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Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Misheard Fon, you heard Denis very well. No one could have said it better. 
If anyone had to question Tassang's legitimacy it should not be Munzu. When they led the scnc how did they get that mandate? 
Now that he is rallying people for dialogue with la rep du cameroun who has also given him that mandate? 
Blackmail should not be used as an instrument to derail a legitimate fight. 
The very children you people care for very much are languishing in jail for asking for dialogue or do you think Agbor Balla, Dr Fontem and a host of others are not peoples children? 
Relocate to the enemies' territory and leave us alone in our madness. 
If you want to test legitimacy let Munzu and Tassang mount the soap box in the southern Cameroons to preach dialogue with the devil and separation and see who will leave the arena with a bloody nose. 
That's my litmus test of legitimacy. 

On Tue, 25 Jul 2017 at 14:59, 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay
<> wrote:
Dear Mishe Lucas Fon,

I hope Sir Denis Atemkeng's panoply of responses provides clarity.
Please go ye now and evangelize, even to doubting Thomases the liberation of the 
Occupied Territories of Southern Cameroons using the clarity of the responses below.
Blessed Be Southern Cameroons
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: 'Atemkeng Denis' via ambasbay <>
To: "" <>
Cc: Cameroon Politics <>; Ajong Stanislaus <>; Chief Charles Taku <>; Nfor Ngala Nfor <>; Dr. Christopher Atang <>; Njoh Litumbe <>; Njoh Litumbe <>; Wilfred Tassang <>; Timothy Mbeseha <>; Prof. Martin Ayim <>; Anyangwe Carlson <>; Augustine Ndangam <>; Larry Eyong <>; Tata Mentan <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 3:49 AM

Dear Mishe Fon,

I read your "Reaction to MUNZU Vs TASSANG EXCHANGES", and I must say I could see through the sophistry and intellectualism that is most likely to destroy us. And it is most unfortunate that it should show its head at this critical time when common sense, wisdom is needed.

1.       You say Mr. Tassang owes Munzu an apology? For what? You confuse Mr. Tassang's indignation for anger! Every true Southern Cameroonian would be indignant at those who take advantage of our situation of weakness to side with the enemy. Let me remind you that in a sovereign state, Munzu would be in prison for taking sides with the enemy when his country is so mercilessly subjugated. We are at war, and no  country tolerates its own citizens or for that much, any person on its territory supporting the enemy or sowing weaknesses at such critical times. Now, you think we have no means of silencing those working, directly or indirectly, for the enemy and so you say whatever you like. Could you take sides with the enemy in Republique if it were under attack as we are?  Check your history books and see how all countries have treated traitors, and even those remotely suspected to be sympathetic to the enemy.
2.       I noted your claim that none of us is legitimate, because not elected by the people, and so everyone can say and do what they like. "None of us Southern Cameroonians can claim legitimacy emanating from people sovereignty". If anyone is interested in legitimacy that comes from the people, at this juncture in our history, like perhaps Munzu, why then not embark on the process of getting that legitimacy first? Or is everyone happy that it is a free for all, and no one can be held accountable for their ideas, at this point in our struggle?

My Dear Brother, NATIONALISM, which calls forth the supreme sacrifice that some have already made by giving up their lives, is not a product of polling or popular legitimacy. IT IS A FEELING born from nobility of spirit! That feeling is not equal in all citizens, because it is received from higher spheres! There are some so low and depraved humans who would roast their plantains in the fire burning down their own nation; there are some who would sell their own country and people for 500frs; there are some who would betray their own people at their greatest hour of need, like Judas betrayed the Master. Even as our blood boils for the Southern Cameroons, these low spirits do not notice what is going on! Are these the kind you expect to give legitimacy to our nationalism? Are they? Is Mr. Munzu one of them? Are these the kind you dare compare nationalists with? The spirit of NATIONALISM stirring in some Southern Cameroonians at this hour, leaves your referendum and polling in the dust! How many countries do you know that relied on your popular legitimacy in their greatest hour of need? Slaves were not freed by elected people, but by the humanism in those who could not accept the subjugation of man by man. And so it is with the Southern Cameroons case!

3.       That you agree with MUNZU that "since no known referendum or public polling has been conducted in Southern Cameroons, those who have voluntarily occupied leadership positions cannot dictate what they think "We the people" want.

I respectfully and strongly disagree with you.  Only the low beings I described above do not know what our people want or expect that only through a poll and referendum can it be known.  How can they know when they reason upside down? Let me proclaim it again: Our people want freedom from illegal occupation; they want to live under their own laws, sing their own anthem, fly their own flag. They don't want to live under subjugation and slavery to a foreign country.  Does it require a poll or a referendum to determine this? And if you ask why they should not allow themselves to be ruled by Republique, I answer you that the same tokens by which Republique is sovereign are exactly the same that give us the right to govern ourselves. If there are some who, for fear of war or like animals that want to feed where they are tied, say they prefer to remain in bondage and subjugation, perhaps simply because they have no notion of what "a people" means, or because they can speak French, or because they have a job, would you say they represent our people, at this point in their history? You know, when slaves were set free, some feared to be free, because they would miss the free food they were having from their slave masters! Are these the kind that know what "we, the people want?"

4.        You also, indirectly, ask why it is the school children that should suffer or bear the brunt of the struggle, since you say other professions go to work, and the children of Southern Cameroonians who are not inside the Southern Cameroons go to school. Why should it be them?

In liberation struggles, there are no equations for sacrifices! Have some not already paid with their lives? Families have lost their bread winners; their sons, daughters, mothers, husbands, friends, etc. How is that compared to children staying home for some time for the sake of their own future and country? He who risks nothing, gets nothing. We shall all not pay the same sacrifice for our freedom, mark that. Think of those in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Would you like to ask why they paid the heaviest price for Japan to surrender in WWII? Perhaps some of us do not know why we want the schools to stay closed: it is the biggest announcement made to the world about the armed robbery of Republique du Cameroun against the people of the Southern Cameroons.

You say Biya does not care whether schools open or not. He cares only about the oil. So why have they been struggling to keep schools open? You got it all wrong! You must judge which of our actions hurts them most by their response to it. All the struggle to keep schools open is not because they love our children. It is because it keeps the publicity about our case in the public eye!   Because shutting down schools is permanent news to the world about the Southern Cameroons problem, a problem they have been struggling to hide for half a century. Let me also tell you that in the war effort for the survival of a people, schools count for nothing! Check your history books again.

5.       I am free to decide whether I want subjugation, Federation or independence.

I guess you call this expressing your opinion! That is the height of stupidity. In all this show of cleverness, do you refer one moment to any rules, law or principles that mankind has given itself?  The world bans subjugation and calls it a crime against humanity. Then those who have no humanity in themselves, and therefore are mere animals in human form, say they want it! Ah! Reason, you can kill us! As I explained above, not all slaves want to be free. For those who say they have no humanity in themselves, and therefore prefer subjugation, let them distance themselves from human beings who want to be free. By that alone, they ask humans to lead and guide them! No country and no people want subjugation, and that has been the eternal cause of wars and emergence of sovereign states. Yet, here in our Southern Cameroons, they rise to the podium to say "I am free to decide whether I want subjugation"! Those who want to remain slaves MUST NOT, because of the free for all situation at this point, try to make everyone like themselves. They would be degrading human beings to their own level. Of course, in the nature of things, slaves always want to make other slaves like themselves; thieves to make other thieves; smokers to make other smokers.  Those who do not want to be free have a beautiful option: they should migrate to Republique du Cameroun and become citizens there or perhaps the slaves they want to be. Why then do they want to derail those who want to be free? Can Mr. Mishe Fon tell us? Can Mr. Munzu tell us? Abandon the Southern Cameroons to those who do not want a life of subjugation to Republique du Cameroun and go and live in the freedom or slavery you see in Republique!

I would like the federalists, from their beautiful reasoning to answer me:
By what miracle would those who are talking of federation ever get Republique du Cameroun to respect any agreement they reach with that country? By what miracle? They have never respected a single agreement made concerning the Southern Cameroons. They have an incurable disease to subjugate and enslave the Southern Cameroons. Have you found the medicine to cure that? And if they break the agreement, what do you do? Start crying again? Who would hear you, now that you have abandoned all the protection you had under international law?

In any federation, you would have a federal government and federal parliament. You will have no voice in these institutions. What would you do any day they decide to scrap the federation or invade your territory as they did in 1972, despite Article 47 of their federal constitution? What would you do?

Show us one federation in Africa, between two completely different peoples and international territories, that has worked. Go back in history and see how many federations have been tried in Africa, none of which worked and then tell us what would make your own work. They say experience is the best teacher, but here are people going where no experience has worked!

The Banjul ruling called for constructive dialogue between the parties. Should any dialogue not be between the parties to that case, which include the liberation movements that took the matter to Banjul? Should any dialogue not take place under international auspices as has been repeated time and again? Slaves who believe they can rise and sit on the table on equal footing with the master and talk on equal footing! Without the international community, how would Southern Cameroons even manage to negotiate on equal terms? Or for Munzu and his likes, the dialogue is not about negotiating on equal terms but surrendering anew to Republique?

Dear Mishe Fon,
Let me not waste too much of my time. I assure you this:  Human  history has a course that no one can change- it goes ever towards greater freedom and justice. And so I can proclaim from roof tops that the Southern Cameroons will be free, despite the Munzus and all the clever talk! Even war that Munzu fears will not stop us from being free. Are we the first to go to war? Even Hitler could not kill everyone. Don't frighten anyone with war as a way of pleasing Republique du Cameroun or deceiving your own people.

Please send this article to those who had the BBQ with you so they may be reassured.

On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 9:55 AM, 'Atemkeng Denis' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Dear Mishe Fon,

I read your "Reaction to MUNZU Vs TASSANG EXCHANGES", and I must say I could see through the sophistry and intellectualism that is most likely to destroy us. And it is most unfortunate that it should show its head at this critical time when common sense, wisdom is needed.

1.       You say Mr. Tassang owes Munzu an apology? For what? You confuse Mr. Tassang's indignation for anger! Every true Southern Cameroonian would be indignant at those who take advantage of our situation of weakness to side with the enemy. Let me remind you that in a sovereign state, Munzu would be in prison for taking sides with the enemy when his country is so mercilessly subjugated. We are at war, and no  country tolerates its own citizens or for that much, any person on its territory supporting the enemy or sowing weaknesses at such critical times. Now, you think we have no means of silencing those working, directly or indirectly, for the enemy and so you say whatever you like. Could you take sides with the enemy in Republique if it were under attack as we are?  Check your history books and see how all countries have treated traitors, and even those remotely suspected to be sympathetic to the enemy.
2.       I noted your claim that none of us is legitimate, because not elected by the people, and so everyone can say and do what they like. "None of us Southern Cameroonians can claim legitimacy emanating from people sovereignty". If anyone is interested in legitimacy that comes from the people, at this juncture in our history, like perhaps Munzu, why then not embark on the process of getting that legitimacy first? Or is everyone happy that it is a free for all, and no one can be held accountable for their ideas, at this point in our struggle?

My Dear Brother, NATIONALISM, which calls forth the supreme sacrifice that some have already made by giving up their lives, is not a product of polling or popular legitimacy. IT IS A FEELING born from nobility of spirit! That feeling is not equal in all citizens, because it is received from higher spheres! There are some so low and depraved humans who would roast their plantains in the fire burning down their own nation; there are some who would sell their own country and people for 500frs; there are some who would betray their own people at their greatest hour of need, like Judas betrayed the Master. Even as our blood boils for the Southern Cameroons, these low spirits do not notice what is going on! Are these the kind you expect to give legitimacy to our nationalism? Are they? Is Mr. Munzu one of them? Are these the kind you dare compare nationalists with? The spirit of NATIONALISM stirring in some Southern Cameroonians at this hour, leaves your referendum and polling in the dust! How many countries do you know that relied on your popular legitimacy in their greatest hour of need? Slaves were not freed by elected people, but by the humanism in those who could not accept the subjugation of man by man. And so it is with the Southern Cameroons case!

3.       That you agree with MUNZU that "since no known referendum or public polling has been conducted in Southern Cameroons, those who have voluntarily occupied leadership positions cannot dictate what they think "We the people" want.

I respectfully and strongly disagree with you.  Only the low beings I described above do not know what our people want or expect that only through a poll and referendum can it be known.  How can they know when they reason upside down? Let me proclaim it again: Our people want freedom from illegal occupation; they want to live under their own laws, sing their own anthem, fly their own flag. They don't want to live under subjugation and slavery to a foreign country.  Does it require a poll or a referendum to determine this? And if you ask why they should not allow themselves to be ruled by Republique, I answer you that the same tokens by which Republique is sovereign are exactly the same that give us the right to govern ourselves. If there are some who, for fear of war or like animals that want to feed where they are tied, say they prefer to remain in bondage and subjugation, perhaps simply because they have no notion of what "a people" means, or because they can speak French, or because they have a job, would you say they represent our people, at this point in their history? You know, when slaves were set free, some feared to be free, because they would miss the free food they were having from their slave masters! Are these the kind that know what "we, the people want?"

4.        You also, indirectly, ask why it is the school children that should suffer or bear the brunt of the struggle, since you say other professions go to work, and the children of Southern Cameroonians who are not inside the Southern Cameroons go to school. Why should it be them?

In liberation struggles, there are no equations for sacrifices! Have some not already paid with their lives? Families have lost their bread winners; their sons, daughters, mothers, husbands, friends, etc. How is that compared to children staying home for some time for the sake of their own future and country? He who risks nothing, gets nothing. We shall all not pay the same sacrifice for our freedom, mark that. Think of those in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Would you like to ask why they paid the heaviest price for Japan to surrender in WWII? Perhaps some of us do not know why we want the schools to stay closed: it is the biggest announcement made to the world about the armed robbery of Republique du Cameroun against the people of the Southern Cameroons.

You say Biya does not care whether schools open or not. He cares only about the oil. So why have they been struggling to keep schools open? You got it all wrong! You must judge which of our actions hurts them most by their response to it. All the struggle to keep schools open is not because they love our children. It is because it keeps the publicity about our case in the public eye!   Because shutting down schools is permanent news to the world about the Southern Cameroons problem, a problem they have been struggling to hide for half a century. Let me also tell you that in the war effort for the survival of a people, schools count for nothing! Check your history books again.

5.       I am free to decide whether I want subjugation, Federation or independence.

I guess you call this expressing your opinion! That is the height of stupidity. In all this show of cleverness, do you refer one moment to any rules, law or principles that mankind has given itself?  The world bans subjugation and calls it a crime against humanity. Then those who have no humanity in themselves, and therefore are mere animals in human form, say they want it! Ah! Reason, you can kill us! As I explained above, not all slaves want to be free. For those who say they have no humanity in themselves, and therefore prefer subjugation, let them distance themselves from human beings who want to be free. By that alone, they ask humans to lead and guide them! No country and no people want subjugation, and that has been the eternal cause of wars and emergence of sovereign states. Yet, here in our Southern Cameroons, they rise to the podium to say "I am free to decide whether I want subjugation"! Those who want to remain slaves MUST NOT, because of the free for all situation at this point, try to make everyone like themselves. They would be degrading human beings to their own level. Of course, in the nature of things, slaves always want to make other slaves like themselves; thieves to make other thieves; smokers to make other smokers.  Those who do not want to be free have a beautiful option: they should migrate to Republique du Cameroun and become citizens there or perhaps the slaves they want to be. Why then do they want to derail those who want to be free? Can Mr. Mishe Fon tell us? Can Mr. Munzu tell us? Abandon the Southern Cameroons to those who do not want a life of subjugation to Republique du Cameroun and go and live in the freedom or slavery you see in Republique!

I would like the federalists, from their beautiful reasoning to answer me:
By what miracle would those who are talking of federation ever get Republique du Cameroun to respect any agreement they reach with that country? By what miracle? They have never respected a single agreement made concerning the Southern Cameroons. They have an incurable disease to subjugate and enslave the Southern Cameroons. Have you found the medicine to cure that? And if they break the agreement, what do you do? Start crying again? Who would hear you, now that you have abandoned all the protection you had under international law?

In any federation, you would have a federal government and federal parliament. You will have no voice in these institutions. What would you do any day they decide to scrap the federation or invade your territory as they did in 1972, despite Article 47 of their federal constitution? What would you do?

Show us one federation in Africa, between two completely different peoples and international territories, that has worked. Go back in history and see how many federations have been tried in Africa, none of which worked and then tell us what would make your own work. They say experience is the best teacher, but here are people going where no experience has worked!

The Banjul ruling called for constructive dialogue between the parties. Should any dialogue not be between the parties to that case, which include the liberation movements that took the matter to Banjul? Should any dialogue not take place under international auspices as has been repeated time and again? Slaves who believe they can rise and sit on the table on equal footing with the master and talk on equal footing! Without the international community, how would Southern Cameroons even manage to negotiate on equal terms? Or for Munzu and his likes, the dialogue is not about negotiating on equal terms but surrendering anew to Republique?

Dear Mishe Fon,
Let me not waste too much of my time. I assure you this:  Human  history has a course that no one can change- it goes ever towards greater freedom and justice. And so I can proclaim from roof tops that the Southern Cameroons will be free, despite the Munzus and all the clever talk! Even war that Munzu fears will not stop us from being free. Are we the first to go to war? Even Hitler could not kill everyone. Don't frighten anyone with war as a way of pleasing Republique du Cameroun or deceiving your own people.

Please send this article to those who had the BBQ with you so they may be reassured.

On Sunday, July 23, 2017 1:21 PM, 'Ajong Stanislaus' via ambasbay <> wrote:

My warmest regards to the person of Mr Mishe Fon.
Please, can I forward this message of yours to some fora where you don't belong?
I shall do well to acknowledge the authorship. 
Thanks in advance for your response. 
Ajong Stanislaus 
Barrister  & Solicitor 

On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 10:58 AM, 'Mishe Fon' via ambasbay
<> wrote:
Where I come from, we are cultured by personal rules of decorum that prohibit the usage of scurrilous and peremptory language in public discourse. I am giving my opinion as a simple freethinker and a Southern Cameroonian in very good standing.

For the sake of full disclosure; I was invited to a meeting at Sister "Peh's" beautiful house in Largo, MD by Mr Ebini to welcome Dr Munzu sometime last year where he presented the project he is embarking on right now. That was way before the present crisis evolved to where it is right now in SC ( I will come back to this meeting later).
Suffice to say, his presentation was well articulated and delivered in the soft tone that he is known for...until Mr Larry Eyong (who attended with a SCNC delegation) asked to speak. His disruptive condescending tone and incivility which could rightly be equated to that of an angry, very violently truculent character almost brought the erstwhile interesting exchanges to an abrupt halt. He and his delegation were politely asked to leave as that was a private residence and his anger was totally misdirected.

Now back to the Munzu Vs Tasang exchange. Personally I don't understand Cameroon government rationale for detaining individuals they were having a "Dialogue" with. It makes no sense. Not only that, these gentlemen are tried in a Military Court where for lack of "Factual Evidence of any wrong doing", they go from one adjournment after another "cooking up" excuses as they go along. If they sincerely want to reduce tension in the country, let them do the right thing and release all those detained albeit unjustly. If their intention all along was sincere in finding a lasting solution to the "Anglophone Problem" they should not have arrested anyone in the first place.` I have done a little historical research to find out if there is any remote equivalence to sitting side by side with a partner to negotiate then you turn around the very next day to arrest the same negotiators tagging them with the all too frightening mantra of "Terrorism". This is crazy. There is no precedent in history. Only in Cameroon.

I honestly think Mr Tassang owes Dr Munzu an apology  for his tangential unprovoked attack. Angry vituperation is not a panacea for conflict resolution. You will never insult your way to victory. None of us Southern Cameroonians can claim legitimacy emanating from people sovereignty. YES none of us has been ELECTED by Southern Cameroonians to represent them. We have able citizens who have stepped up to assume leadership roles (which is quite commendable) but they cannot arrogate to themselves any form of legitimacy. WhatsApp, Facebook and other Social Media while very helpful in this "Fight" will never be used as a yardstick to establish who is or who is not legitimate.

Again I agree with Dr Munzu that since no known referendum or public polling has been conducted in Southern Cameroons, those who have voluntarily occupied Leadership positions cannot dictate what they think "We the people" want. Yesterday at a barbecue the topic of "Schools Resumption or Not" in SC took center stage of all discussions. There were about fifteen "highly intellectual" guys and a few ladies participating in the informal exchange...until I brought up the question: Why can the Doctors and Nurses in the NW and SW, out of solidarity with Teachers and Lawyers (who have been doing the heavy lifting thus far) not threaten Government with a complete Shut Down of all Hospitals for TWO DAYS ONLY until Biya comes to his senses and solve this problem once and for all?

Now hear their answer: "Chai Mishe! That cannot happen. It is too radical. People go Die."

So I laughed and said "So wuna don see wuna ownAli Mungumu  Ngombe dem wey na chichas and Loya dems eh as the sacrificial lambs 4 did fight? All other fonctionnaires dem dey go work, receive  their salaries. No be so? Listen to me, If the population of Southern Cameroonians is five million, as we speak about 40% of that population are in Yaoundé, Douala, Bafoussam, Kribi, short some are deeply entrenched with landed property all over Cameroon. What do these "SC Anglophones in La Republique territory" do when their relatives (Lawyers and Teachers) in Buea and Bamenda are "Fighting the War" against La Republique?...THEY GO TO WORK. Their "Anglophone children go to school. Anglophone Teachers Teach. Anglophone Lawyers go to work. Do you get my drift? Now what about the children in SC who are obliged to stay at home. What do they do to keep them busy and out of trouble? There are no public libraries with free Internet access. There are no industries. There are no public playgrounds;  No Parks and recreation centers. Any wonder why teen pregnancy has risen almost 70% this year alone? WHY? Paul Biya could care less whether "Anglophone schools open or not. So long as SONARA is pumping the "HOYA" on a daily basis and bunkering is taking place unabated in the high seas. The Contract for the Pipeline Limbe Douala Kribi has been signed and will go operational very soon. What inputs were requested from any of us? We are shouting about schools must and will not start. What has resumption of schools got to do with the guy's bottom line. For how long shall we be chasing the shadow instead of the object"

And my listeners simply said "Mishe, dat one na food for thought. You don dey confuse us about this whole thing but wetin you tok over make sense.
So I concluded with THANK WUNA TOO. We have to be strategic and think smart instead of blanket accusations on innocent decent people in our community. No one has monopoly of knowledge.

I will revisit the Munzu proposal but I honestly think he is a good man and his character should not be smeared by angry tin god despots. Let people express themselves as they see fit. Spilling hatred and propaganda will never take us to the Promised Land. It is tyrannical to impose your magnum opus on others. I am free to decide whether I want Subjugation, Federation or Independence. It is equally my rights to express an opinion contrary to yours and vice versa. All this obstreperous outbursts are unnecessary, uncalled for and dictatorial in nature. Anger is not a strategy. Nobody elected me to write this piece and I speak for myself. Those who are quick to tag people with contrarian ideologies as "Sell Outs" or "Soya Choppers" can go ahead and have a field day. The truth is the truth and I will strive as much as is humanly possible to abide by that doctrine, 
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