP) until he was dismissed from the party
  • He targeted Dr. Elizabeth Tamanjong until she resigned
  • He targeted Kah Wallah until she resigned and formed her own party under the banner of First Woman Presidential Candidate but she could not turn the tides against SDF heavily funded by Paul Biya
    He assigned the post of PM  to Anglophones and  appointed Pa Simon Achidi Achu in the NW at the height of political unpheavals in 1992 to upset the SDF  support in  Bamenda.
  • He appointed Pa Peter Mafany Musonge in the SW for similar reasons after offering  the post of Prime Minister  to Anglophones.
    The last Francophone PM was Isa Iyatou who presided over the fake tripartite talks in 1994. The last Anglophone Speaker was Honorable Fonka Shang who took over Pa Muna !
DO YOU SEE where the Anglophone lies and why folks like brother , uncle Nji Paul Atanga cannot state unequivocally that there is an Anglophone problem? How can he admit to the truth when it is self-inflicted ?

In the 1990s SDF threatened La Republique with Anglophone secession when SDF was launched as Paul Biya was trying to ban the idea of multipartism . At the Liberty Square as it was called in Bamenda, Fru Ndi and SDF  evoked the idea  of  secession and it was supported by Ben Muna and NEC. At the time he was the Communications Director of SDF. I  was in High School and attended all the SDF rallies at Liberty Square once a week on Wednesdays. Remember SDF  was  launched in Bamenda at the City Chemist roundabout following a big  march with the political slogan " Power to the People that culminated into the launching at City Chemist Roundabout via Church Center Mankon.

A peaceful march that turned deadly as usual following a deadly confrontation with the police and military at the commercial avenue where six people were killed( RIP) and many other suffered amputated limbs and arms from tear gas and grenades. The SDF speakers who took turns to speak during subsequent rallies at the Liberty square fired back at Biya that if SDF was banned Anglophone would secede. It was such threats  to separate, given the massive support of Anglophones to SDF that forced the regime to embrace Multipartism and pretentiously created the façade of national integration.

To that effect the regime cynically allowed the SDF  to become a national party in a bid to sabotage and kill  the Anglophone spirit of  nationalism and consciousness. Eventhough SDF  was founded to solve the Anglophone problem, Biya used Fru Ndi due to his shortsightedness, a former member of CNU and CPDM, to stand in the way of the Anglophone spirit and strength. In order to reenergize and reposition ourselves as it is unfolding, the Southern Cameroons SDF militants must reject SDF in order to rob it of that national character. CAN YOU SDF MILITANTS DO US THIS FAVOUR?

Jonathan Awasom

God bless Southern Cameroonians.

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Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
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Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
P.O.Box 5213
Tel. 237 673 42 71 27

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