RE: Governors Urge Bipartisan Work on Healthcare

A group of 10 Republican and Democratic governors is calling on Senate leaders to heed John McCain's plea for bipartisan work on overhauling Obamacare.
In a letter late Wednesday, the governors urged the leaders, particularly top Republican Mitch McConnell, to set aside "this flawed bill" and work with them on making healthcare more available and affordable for every American.
The governor also rejected the notion of a pared-down bill, warning that it would increase premiums and lead to fewer Americans with coverage.
Signing the letter were Republican Govs. John Kasich of Ohio, Brian Sandoval of Nevada, Charlie Baker of Massachusetts, Larry Hogan of Maryland and Phil Scott of Vermont.
Ohio Sen. Rob Portman and Nevada Sen. Dean Heller voted on Tuesday to move ahead on the GOP effort to repeal and replace the law.


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