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Sunday, April 2, 2017

RE: [MTC Global] [Weekend Debate~I] ​Will the quality of education improve if colleges become autonomous?

Unfortunately, most educational Institutes are established for "Real Estate" value (prime public land captured under privately managed trusts) ….. and therefore, there is little or No concern for so called 'real assets' ….




From: []

Cc: Stephen Narayanan
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] [Weekend Debate~I] ​Will the quality of education improve if colleges become autonomous?


I fully agree with:
"The real assets of an Institute are its Teaching staff...their dedication and passion is what would shape the lives and careers of youngsters".

This is possible only and only if a teacher is really autonomous! For instance, look at the (autonomous) teachers in Gurukul system.

Social media or new technology have their own significant role to play that is but secondary in nature to me.
The primary is the autonomous teachers and not Institutes!

Contemplate over it deeply and you will understand what I wan to convey.


Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,

From: Stephen Narayanan <>
Sent: Sat, 01 Apr 2017 17:59:27
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] [Weekend Debate~I] ​Will the quality of education improve if colleges become autonomous?

There are two sides to a coin and so also it holds true for this choice between the devil and the deep sea. While Autonomous status enables an Institute to restructure its policies and curriculum in line with the current and emerging market trends, it would be handicapped initially as its Degrees may not be recognized by corporate - especially if one is applying or seeking a career in Government services. To prove itself, the institute has to toil and earn its recognition and reputation by offering excellent quality cadres from its stable who would naturally be the Brand Ambassadors for the institute.

In terms of an institute not having sufficient capital/assets for overall development for its students, the management could seek enrollment for UGC aid thereby leaving its reins in the hands of administrators who would be breathing on its neck. Many UGC aided colleges also reported drop in Engineering streams so the winds of change blows equally over private un-aided and UGC recognized colleges. The real assets of an Institute are its Teaching staff...their dedication and passion is what would shape the lives and careers of youngsters. Student community in present age is very well connected through social media and good works and good deeds are surely appreciated and talked about and good reviews would surely bring positive results in terms of admission and quality of students opting for the institute.




Warm Regards,

Stephen Narayanan

Freelance Educational Consultant/Corporate Training facilitator



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