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Thursday, June 29, 2017


Maybe we should all pause for a second to ponder why we so fancy being called "Manyu People". We may also want to ask ourselves why we are always more than proud to identify with Manyu at every given opportunity, and why we are all smiles whenever the topic for discussion borders around the remote history of Manyu. It wouldn't take much reflection for any Manyu son/daughter worth his/her salt to trace the "greatness" of Manyu to the hard work, discipline and selfless sacrifices of some great (but unassuming) sons and daughters from the mystical land called Manyu.

Oh yes, there was a time when the politics of Cameroon, education and the law & Military professions were all dominated by big names from Manyu. Remember the exploits of the likes of The Rt Honorable SA George, Dr. AD Mengot, Hon/Chief E.T. Egbe, Hon Nzo Ekangaki, Hon B.T.B. Foretia, Hon. WNO Effiom, Hon Kima Tabong, Gen James Tataw, Dr. Enonchong, Justice Ekotarrh, Justic Mbuagbor, Prof Tanyi (of NASA fame), Justice B.B. Bawak, Lawyer Enaw, Lawyer Ebai, Hon SN Ncha, Mrs. Niger Thomas, Hon. Mrs. SE Eyong, etc? These and others (sorry I cannot mention all by name) actually built that mystery of "over sense" often associated with Manyu people. These were/are gurus in their respective spheres of influence. However, the most inspiring trait they had in common was that they demonstrated their unalloyed love for Manyu by placing the interest of MANYU way above all other interests, sometimes even risking their positions and even lives to uphold the greatness of Manyu. They gave us that greatness and intimidating demeanor usually associated with MANYU. This is the same greatness that has been hypothesized by some ethnic groups in our country to be attributable to eru. Ironically, we even consume more eru today than these great people did in their days. Yet Manyu has diminished in clout and political influence.  So it is not eru, but the collective love for Manyu and the quest for unity amongst Manyuans by these Manyu greats that has made us stand tall among our contemporaries! Noteworthy is that most of these Manyu heroes, at the time they were working to project the image of Manyu, were much younger and probably had less quantitative (vertical) education than most Manyu elite of today. They were also fewer in number than today's elite.

Fast forward to today, just a few decades later. There is no doubt that today's  Manyu prides herself with a greater pool of educated elite, including—Professors, doctors, lawyers, educators, engineers…you name them. However, rather than today's elite adding to the mystery of greatness linked with MANYU, the opposite is the unfortunate reality. It is appearing as if demystifying the MANYU El Dorado is the new goal of today's Manyu elite. We even seem to be working overtime to destroy the enviable Manyu that our greats worked tirelessly to build. We probably may not be perpetrating these acts of wanton self-destruction consciously. But we are doing it anyway.

But how did we end up with this distasteful politics of bitterness and divisions, one may ask? Why do we tend to spend so much time and resources highlighting our differences & weaknesses, rather than exploiting our strengths and commonalities for the benefit of our beloved division? What does any Manyu son/daughter gain by shortchanging the Manyu pride for either Akwaya, Eyumojock, Mamfe Central or Eyumojock? We should honestly look at ourselves in the mirror and ask this simple question: When did working towards peace and unity become sinful and/or criminal, and even likened to treachery? I want to know what religion or civilization professes this position. And what war goes forever? Even the Israelis and Palestinians sit at the same table to talk peace. Why not the Diaspora Manyu brothers and sisters?

My people, we just need to wake up, open our eyes and see the magnitude of damage we are doing to ourselves and our divisiion by being this divided. We should remember that we are the eyes of Manyu, take it or leave it! We are all heroes to our respective families back home. So these divisions and infighting are impacting us negatively, no doubt. Even the Cameroon government is laughing at us and taking advantage of our failure to speak with one voice. You may choose not to agree, but this explains why Manyu, of all Divisions, has not held a full cabinet portfolio for how long now? Are you telling me that Minister Mengot or any other Manyu son or daughter is incapable of manning a full cabinet position?  Another example …Today we have a prominent Manyu son – Justice of the Supreme Court of Cameroon, Hon Justice Paul Ayah Abine, abducted from his home, illegally detained and humiliated with impunity because Biya knows Manyu will not act. Of course how do we act when we are rabidly divided and filled with hate for one another? We are the losers, people.
It is true that we have cursed, insulted, blackmailed and even fought one another. So what? That was the past. We must we invest in the past this much? Is Manyu a political party? No, we are family. Have we not learned just how destructive it is to play politics with family? Yet we say we are smart people?
Please! Please!! Please!!! Let's forgive one another and move on, for the sake of the MANYU that we all profess to love so much. The more the delay, the more the divisions and the hate. It's time for us to shake it off and think Manyu. Let's pull our resources together and do something big to immortalize those who made Manyu great. Yes, we can. Let's do it for the sake of our children and for those we care so much back home. Let's not plunge ourselves on the wrong side of history.

Long live a united, strong and purposeful Manyu community in the Diaspora, especially in the USA.
My warmest regards to all.
Peter T. Ako
Chairman Emeritus, MECA USA

On Thursday, June 29, 2017 6:47 AM, 'Ako Nkongho' via ambasbay <> wrote:




Paperless Post Yahoo Mail Stationery

On Thursday, June 29, 2017 2:26 AM, 'Ebini Mbi' via MANYUNET <> wrote:

Image result for Gerara here

To: Jesusman <>; Asuagbor <>; DISCUSSION LIST MANYU <>
Cc: Samuel Besong <>; Peter Ayukokata <>; Peter Taku <>; Joseph Mbu <>; Philip Tabi <>; David Tambe <>; Joseph Eyong <>; Solomon Egbe <>; Sammy Arrey-Mbi <>; Christmasebini Ebini <>; Elvis Etah <>; EKINNEH Agbaw <>; Barachel Arrey <>; Peter Takim Sr. <>; MATHIAS EGBE <>; Patince Ebini <>; Sam Ashu <>; Kathy Ettandip <>; "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: united MECA-USA Transitional Council

The Great Saint of Ntenako I know it's true and I believe you for the role you played in the past to handle problem and crisis resolution in the church, while in Cameroon.

I went further to agree with you when you mentioned that reconciliation should better begin at grass roots level (local chapters)

For now you seems to be wrong and off track.I see sentiments of biased and dislike when you pick particular names (Godfrey Eta & Samuel Besong) and condemned and even crucify as enemies of unity.

You know, I know and we all know the architects of this division, living in state of Maryland.
Sincerely I don't know which version of the 'Problem Root Cause Analysis' you're using to come to this name calling conclusion.

You better update your Analysis please!

Fidelis B. Arrey       
Ph:  001  312 593 3673
Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.
                             -Robert Louis Stevenson

From: 'Jesusman' via MANYUNET <>
Cc: Samuel Besong <>; Peter Ayukokata <>; Peter Taku <>; Joseph Mbu <>; Philip Tabi <>; David Tambe <>; Joseph Eyong <>; Solomon Egbe <>; Sammy Arrey-Mbi <>; Christmasebini Ebini <>; Elvis Etah <>; EKINNEH Agbaw <>; Barachel Arrey <>; Peter Takim Sr. <>; MATHIAS EGBE <>; Patince Ebini <>; Sam Ashu <>; Kathy Ettandip <>; "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: united MECA-USA Transitional Council

Permit that I say something very important. This will be public record to verify. At a given time, I was charged by Rev. Paul Ewome (area pastor for Full Gospel Mission Yaoundé Area in charge of 6 provinces at the time) to go and solve problems in churches. I was way younger, but I was very efficient. Churches that have been divided for more than 4 years, with different reconciliation teams failing to bring them together, were brought together once I visited.
My style was different. I went there, asked both parties to write or narrate their problems. I looked at the differences. I pointed out their failures and if there was need for restitution, I ordered for restitution. If there was none, and there was need for an apology, it was done. I looked at what the bible says on certain issues and we made determinations by the Bible. Until I left Yaoundé, those churches never had those problems.
The problem why our peace is not long lasting is because you are afraid to call a spade a spade. You have by-laws, but you use them in respecter of persons. Some people seem above your own constitutions. In this Manyu USA issues, you need to call out some people. For example, you need to do the following:
1.      Nullified the leadership of Chief Godfrey Etta.
2.      You need to ask Sesekou, Dr Samuel Besong to withdraw and desist from sowing discord.
3.      You need to ask the different cities, Atlanta, DC and Dallas to make peace amongst themselves.
4.      You need to ask the different regional or divisional organizations like Upper Bayang and Eyumojock to organize peace meetings.
Otherwise, their peace deal will be long and short-lived, if you get one. I have read some of the mails being sent out by Sesekou Dr. Samuel Besong, and I see that he has not been for peace. I don't have anything against Dr Besong or Chief Godfrey Etta, but their actions are signs of disunity.
I have seen the disorganization amongst Upper Bayng people in DC that I find it farcical that they will sit in a general Manyu, meeting peacefully with each other. That is the type of meeting that people have different groups and they greet others and stop half way. I once caught someone on a speaker phone tell someone that she wished I was dead.
Until then, if you want to make a peace omelet, you must break the eggs of disunity.
St Arrey of Ntenako
"This world is phony: if my enemies heard that I have killed a lion even with my bare hands, they will gossip that I killed a mere squirrel, but when they hear that their friend has used 4 days to catch a tilapia, they broadcast to the world that he caught a shark." (Hamilton Ayuk).
 "Only a man cursed to die a violent death challenges a male buffalo to a fight." (Hamilton Ayuk)
"Idle people write, idler people read, and idlest people read and whine that idle people are taking their time." (Hamilton Ayuk)
"When a people have suffered for too long, they will drink fairytales on fairylands with insatiable gullibility." (Hamilton Ayuk)

"He who speaks out before the system kicks him out has a clean conscience, but he who speaks out only after the system has kicked him out, has  vengeance for conscience." Hamilton Ayuk.

From: Asuagbor <>
To: Manyu Egroup <>; NOMA-Manyu Noma-Manyu <>; ManyuVoice ManyuVoice <>; Mamfecentral Mamfe <>; Nchang <>
Cc: Samuel Besong <>; Peter Ayukokata <>; Peter Taku <>; Joseph Mbu <>; Philip Tabi <>; David Tambe <>; Joseph Eyong <>; Solomon Egbe <>; Sammy Arrey-Mbi <>; Christmasebini Ebini <>; Elvis Etah <>; EKINNEH Agbaw <>; Barachel Arrey <>; Peter Takim Sr. <>; MATHIAS EGBE <>; Jesusman Ayuk <>; Patince Ebini <>; Sam Ashu <>; Kathy Ettandip <>; "" <>
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 8:46 PM
Subject: united MECA-USA Transitional Council

All Manyu Sons & Daughters in the United States.
All past Presidents of MECA-USA.
All Manyu traditional ruler in the United States.
All Ngbe & Nkanda title holders and members in the United States.
All Manyu four sub divisional & Manyu Village family groups in the United States.
All Manyu ordained ministers in the United States.
Summer greetings to ALL Manyu People in the United State of America, on behalf of MECA-NE, MECA-MN, MECA-USA, INC., MECA-USA, MECA-Washington, DC.
Over a month ago (18 May 2017) the leadership of the five MECA groups above informed you of a gathering to finalize the advent of a united MECA-USA coming up next weekend June 30 – 2 July 2017, in Houston, Texas. As we mentioned, our work as a coalition began in October 2016. In that communication we informed you that TWO things were on the agenda of the reconciliation committee to be presented to you Manyu people –
1.     The ratification of a new draft constitution that as you were informed is a product by an Ad Hoc committee of representatives of all five MECA organizations. The backdrop of the draft constitution was the current constitutions of MECA-USA Inc., and MECA-USA, with fresh inputs from the other three participating (MECA DC, MECA NE and MECA MN) delegations. The goal as you can guess was to achieve unity of purpose and fairness in reconciliation. The draft will be presented to you for ratification this weekend.
You were also promised a Transitional Council (TC) representing the same five MECA organizations involved in reconciliation. As Manyu people, you know that the split of 2009 resulted in two MECAs: MECA-USA Inc., and MECA-USA, while MECA DC, MECA NE and MECA MN declared neutrality. Having bridged our differences on behalf of all Manyu people working together since October 2016, below approved by the reconciliation committee on Sunday 25 June 2017, is the united MECA-USA Transitional Council.
 United MECA-USA Transitional Council
Mrs. Kerenge Ako-ebot Enow, Chairperson
Mr. Peter Takim, Sr., Vice Chairperson
Major Fidelis Agbor, Secretary General
Dr. Solomon Agbor, Treasurer
Mr. Stanley Tabi, Public Relations Officer
Manyu-ah! The mandate of this transitional council begins at midnight (Central Time Zone) 1 July 2017 and expires at midnight (Central Time Zone) 30 June 2018 or upon the installation of a permanent MECA-USA National Executive Council in 2018, whichever comes first.
This coalition of the five MECA organizations acknowledges that the Transitional Council comes into office to begin with a clean slate, no asset or liabilities, but will depend on the benevolence of people who believe in the unity of the Manyu community after a long divide. The need for this council is to pick up from where the reconciliations committee ends it role and the absence of an elected body to lead Manyu people into the 2018 MECA-USA Unity Convention.
1.     The council will implement a new constitution to the degree that it will coordinate elections of a permanent MECA-USA structure, and organize the 2018 unity convention.  
2.     The transitional council will not initiate any projects or enter into contracts with any entities, except such that promote the growth and unity of MECA-USA.
3.     No member of the Council shall seek elected office into the permanent National Executive Council in 2018.
When the five MECA organizations began reconciliation in October 2016, there was an understanding that none of the participating organizations (MECA-USA Inc., MECA-USA, MECA DC, MECA NE and MECA MN) will organize elections for new leadership. All the leaders went into this effort working to attain one goal, a unified MECA-USA, beginning with a new draft constitution to be presented and a Transitional Council presented to you Manyu people today. The thorny path of the reconciliation committee was expected because we understand that a hand full of people in the community fear losing accumulated power to you the people or are dead set on pulling the strings of disunity. However, we derived some energy from words such as those of a past president of MECA-USA Inc. -
 "For those of you who have lost faith in MECA-USA, for any reason whatsoever, or those of you who have always stood on the sideline, I say to you, please join your brothers and sisters and contribute your part in shaping the course of history. It is my belief that a united Manyu community is in our common interest and is still within our reach if we have the will to be tolerant and to forgive those who trespass against us. At the 2013 convention in Atlanta, Georgia, the general Assembly overwhelmingly agreed to a peace initiative… This is not the time to walk away from this worthy cause but it is a time to cement our bond and continue the process of building our community."
                                             Professor, Sessekou Samuel A. Besong, 2013
As always, we recognize the imperfections of our work but plead with you to discourage any further disunity among our people. In addition, we pray that you the community take our efforts to heart and help heal the greater Manyu community. We thank God for the privilege to serve you the Manyu people.
Dated today 26 June 2017,
Delegation leaders: Chief Peter Takim, Sr., Chairman MECA-USA, INC.; Sessekou Major Fidelis Agbor, Chairman MECA-USA; Chief Dr. Solomon Agbor, Chairman MECA Washington, DC; Chief Kerenge Ako-ebot Enow, Chairwoman, MECA-MN; Chief Stanley Tabi, Chairman, MECA-NE.
The following individuals were nominated by their leaders, accepted and willingly called into committee teleconference deliberations and participated at various times.
Peter Takim Sr.
Ben Arrey
Bessem Besong
John Etta
Augustine Ayuk
Fidelis Agbor
George Takang
Agbor Andu
Lakem Wanobi
Emmanuel Ekumah
James Eyongetta
John Etaka
Kerenge Ako-ebot Enow
Bouldwin Enohmbi
Fred Ndip
Solomon Agbor
Tabenyang Etchu
Cletus Ayuk
Ferdinand Akombi
Stanley Tabi
Meg Besong
Independent – participation agreed to by all parties
Greg Asuagbor
Independent – participation agreed to by all parties

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