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Wednesday, July 26, 2017


The separatrists can caricaturize the federalists as they like and paint a utopia for themselves but time will tell who is nearer the realisable. They can now pronounce the word 'war' and no more independence signed on a UN table!. Dr Munzu is the best available for a sustainable solution. Follow him! Those who have ears let them hear.

On Wed, 26 Jul 2017 at 4:20 PM, 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay
<> wrote:
Dear All,

We need to do a FINISH LINE run .....  LAST BELLE run .....  ALL TOGETHER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And this should be done while the MOMENTUM in the Occupied Territories is still on...
The Movement for the Restoration of the Indepence of the Southern Cameroons, has already outlined
a 100 day program since June.  That can be abbreviated somewhow .....

What do we do in the run up to October 1, 2017?

Worst things will happen to our brothers & sisters as well as the leaders in jail 
should anything like schools start come September.  PLEASE we cannot relent.
We have come too far in the liberation of the Occupied Territories.
Blessed Be Southern Cameroons
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: 'Atemkeng Denis' via ambasbay <>
To: "" <>; Cameroon Politics <>; Chief Charles Taku <>; Njoh Litumbe <>; Nfor Ngala Nfor <>; Anyangwe Carlson <>; Prof. Martin Ayim <>; Boh Herbert <>; Tata Mentan <>; Ngwa Nto <>; SCNC Belgium <>; Greig Batey <>; Fon Gorji Dinka <>; Ntemfac Ofege <>; Njoh Litumbe <>; Ayaba Lucas <>; Fai Emmanuel Visha <>; Augustine Gwunnua <>; George Achu <>; Julius Acham <>; Pa Fru Ndeh <>; Chief Fonkem <>; Akonson A. Raymond <>; Albert Zama <>; Valentine Nke <>; Martin Tumasang <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 3:10 AM

Find for your reading the article entitled: Reasoning with the Federalists.

You will find in it my analysis of what "unconditional dialogue" means in the face of the position of the federalists that restoration can only happen through war.  I have said it over and over that a final confrontation is inevitable. We should confront our people with this, and not shy away from it. But see what it means to call for dialogue, with the dread of war hanging over your head, as federalists say it does. If someone can send this article to Munzu, I will appreciate it.


The federalists, perhaps led by Dr. Munzu, tell us that they want dialogue; that the only way the Southern Cameroons can gain independence is through war, and they are so terrified of this prospect that they are forced to dialogue. He says in his reply to Tassang: "The independence of Southern Cameroons, if it is to be restored, will only be restored by war". And to support his claim of dialogue, he says: "The history of decolonisation is replete with examples of the coloniser dialoguing with the colonised to lift the colonial yoke on the latter." Did any dialogue happen before the final confrontation? Did any colonial master surrender merely through dialogue?
They mistakenly accuse advocates of independence of fearing dialogue. This is either a calculated error or a blatant lie. Advocates of independence have never feared or refused dialogue. They are the ones who have been calling for dialogue even before the Banjul ruling calling for constructive dialogue. They only hold that dialogue, to have any meaning, must occur under certain conditions. Those conditions include the fact that it must hold under international and neutral auspices; that it must include those liberation movements that took Republique du Cameroun to Banjul, the ruling of which called for constructive dialogue; that all issues must be on the table; that it must hold on neutral ground and not in any placed controlled by La Republique. The purpose of these demands is clear to every right-thinking person. It is to ensure that the dialogue is not a dialogue between master and servant; that it allows both sides to fully present their case; that no intimidation or complicity takes place. All of these things will occur if you hold any dialogue unconditionally, whose terms will be dictated by the occupier.
The federalists on the other hand, claim that there should be no preconditions for dialogue and no anticipated outcome either. So we should not prejudge the outcome. What magnificent reasoning! He says in his reply to Tassang: "All that the ADF is advocating is that a national dialogue on the Anglophone problem or crisis should be held, without prescribing the outcome of the dialogue." "I happen to believe staunchly that "this failed union can work" and that we can sit down in a national dialogue and determine how to make it work".
When the federalists say Southern Cameroons can gain independence only through war, what do they mean?
1.     It means that Federalists will never challenge Republique's pretended sovereignty over the Southern Cameroons; they will never question the illegal occupation; they will never question the ongoing armed robbery. Why? Because they say Republique has a gun to their head and they are afraid of death; because this will be the cause of war, which they dread so much!
2.     It means that the outcome of the dialogue has already been predetermined, contrary to the claims of Dr. Munzu: it will never lead to independence; independence is excluded as an outcome.
3.     It will be a dialogue between master and servant, since federalists don't impose the same conditions for dialogue as nationalists do; therefore inevitably Republique will impose its terms.
4.     La Republique has been given a joker, a nuclear deterrent, that it can always brandish to make the federalists accept any conditions they impose: war.
5.     Since federalists will be negotiating from a position of impotence and fear of war, there is no reason for Republique to concede anything, and no way for the federalists to walk out! Walking out amounts to choosing independence, which they say requires war. Whatever Republique presumably gives away, will only be another route to get everything back later.
6.     If the dialogue will never lead to independence, it follows that it will never address the fundamental grievance of the illegal occupation of the Southern Cameroons by Republique du Cameroun. So again, the federalists are telling us that our main grievance will not be on the agenda of their dialogue.
7.     Dialogue is supposed to be a give and take. In the circumstance of the nuclear deterrent given to Republique by the federalists (their absolute fear of war), what federalists call dialogue is simply a camouflage; a pretence, not dialogue at all. No dialogue can take place under absolute fear or where one party has a gun pointing to the head of the other; where one party is threatening the other with war.
8.     It also follows that the federalists have absolutely no means of making Republique accept any condition that is against Republique's interest: the dialogue therefore is simply for the purpose of another surrender to Republique du Cameroun! Why surrender?  Because since the federalists have told Republique that they are so terrified of the prospect of war that they will not dare Republique, there is absolutely no reason for Republique to compromise. Why should an armed robber give up his booty if the owner is so terrified of confronting him that he is prepared to run away at the first gun shot?
9.     It also follows that because of the permanent threat of war as a means of cowing down the federalists, the federalists will be living completely at the mercy of Republique du Cameroun. Repubique can change the rules or reverse them any day it pleases, because it presents something the federalists dare not confront: war! War brandished by Republique du Cameroun is like the deterrent of an atomic weapon! No one dares face it. Federalists are therefore condemned to live a life of fear, complaints and subordination, all for the fear of war! They dare not challenge Republique's theft of our territory; its armed robbery against us! Not only they themselves, but their progeny will also live this life of fear. Why? Because every born Southern Cameroonian will sooner or later see his unacceptable conditions of life.
10.                        I have explained it over and over in my previous writings: there is no one-Cameroon formula, federation or otherwise, in which Southern Cameroonians can fulfil the purpose of human life: be happy. We are dealing with a game of numbers, not something that can be cured by good laws. For every one Southern Cameroonian student in class, there will be 30 Francophones; for every plot a Southern Cameroonian buys, Francophones would have bought 50! Your culture, language, education and everything will die, irreversibly! Southern Cameroonians, in any one Cameroon, will never have a place they can call their own! The one-Cameroon formula is a formula for cultural genocide, inevitably. Tafawa Belawa, Dr. Endeley and many others predicted this, but Foncha and those living in this illusion said they believed in one Cameroon; it has been hell on earth for us.
11.                        The federalists want to take us down this road which Foncha has taken us down before; a road that has never succeeded in Africa! For 56 years we have lived a life of torture, brutality and complaints. Many of us do not see the destruction this life causes to the spirit, but it does. Foncha was a die-hard federalist, like those who speak of federation today, but he died a very dejected person. Why do we not learn from his experience? Why do others believe that their faith in one Cameroon is greater than that of Foncha, who however died in frustration? Should we not do better than him? Happiness will not be produced by faith, but by the laws of nature, which have put these two peoples apart, not together. The daily and constant frictions are serious warnings not to be ignored. It will even be worse if after this struggle, we descend again to this hell. Many are already living in exile; they will die in exile. Ok. If the federalists refuse to depend on Foncha's experience, why not take the experience of other attempts at federation in Africa: Burundi-Rwanda, failed; Rhodesia-Nyasaland, failed; Libya-Egypt, failed, Senegambia, failed; etc.
12.                        Federalists! People leading us into a cultural genocide! These are people living in illusions. If, God forbid, we sign any federation with Republique, we lose every protection that we now have under international law: we can never again quote Res. 1608 (XV); 1514, 1541 or Article 102 of the UN Charter. No one will ever listen to us again!
13.                        Our struggle is not for one year or 50 years or 100 but for a life of freedom in eternity. Are we the first to go to war for freedom? Nearly every country on earth had to face the coloniser to be free. Even Africa did. Have the federalists ever asked themselves why other countries were prepared to die for freedom? Or don't we know what freedom is? We are going round the world begging support, from who? From countries that accepted war so that they could free themselves from subjugation and live a life of happiness on their own terms. If this is the way all peoples must go, why are federalists frightening us? Federalists should not deceive us with fear to surrender and live a life that has no happiness in it. I have never heard the doctrine that we should now surrender everything we have to armed robbers because we are too afraid they will kill us. I hear it only from Southern Cameroonians federalists. No matter how weak a true owner is, he will shout to the top of his voice for good neighbours to help him. He never simply surrenders out of fear.
14.                        Let me ask them: if their Republique were attacked and they were asked to go to war, would they go? Would the federalists go to war for Republique? It turns out that so-called federalists are simply thoroughly colonised and brainwashed people: they feel for their Republique, but not for their own nation, the Southern Cameroons! The transfer of allegiance, which is the purpose of the illegal occupation, has been completed with them!
15.                        No federalist has answered this question for me: why should the fate of the Southern Cameroons and La Republique be linked at all? Is it just out of impotence to challenge the illegal occupation that we are suing for peace and begging for Republique to tolerate us at any cost? Why will they not say we are the ones forcing ourselves on them, given the so-called federalists? Would they insist on dialogue if they had the power to take back our territory?
16.                        Fear of war is not a virtue; it is cowardice and does not lead to freedom, but servitude! It is said that if you want peace, prepare for war. These are people, including Munzu, who led the Southern Cameroons to the independence option through the Bamenda Proclamation. Then when the people accept the independence option, they abandoned the people; they backtracked and are now preaching unconditional surrender! Would you call that treachery? They would argue that we have not asked the people what they want!!!
17.                        Here is Republique threatening to go to war for something that is not its own. The true owner is so frightened by this threat that he starts announcing his intention to surrender. Let us therefore ask: what exactly are federalists prepared to fight for; what are they prepared to die for? Need we remind them that the Africa we live in today was won by war and blood?
18.                        They speak of federation. Republique neither knows the concept of federation nor the concept of freedom. Federation will forever be for Republique du Cameroun only a stepping stone to taking over our own space of existence; it will be always a mechanism to colonise and destroy us. They showed this in 1961, and have persisted in this pattern for 56 years. Here we are falling in the same trap.
19.                        The best option for federalists, if they fear war so much, would be to argue for a referendum. Why are they not calling for a referendum in the Southern Cameroons since they doubt what our people want? They should devote themselves to working for a referendum so that their dreaded war will never occur. Ah! But how will Republique accept a referendum knowing fully well that it needs only to confront you with the prospect of a war for you to surrender? You have ruled out the option of a referendum by announcing your unwillingness to fight for what is yours, so the enemy need concede nothing, not even a referendum!
20.                        Yes, we accept dialogue, but not the dialogue of federalists, which is unconditional. The conditions for dialogue must be met for it to have any meaning to us, nationalists. Unfortunately, they call nationalists, "separatists"! We are not separating from Republique. We are asking Republique to withdraw from our territory to its own.
21.                        My People: we have not deceived our people as some insinuate. We have repeatedly told our people that a final confrontation with evil, with colonisation, is inevitable. Why? Because colonisation lives only on violence, intimidation, lies, deceit. We know it too well. It is the work of the devil and must only be defeated. People of Southern Cameroons, we must do what every other people have done to be free. There is no running away from it. We shall overcome and be free, in a sovereign Southern Cameroons.

On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 5:27 PM, 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Good People,

I am sitting here and sort of "laughing" outwardly but bleeding in my heart, "inwardly".
I am laughing at those who are grandstanding talking about DIALOGUE.
Why are these people being DISHONEST, and I will not even call it intellectual
dishonesty.  Nope.  I do not even know why the VeeP of the Governing Council
called it doctors or whatever.  It is a simple lack of courage, faiblesse, weaklings.
It is cowardice veiled in casuistry.  No need for me to write some long epistle.
There is nothing whatsoever that I have to say via some epistle or missive.
You all know what time it is.  Nobody is a sucker.  DIALOGUE started since
1962 with the secret letters of Prof Fonlon to Ahmadou Ahidjo.   There was
DIALOGUE when Abendong was killed.  There was DIALOGUE when they
removed the FEDERATION in 1972 and created a United Republic.  There
was DIALOGUE when they promised that the Prime Minister position will
be abolished in that 1972 but brought it back in 1975, to the little guy that 
Foncha met in France in 1961 and told him to come back to his homeland
Cameroon.  There was DIALOGUE when they changed the law in parliament
circa 1980 that the second in comman will be the Prime Minister and not
the President of the National Assembly.  There was DIALOGUE when in 
1984 they committed a treasonable offence and seceded La Republique du
Cameroun from the UNION with the Southern Cameroons by changing
the name of the country back to La Republique du Cameroun.   There was 
DIALOGUE when Foncha resigned from the CPDM.  There was
DIALOGUE when they killed Southern Cameroonians in May 1990 in 
Bamenda at the launching of the Social Democratic Front.  There was
DIALOGUE when the commission to examine Angloiphone problems
was put togethere whereby Abouem a Tchoyi, Dorothy Njeuma etc circa
1990 smthing were members.  There was DIALOGUE during the tri-partite
of 1992 or so.  There was DIALOGUE when S.T. MUNA resigned from
some constitutional thing.  There was DIALOGUE at their 1996 constitution
when Carlson Anyangwe, Itoe pulled out of that nonsense.  There was 
DIALOGUE when the Supreme Court in 1992 stamped the results and
Justice Ngalame walked out.  There was DIALOGUE even more recently
in November 2016 with teachers and lawyers after which they were promptly
arrested and flown/driven in cars blindsighted across the Occupied Territories
of Southern Cameroons to courts in the neighboring country of La Republique
du Cameroun and the dungeons of Yaounde.

The INFINITELY SMART people can continue in their DIALOGUE.
May God Almighty Grand us the SPIRIT of DISCERNMENT.

To God Be The Glory
Pa Fru Ndeh
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