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Monday, April 3, 2017

RE: [MTC Global] What is Butterfly Effect ?

Dear Colleagues.

This is a very interesting subject. I wrote about this for social events presenting - with my colleague Manuel Ferreira – the concept "DROP OF HONEY EFFECT" that is now well recognized as a concept more appropriated for Social Sciences than the BUTTERFLY EFFECT (this one is more adequate for Natural Sciences): attached  find the chapter: Filipe, J. A., Ferreira, M. A. M. (2013), Social and Political Events and Chaos Theory - The "Drop of Honey Effect". Emerging Issues in the Natural and Applied Sciences. Vol. 3. Pp. 126-137,

This effect is based on the wonderful tale of Hovanés Tumanian (1869-1923).

Also, the concept can be found in

Ferreira, M. A. M., Filipe, J. A., Coelho, M. e Pedro, I. (2014), "Chaos in World Politics: A Reflection. The 'Drop of Honey Effect'", in Banerjee, Santo; Erçetin, Sefica Sule; Tekin, Ali  (Ed.), "Chaos Theory in Politics". 1, 89-104.

Ferreira, M. A. M., Filipe, J. A. (2012), The 'Drop of Honey Effect'. A Note on Chaos in Economics, International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance and Economic Sciences 2(4). Pp 350-353.


Best wishes to all.

José António Filipe


From: [] On Behalf Of Rajendra Deshpande
Sent: segunda-feira, 3 de abril de 2017 08:02
Subject: [MTC Global] What is Butterfly Effect ?




   B. Pharm. M.M.M. PGDIT.PhD ( In Process )

   PhD.Fellow at Central University. 

   Center for Gandhian Thought & Peace Studies.

   Mobile:+91 9326354999.Whats AP +91 9604679693




What is Butterfly Effect ? 

Sometimes a very small and insignificant event can lead to a huge effect later on ...

Rajendra.Deshpande. Trainer.


Sometimes a very small and insignificant event can lead to a huge effect later on e.g. 

Rise of half a degree of ocean surface temperature near Philippine may cause 20% increase

 in monsoon rains over subcontinent that year. 

It's called Butterfly Effect.
Was "Butterfly effect" may have also led to the creation of our country,

 resulting in the displacement of twelve million people, the loss of around two

 million lives and permanent animosity among people who used to share their 

bread and ancestry at one point of time.
Premjibhai Meghji Thakkar, grandfather of Muhammed Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan 

was a prosperous Hindu merchant from Kathiawar, Gujarat. He had made his fortune in the fish business,

 but he was ostracized from his vegetarian Lohana caste because of their strong religious beliefs.
When he discontinued his fish business and tried to come back to his caste, he was not allowed 

to do so because of the huge egos of the self-proclaimed protectors of Hindu religion. 

 Resultantly, his son, Punjalal Thakkar (the father of Jinnah), was so angry with the

 humiliation that he changed his and his four sons' religion, and converted to Islam.
This was not the first incident when a Hindu had tried to come back to his religion 

and he was not allowed to do so by the priest class.
May be. If Jinnah's grandfather was allowed to come back to his caste and religion, 

Jinnah would have remained a Hindu, and he won't have used his genius in creating a new country for Muslims.
In 1929, Jinnah's wife, Rattanbai Petit, died due to a digestive disorder. 

Reportedly he was so devastated at her death that he moved to London.

 He led a very private life, lived in a large house, played billiards and attended theatre. 

But things took a drastic turn when he heard a comment made by his arch-rival, Jawahar Lal Nehru.
In a private dinner party, Nehru had remarked that Jinnah was 'finished'. 

It made Jinnah so furious that he packed up and headed back to India with the intent to 'show Nehru'. 

He fired up the Muslim League, 

and transformed it from a scattered band of eccentrics to the second most powerful political party of India.
Was that the second butterfly effect? 

If Nehu hadn't made that remark, would Jinnah have stayed in London, 

Muslim League won't have become so powerful and India might have stayed united?
Just one year before the partition and independence of India, Jinnah's doctor, 

Dr. J. A. L. Patel, discovered something in the X-ray report of Jinnah which could have destroyed 

the gigantic efforts to create Pakistan. Dr. Patel discovered two dark circles in the report which could

 have upset the Indian political equation and would have almost changed the course of history. 

Jinnah was suffering from Tuberculosis which left him only two or three years to live at most. 

He pushed Mountbatten for a speedy freedom and partition of India to make sure 

he made the mark in history before he died. 

The secret of Jinnah's disease and imminent death stayed between him and his doctor,

 ensuring the bloody historical event.
Was that the third butterfly effect? That grey film had the secret to block the partition, and 

it was stopped from coming out by a Hindu doctor who thought his professional ethics was 

more important than the lives of millions. Had this report become public knowledge,

Gandhi and Mountbatten might have delayed the independence of India to 

let the gentleman die and avoid the partition.
In the movie, Gladiator, the main character, Maximus says, "What we do in life echoes in eternity."

 We have no idea what eternal effect can come from something insignificant we are doing today.

 Jinnah's grandfather would have never thought that his decision to go into fish business would 

have impacted the lives of millions one century later.
Freedom at Midnight (Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins)


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