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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Re: As Anglophone Crisis Deepens: New Generation Kom Elites Propose Solutions

Fellow people of Ambasland, we must be proactive inorder to achieve our aim of liberating our people from 56 years of bondage. 
My query is, how can we achieve these lofty projects hinted by brother Tanyi under occupation and slavery? 
We have seen how these occupiers have reduced our people to beggers, economic dependents through outright fraud, just to keep  us permanently under  their control.
However , when we shall gain our independence many people with such bright visions can put their dreams into action.
Lets stay focus and realise our aspirations,
Ebai G.N

2017-06-28 7:39 GMT+02:00 'Greig Batey' via ambasbay <>:
Mr Edward Tanyi,
Continue dreaming.

To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 2:07 PM

Subject: Re: As Anglophone Crisis Deepens: New Generation Kom Elites Propose Solutions

Mr Batey Greg, thanks for your rejoinder.
the only thing I can tell you is that time will tell who between the two of us is on the right side.
Another thing is that what I can do for the average English speaking person  you will never do it . I am not a banana as you are trying to say.
I am one of the few wise men in our cameroonian society.
Time will reveal who  everone of us is.
As at now I have in my village in Manyu, a house, that at completion will cost about 90 million cfa. not from stolen money, or poppy scamming, as some of you do, but from my sweat.  And I have a project that will employ at its inception at least 10 000 ( ten thousand) people, graduate, undergraduates , skilled workers  etc. It will turn our land into the place to be and the place to visit. You are nothing but a half-baked graduate. 
I want that the  English speaking child who lives school , in the future , at any level, gets a befitting job without living his zone. Mr Batey do you have something better to offer to the English-speaking people? we'll meet in Cameroon  some day and and we'll see who can deliver the goods. If you  knew me you won't dare write your thrash. But you will come to know me by the grace of God.

Have a great day.

From: 'Greig Batey' via ambasbay <>
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: As Anglophone Crisis Deepens: New Generation Kom Elites Propose Solutions
Sincere Lawyer,
There is this saying, " If you make yourself banana monkies will eat you up ".  Edward Tanyi is one of those unfortunate sons of our proud and richly blessed homeland ( Manyu Division ) on the wrong side of our history and is prepared to die in slavery to LRC. Let him get lost.
Pa Batey Greig.
Senior citizen by right of birth.
The Lion Hunter.

From: sincerelawyer via ambasbay <>
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: As Anglophone Crisis Deepens: New Generation Kom Elites Propose Solutions

So, Mr. Edward Tanyi, what are you proposing? What is your view in the Southern Cameroon crises? Forget about democracy and no democracy, tell us your views because you did not express them in your posting below. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
To: ambasbay <>
Sent: Thu, Jun 22, 2017 7:30 am
Subject: Re: As Anglophone Crisis Deepens: New Generation Kom Elites Propose Solutions

Mr. Greg. Batey, with all due respect, I want to let you know that no one has the monopoly of knowledge. At this time of our political crisis,  allow everyone to air their view  and stop intimidating them by calling them traitors . Don't forget that at  a certain period of human history  people thought the world was flat , until  one man, only one man proved the contrary, that the world was round.  So what the majority says or upholds as truth is not always the truth. If you want everybody to think the way  you do, then I think that you are going to be more tyrannic in your yet-to -be state than in Biya's Regime that you term Tyrannic. Learn to debate , If you and your click were really democrats you would have by now organised a round table conference of all English Speaking Cameroonians. But you are afraid to hear the truth. You want to dictate to others. 
So please change your strategy. Democracy can only be established through democratic means and procedure. 

Have a great day.

From: 'Greig Batey' via ambasbay <>
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 4:22 AM
To: MINCAM Cameroon Community; ManyuVoice ManyuVoice; Manyu Meca-mn; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup; CAMNETWORK List; Cameroon Politics
Subject: RE: As Anglophone Crisis Deepens: New Generation Kom Elites Propose Solutions
A new generation of " TRAITORS " of the Southern Cameroons Resistance
( click the boxed links in blue below and Read )

 Members of the so-called Ikong-i-Kom Group:
Gilead Nkwain Ngam, Confidence Chia Ngam, Raphael Tosam, Joseph Tohmoh, Brunhilda Komtangi, Emmanuel Mbui, Stephen Waindim, Victorine Tah, Zebedee Chia, Eric Nkwi, Terence Akoni, Prasidis Wainkem, Timothy Fonchang, Clement Nguonain, Philip Njoh, Innocent Ngong, Kirian Jam and Edward Ndi.


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