Dear Sir,

I do not believe there will be war. But definitely, a confrontation is inevitable. I distinguish between war and confrontation. This confrontation will not take the form of an all out war between two armies. NO. It will be simply the struggle of the rightful owner against an armed robber. Colonisation is armed robbery of the highest type! You get the point? Let all of us remember that our case is not new at all. All of Africa went through a struggle against colonisation. This struggle was never an all out war, except in a few places like Algeria. We are dealing here merely with INTIMIDATION. Republique knows fully well that it has no title whatsoever over the territory of the Southern Cameroons. But if just by threatening us with war, we surrender, why will it not do so? This threat of war is simply to cow down those who are terrified by that word. By the nature of things, no armed robber can behave like the rightful owner. There is truth on our side, which the armed robber can never get on his side. African countries did not win the struggle over colonial powers because we had stronger armies. NO. They won because colonial masters discovered finally that their intimidation would not work, that they were in the wrong, and that they had to pack and leave! Why should it be different in our case?. Vizualize to yourself Republique coming with tanks and planes. To fight who?

We are faced with exactly the same colonialism that African countries were faced with!  HOWEVER POWERFUL AN ARMED ROBBER MAY APPEAR TO BE, THE RIGHTFUL OWNER ALWAYS HAS A SUPERIOR STANDING TO HIM. The rightful owner must continue to assert his right; to protest, to undermine the colonisation in every way possible. See how the Palestinians are fighting the Jews with stones; see what is happening in Venezuela. That should be exactly our attitude. For too long we have confused our people with fanciful theories about the international community giving us independence. IT WILL NOT! We must call up whatever we have, to face the enemy in our streets, by every means. Only Mancho BBC did what we ought to have been doing, because he faced them in our streets. The intimidation will have no option but to end, if the rightful owner does not chicken out but continues to assert his right. AGC has the right attitude, because it knows that we must face the occupation in our streets. We must mobilize our people. Some of you will say all of us are afraid. That is a big lie. Every nation, every physical body, has antibodies that fight diseases and invasions. By nature, the Southern Cameroons must have its own natural soldiers; people who are prepared to challenge invaders, to protect the body, no matter what. A nation is exactly like the human body. Shall we not defend this territory after Republique quits? Where shall we get the courage then? Merely because we will have arms? 

Now, never forget that as soon as we face them on the ground, that is when the international community will intervene. In fact, it is as if the silence of the international community is to test the resolve of the colonised people to free themselves! The UN will have no option but to intervene once things change on the ground. We will have a proper hearing only when things change on the ground. As long as we adopt the attitude of running away or we do not appear to show the resolve that is expected from any people willing to be free, so long also the international community will not intervene. Republique will also finally admit its guilt and leave. But we must be more drastic than we have been; we must face them everywhere in our territory and by every means!
That is the gist of my thinking on this matter of so-called war.


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