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Monday, July 24, 2017

RE: Public Split on Impeaching Trump in USA Today Poll

The public is equally divided over whether President Donald Trump should be impeached, with 42 percent wanting him removed from office and an equal number saying the opposite, according to a USA Today/iMediaEthics Poll released Monday.
The support for impeachment among a large number of voters comes even as no effort is underway in Congress to try and remove the president from office.
The percentage supporting impeachment is higher than for recent presidents. During Barack Obama's term, 33 percent said he should be impeached, while 65 percent said he should not, and during the presidency of George W. Bush, 30 percent supported impeachment, while 69 percent did not.
"These results suggest that Trump is probably the most beleaguered first-term president in the country's history, and certainly in modern history — highly unpopular among the public, with a significant portion clamoring for his impeachment barely six months after his inauguration," said polling director David Moore.

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