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Monday, July 24, 2017


Mishe Fon

Emmanuel Konde was drinking matutu when he wrote that email.  That thing di konfuse man yi head.  Weti yu di wari.


On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 12:31 AM, 'Mishe Fon' via ambasbay
<> wrote:
I have taken the pains to repost the integrality of the email Dr Konde (whom I respect very much as a consummate intellectual)
faults with the title of his opus "ANGLOPHONE FIXATION WITH Ph.D" ending with "Read below what Mr. Mishe Fon had the audacity to write!" . Dr. Konde is a very interesting character who knows exactly how to take his numerous readers for a wild goose chase. If anyone sees anything remotely mentioning a Ph.D in Mishe Fon's mail here below, then I owe an apology to Dr. Konde BUT if the issue is the mention of his BASSA "Uncle" Oma Betow, as a failed Politician who betrayed the people of Tiko as a Parliamentarian; I can and will cherish having that debate with him any day any time. I have never challenged Dr Konde's intellect or the status of his Ph.D. He is and remains a well grounded sound mind and a source of inspiration for many of us. I honestly think this is a legitimate misunderstanding. Many of my classmates from Sacred Heart College, Bamenda have Ph.Ds and I have a lot of respect for their academic achievements as much as I think they too have a lot of respects for my own status in life as a "Merecine Sales Man" dubbed in professional circles as a "Pharmaceutical Sales Rep". People navigate different career paths in life and the bottom line is: NOT everyone will become a Medical Doctor, Lawyer, Musician, Engineer, Agronomist, Teacher, Military Officer, Diplomat, Professor, Nurse, Social Worker, Sessekou,  Mbombog, Journalists, DBA, Rev. Fada, Politician, Real Estate Agent, Pastor, 419ner, Used car Salesmen, Cab Driver, Ashawo, Bordel, Business Mogul...or what ever. I honestly don't know where Dr. Konde is going with this line of argument. Please if anyone sees a "Fixation on a Ph.D" by Mishe Fon in this mail below, kindly remind me to take my "Merecine for Alzheimers + two shots Hennessey straight (no ice, no soda).
Massa Mishe Fon
From: "" <>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 8:17 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] ANGLOPHONE "FIXATION" WITH Ph.D.

It is apparent some English-speaking Cameroonians are infatuated by and with the Ph.D., especially those who missed this "calling" in their twenties and thirties. Now in their fifties and sixties, they have become so fixated with that terminal degree that they find it convenient to disparage their compatriots who hold Ph.Ds at every opportunity. Only among Cameroonian Anglophones, particularly the old ones approaching their twilight years, do we find non-Ph.D. holders contesting with those who have earned that degree. Read below what Mr. Mishe Fon had the audacity to write! 
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

On Saturday, July 22, 2017, 12:21:17 PM EDT, Mishe Fon [camnetwork] <> wrote:

My very own perri frere Serge

I am not here to support Pah Aaron in any way, shape or form but simply to give my opinion. I am jumping in because of the names of my two friends i.e you and Patrice Nganang.
Let us stop playing with words. The usage of the term "Anglophone" or "Francophone" in the Cameroon context simply means people of Southern Cameroons and La Republique du Cameroun. Southern  (West) Cameroonians who came into "Union" with La Republique du (East) Cameroun are called "Anglophones" because they came in with an "Anglo - Saxon" Culture whereby English was the predominant language of communication.
In that sense, my good friend and you sef sef my don perri freres Serges (de Bayangam) and even mon ami Bon-Aventurrier Tchucham ...all of whom I cherish and love dearly and who speak and write very good English ARE NOT ANGLOPHONES. That is going by my definition of Anglophone Francophone.
Patrice Nganang, JVT, Severin Tchounkeu and many others who equally express themselves well in the English language are still considered "Francophones" while polyglots like Boh Herbert, Eric Chinje, Tutu Muna and yours truly Mishe Fon are able to manipulate the French Language even more than Sehdar Senghor...are all "Anglophones".
This debate hoovers around intellectual honesty.
The question that generally arises again in the Cameroon context is about "Cameroonians who consider themselves as 11th Province". Those are Cameroonians born in Southern (West) Cameroons territory, went to SC schools, had their further education in English but "unfortunately or fortunately" (depending on the situational parameters) have names like Kamga, Etoundi, Yebga, Andela, Tientche, Momha, Ngo Bisseck, Kegni etc.
In my humble opinion and putting aside all political configurations; there is no question as where they belong. They are bonafide Southern Cameroonians which means they are Anglophones.

But here is where "Politics" came in to sort of "muddy the water" (Just one example.

Professor Gotliebb Monekosso (well qualified guy) was appointed Minister of Health and instead of going to Buea (where he was born and raised) to communion and "Aroser la nomination" he instead went to Dibombari (where his supposed grand parents originated from). You know why? Because the Buea people wrote private memos to the Head of State that Monekosso was not one of them. Common now. This is an original "Sasse Old Boy" being shunned by his own friends and school mates because his parents were from some strange village near Nkongsamba called Dibombari? Give me a freaking break.

Another case was a politician called Oma Betow who was elected to represent Tiko and Mutengene Districts in the National Assembly. When the guy got to Yaoundé, he  announced over CRTV that his first and foremost loyalty is to his Bassa people of Sanaga Maritime (Eseka, Edea, Ngog Mapubi, Nsonglulu, Pouma) because again according to him "Blood is thicker than water and that La chevre brute la ou elle est attachee". You feel me? Can you now understand why there is so much animus?

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