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Monday, July 24, 2017


Well said, Prof Dzengwa

On Jul 24, 2017 5:19 PM, 'Clement Asongwe' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Thank You Mangie.

On Monday, July 24, 2017 9:10 AM, 'vukeh Tamajong' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Dear Willibroad,
You have said it all.

Dr. Mrs. Elizabeth Vukeh Tamajong, PhD
Educational Policy and Administration
Chief Research Officer (Directeur de Recherche)
Director of the National Centre for Education ( CNE)
Member of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences .
Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation
Secretary General, Women Academy for Africa(Accra, Ghana.)
P.O. Box 1466, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Tel: +237 97 60 22 48 / 77 60 23 56
Office: +237 22 23 40 12

On Saturday, July 22, 2017, 1:00:28 AM GMT+1, 'dzewing ngwa (Dze-Ngwa)' via ambasbay <> wrote:

My dear Pa Tassang Wilfred,
I plead with you and ALL, to pipe low and roll back the recurrent tendencies between the "us" versus "they"; between the "Doctors and Professors" versus the non doctors and non-Professors; between the supposed  "true leaders" in jail and in exile versus the supposed "false leaders" out of jail and not in exile. It is not the jail or the  exile that calls for a God-chosen leadership. It is also  not the PhD nor the Professorship that  should be called to question, but the very essence of flirting views. I am afraid our approach is divisive and only weakens a genius course. The true Messiah in this struggle may just be one "primitive" child from the hinterlands of the Northwest and Southwest Region, who though deprived of schooling might emerge with the magic baton. Therefore, misjudgements   may come from the top, while leadership could come from the bottom. Efforts should simply be co-ordinated from all stakeholders. Fowl  language should be thrown to the dogs. Genuine  dialogue to craft out needs should first begin within the house.

God bless!


On Friday, July 21, 2017, 4:33:31 PM GMT+1, Martin Tumasang <> wrote:

Dear Dr Munzu,
Do You Hate Us this Much?
My dear father, and brother, it is with a heavy heart that I have to address you through the public domain. The purpose is not to humiliate you, but to make sure I have 8million Southern Cameroonians to bear me witness that I did get to you. It seems to me that what the unschooled perceive these days, the learned, I mean, PhDs can't understand. Or that wisdom has departed from the old.
Before I get into the crux of the matter, let me recall one of my closing tirades on January 13 2017, at about mid night while we wrapped up bitterness in the Education Adhoc Committee. In righteous anger, I told your PhD colleagues and the Professors present, that I, ( and this should apply to all ) had no regard whatsoever for PhD holders and Professors who can not stand the truth nor call a spade by its name. The PhDs present were, Professor Talla Kashim, Fame Ndongo, Nalova Lyonga, Teresa Akenji, Paul Ghogomo, Callistus Fuh Gentry etc. And today, I am sad to have to count you among the dishonoured.
My dear Dr Munzu, when I went to school, I learned very early in my quest that knowledge was about the truth, and that the truth is the foundation of all wisdom. In my unending quest to know my Maker, I learned as early as Sunday School that the Creator is Omniscient. That He is the source of all knowledge. I also learned of Jesus His Son, that He is the Way, the Truth and the Light. I have enough testimonies in life to believe that all knowledge without the fear of God is the cause of all the intellectual stuntedness that we have around. No doubt we would rather use our knowledge in a sophisticated manner, in a way to pull down our communities so that we and ours alone may see the light of day. The common man has named it most appropriately; the Pull Him Down syndrome.
I am presently deprived of my archives, and so can't make very apt references to dates of events. However, I know I was in teacher training when both the AAC and AAC II took place. I can also remember reading from the papers how you, Dr Simon Munzu wept uncontrollably while reading to our people the contents of the Bamenda Declaration. Should I belabour the point by mentioning here why you wept? Well, just in case you have forgotten, the onus was on you to inform Yaoundé that our people would resort to independence restoration after a reasonable time, should government persist in the ostrich game.
Do you remember Sir, that shortly after the SCNC opted for restoration, you found time to come home just to discredit and denounce the move? According to you, restoration of the statehood of the Southern Cameroons was never considered as an option by the SCNC. So what was it that made you cry when reading the Bamenda declaration? The possibility of never seeing your masters again? Were you violating a sealed agreement with the enemy, and cried so that they may see that you had been forced to read it? Whatever.
My dear "learned" Dr Munzu, it would appear that you long reneged on your belief. Why? Hunger? Am sorry for being petty. But hunger is the one most important factor for success in most revolutions, or failure of the same. Welcome back from your cosy UN job. I hear LRC enabled you secure that and now is pay back time. OK? One good turn deserves another, you know. So you want to use Southern Cameroons to pay back Paul Biya's good turn? For how long did it last? Paul Biya's good turn, I mean?
Why is it not strange to me that you are the one to do all these dirty work? You've been down this road before.Remember you were the one Etoudi used to mobilise Southern Cameroonians to welcome Pharaoh Biya in Washington DC, at the Obama-African Heads of State Summit. I hear you did a good job convincing even the elect.
A nos moutons docteur. Excuse me Sir. Sometimes I suffer these language swings. But I know that you are a better pupil of the oppressor's language. As I was saying, am not surprised at this present treacherous mood.Each time I have refused to be patronised by the enemy, it was because I knew that payback time would come. In your case though, are you paying back or looking for fresh favours?
About the truth Sir; what is your leitmotif? The Bamenda Declaration mentioned "a reasonable time". You read that declaration. My question to you Sir; how much time did you understand would be "a reasonable time"? Apparently, 1961 to 2017 is not reasonable time enough by your estimation. I mean that fifty six years are not long enough for your people to say enough is enough. Should God have waited until Simon Munzu is home to his Maker before launching this revolution?
Can Dr Simon Peter, sorry, Munzu, with all his learning, state for a fact, that this failed union can work. What is it that makes the learned university/UN expert believe that our people should suffer yet another day in bondage. Am sure that my brother has not spared any of the literature spewed on the columns to justify our case. Or are you saying Sir, that we have no case? Are you affirming that our case was sold and sealed in 1961 and therefore unsalvageable? Or is this just so your remaining days on earth may be spent in quiet comfort while your people increase in their pain?
Why did you ever go to school Sir, if not so that knowledge acquired could be used at the service of your people in times like these? As " Anglicans "' (and I hear you had the privilege to be brought up on their shores), you know that we are a tolerant people. You also know that we get involved in very passionate and sometimes violent debates on the floor of the House. Not having that privilege to confront you face to face, I thought I should resort to this medium so that my message gets to you as most passionately and most violently as possible. Unfortunately, the civility of our fathers wouldn't allow me to be as brutal as I wanted to sound. That notwithstanding, note that I have tried, with reservation, to pour out my bile to you.
You are forgiven your trespasses against our people and the struggle because the Lord commands that we do. Note however, that we are equally commanded to resist the devil. It therefore is not Simon Munzu we resist but the spirit of the oppressor that is manipulating you that we must resist. If in the process you get lumped up with Pharaoh, then so be it. Remember, we are in a revolution and that in revolutions, there are no bystanders, no middle ground. Who is not for us is against us.
Dialogue is a good thing and we have never refused to dialogue. But who has mandated you to initiate dialogue with the enemy? Is it the UN? I ask this because Yaoundé has still not decriminalised discussions on self determination. In your advocacy, I've not heard you demand for the unconditional release of all abductees and for any form of "amnesty" for those in exile, as a condition for dialogue. So who is Yaoundé going to dialogue with? You? Or their appointed members of Parliament/Senators who have never been able to say a word for their people? Who do you want Yaoundé to dialogue with my brother? Or can you claim to be unaware of the fact that we are where we are today because Yaoundé rejected dialogue? What point are you trying to prove? And to who?
Anyway, enjoy your sponsored trips while the struggle continues. But when you return, tell your masters that we are ready and have always been ready for dialogue. However, such a dialogue, for it to have meaning, must be tripartite. The UN must preside over any dialogue between our people and Yaoundé. Those to represent and speak for our people shall be the same ones God used to start this revolution. I mean those in jail and exile.
Tell them that tomorrow shall be better if they stop fighting our God. If they don't, well, God's wrath shall visit them soon. And like the Good Book says, "for there is no longer any sacrifice that will take away sins if we purposely go on sinning after the truth has been made known to us. Instead, all that is left is to wait in fear for the coming judgement…which will destroy those who oppose God!" Heb. 10:26-27. As for your master Paul Biya, he said, "apres moi, le deluge" or did he say "chaos"? It now is evident that the "deluge" he referred to will meet him here on earth and not "apres". It's not too late for repentance though. Tell him.
And for you….Do you really hate us this much?
Ferociously yours
Pa TASSANG Wilfred


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