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Friday, June 30, 2017

Re: [MTC Global] Who Will You Chose to be - Drive 1 or Driver 2?

Earlier being an owner of the company, he was attached to the wealth. But later he became custodian of the wealth and enjoyed life.

"Remain detached in this world of attachment. Whatsoever you eat, whatsoever drink, whatsoever you do, do it as an offer to ME " says Lord Krishna. "And you will absolved of all wrong fruits of your actions."

Please read: Physic was deteriorating in para 1 line 5 of earlier mail. 

Prof P.K.Keshap

2017-07-01 8:17 GMT+05:30 Kumar K <>:
Good morning to all e-friends at MTC

Mentally non-material person can be as easy as driver #1. How this happens? A child was born in poverty. No food. No shelter. He determined to be big man. As he lived near the sea shore, he saw the ships coming and going in the ocean. And always dreamt to own one.  When he grew up, he started working in     the ship. Then he was able to own one ship. By the age of 45, he was owning a company having about 95 ships- owned or hired. But the mental stress was excessive. He could not have a wink of sleep. Phetysic was deteriorating. 

Totally broken with frustration of owing and operating such a huge fleet of ships, this chap went to a known Swamiji. Swamiji was having over 1000 maths throughout world yet smiling. This thought made him to visit Swamiji.  He took out the keys of his office from his pocket and tendered it to Swamiiji saying: Swamiji, I cannot run this company. It is a huge burden on me.  Swamiji smiled. He placed the keys at Swamiji's feet,.

Now, while he was coming back to his home, he was feeling quite light mentally. 

For about 2 weeks, he enjoyed the life of his choice. Then a disciple came. Handed over the keys to this owner of company saying: Swami says "you are appointed as Managing Director of the company. Company belongs to the math." The man was very happy. He worked for Swamiji's math's company (which was actually his own company) and enjoyed the life of his choice as well. 

Moral of the story: It is not wealth that causes problems in life. It is the unreasonable attachment with wealth that creates. Once mentally detached, all joys of life can be enjoyed. 

Money is a matter of function four
A medium, a measure, a standard, a store. 

Please share the 5th one if known to the erudite professors.

With regard,

Prof P.K.Keshap

2017-06-30 21:38 GMT+05:30 manage <>:
it is a balance of individual though process between misunderstand of passion and contentment. 

Driver 2 creats high networth business  in compare with driver 1
Driver 1 creats high volume 

On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 1:09 PM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta <> wrote:
Driver 1 drives the Corolla. He paid it off already, has a 2 bedroom house paid for, makes 300K per year and has no debt/credit to pay, saves handsome amount and sleeps happily.

Driver 2 drives the Merc Benz. He has 3 Years left to pay it off, has a 4 bedroom house with hundreds of thousands left to pay, makes 200K per anum and has poor credit, lot of debt to pay, sleeps with a lot of stress each night.

Sadly many people would choose to be driver 2 because of what it looks like in spite of the reality that driver 1 is more wealthy. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is a good example of driver 1. Your circumstances will never change until the way you think changes.

Prof. Bholanath Dutta
Founder &  President 
MTC Global: A Global Think Tank in 
Higher Education, ISO 9001: 2008
Partner: UN Global Compact I UN Academic Impact
Cell: +91 96323 18178 / +91 9964660759


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