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Monday, July 24, 2017

Re: What unites and what differentiates citizens/movements?

Remember the pending case by SCAPO at ACHPR!!! The fact that Dr. Gumne is dead does not entail SCAPO is dead in the struggle. Let's be fair and remain so.
MFY in Ndu County

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 11:55 AM, Ngwa Nto' <> wrote:
When you talk of English-speaking parts of the country you intend to betray our cause because you put yourself on the side of those who see us as part of another country. That is abusive and we are not going to take that from anybody anymore, whoever he happens to be.

On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 10:48 AM, FORCHEH, N. (Prof.) <> wrote:

Sometimes we receive general group mail with a lot of history behind it, and not sure as to whether to comment or not. In particular is the mail /discussions intended to inform or to boaster existing and unchangeable positions?


For example, which of the several groups to which Cameroonians in English speaking parts of the country or those originating from such areas but residing elsewhere can be classified are the exchanges in this thread and indeed most of the current discuss on Anglophone marginalisation and colonisation targeting?


The following Factors (neither exhaustive nor in any order of importance) can be used for classification:

1.      Whether or not the family/ individual were classified as Southern Cameroon at independence.

2.      Whether or not the family/individual would have sort citizen of East or Southern Cameroon in event that Southern Cameroon where independent or federated with Nigeria in 1960/61

3.      Whether or not the individual is legally a Cameroonian,  or a stateless person since birth or independence in 1961, or a political/ economic refugee.

4.      Whether or not the person primary language at home and/or work is English, French, English and French or neither

5.      Etc.

6.      Etc.


Narrowing down to those who can be classified today by whatever definition, as Southern Cameroonians and want independence from the other 8 regions that make up today Cameroon (to form a country that unites the current South West and North West Regions), the next set of questions include:

a)      Which of the competing "entities" such as SCNC, Ambazonia, SCACUF, MoRISC, etc. (IF ANY) represents the interest of different citizens of the new country?

b)      Which (IF ANY) of these entities enjoys majority support of the "citizenship" in terms of their political,  socio-cultural, economic agenda and policies,  and method of achieving independence?

c)      Which of these entities understands the day to day challenges faced by the majority of the people they seek to represent and what their perceived/preferred solutions are?




I submit these with the hope that some knowledgeable compatriots and/or leaders of various groups can illuminate inquiring that remain uncertain and uncommitted to the "struggle".





From: Prof. Martin Ayim []
Sent: 19 July 2017 09:25 PM
To: 'Atemkeng Denis' via ambasbay; charles ndifor; CAMNETWORK List; Henry Fossung; Mathias Ayuk; Bri Soucam; Cameroon Politics; Njoh Litumbe; Spm; Dr. Susungi Nfor; Dr. Christopher Atang; Barrister Bobga; HerbertBoh; Greig Batey; Christmasebini Ebini; Martin Yembe; Dr. Fobi Mathias;; Chief Charles A.Taku;; Mountzion Min; Timmy Larry; Maurice Tabe; Njoh Litumbe;;; CAMNET WORKS; Sallyanne Agbor; FORCHEH, N. (Prof.); Anyangwe Carlson; Rev. Dr. Ikome Samuel; Dr. MAL Fobi; Dr. Eno AGBOR; Dr Lawrence AYAMBA; Dr. Mbua Louis



You got Ambazonia argument wrong. It is "Illegal Union in 1961, illegally broken in 1984. Thereby, simultaneously restoring both LRC and Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia), according to international law of creation and dissolution of States. Best practice is SeneGambia=Senegal and Gambia.



Prof Martin Ayim  Ph.D., MPH, MCHES 


If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.... (Desmund Tutu)


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On Wednesday, July 19, 2017, 10:09:04 AM CDT, 'Atemkeng Denis' via ambasbay <> wrote:



But that is the reply to some of our weak and confused arguments talking about name change as that which broke the illegal union. I always asked those who made such a fanciful argument whether bringing back the name will resolve the problem. They would not answer.


If you say there is no union, do not speak of there being an illegal union. Either there is no union at all in law, or there is union, but no law recognises an illegal union which can be legally broken by name-change. These have been the arguments of the Republic of Ambazonia! Such arguments could never stand in any reasonable mind.


If this change in name by Republique is true, it only tells us that we must put more pressure; that the enemy is not as comfortable as they are fooling some of us to believe. They are going through hell with our actions. So we should intensify action on them, until they surrender our stolen territory.



On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 1:06 PM, 'Taku A. A. Moses' via ambasbay <> wrote:


Dear citizens of S.Cameroons,


The secret change of name by Bia is not what matters. The name has gotten nothing to do with the behaviors of the wicked attitudes of the demonically ruled nation of Mr. Paul Bia. We are not maltreated by name as the name is not the matter but the man ruling that nation that God has styled it and calls it the Babylon or Egypt of our days. As I have found the matter in the Word of God and holds Him by His Word which He says He honors more than His name Jehovah, He is bound to honor my Prayers as His servant. Change of name secretly does not solve the matter that God has been involved as in the days of the Jews or the tribe of Judah in their own captivity in Babylon. He changed the name in AD 1984 with drunken eyes and pen; and he is still free to change it now with demonic eyes and pen. It is his father's nation and he can do and undo at anytime or at will with a single stroke of the pen without consultation of the Rubber stamp Assembly/Senate-all powerless group of  truly hypnotized old men. He rules the nation as an emperor and a tyrant in nature-So! Yes.


I had written to Bia in AD 2004 letting him know that he was no longer the President of the S.Cameroonians and have again written to him now in June 5th 2017 with the title-"Prophetic Revelations to Bia from a Servant of God" and duly posted it to him from my hide out by registered mail. That mail is already by now on his table if the secretary general does forward it to him. I wish to state here that Bia and France are all in a panic mode as we are already out from that unholy union. I wish to state here that our God is in perfect control as He says that-He hates Oppression, Annexation, Suppression and willful murder of innocent souls with destinies unfulfilled. This is the timing of the Lord and we are not to be shaken-ed at all. Change of name has gotten nothing to do with what is on the table of God. Let no one advocate again for union but for TOTAL exit from that unholy union that God did not approve of it in AD 1961. He was the one who took us out from Enugu so as to be a people to Him in Africa as Israel is to Him in the world. We are a small nation like Israel with His Blessings of both man-power and Natural Resources that cannot be quantified in abundance.


He caused the Foumban conference to fail so as not to have any legal document binding us here on earth in that union. He is a Faithful God as He knows the Ending from the Beginning of any matter or life. He has set us Free as He did to the Jews after 400 yrs. but they did not know and stayed again for 30 more years. We are already out from that union and they that are still doubting will be left truly behind with the black-legers. God is seeing the streaming tears from our citizens at home and those in hidings. Our sons and daughters that have been killed; their blood is crying in the earth for vengeance from the Lord God-Psa.94:1-7. You should read this Prayer of David for the Oppressed like us.


Be informed here that the blood of the innocent S. Cameroonian souls that has spilled on the ground is speaking vengeance to Paul and his cohorts. They are all living in total fear as a result of the type of Prophetic Warfare Prayers that are being done by me and any other Gospel Minister who knows such brand of Prayers-2Corint.10:1-5. The blood of the Bishops assassinated by Bia's henchmen with his knowledge is also speaking against him. Bia finds it difficult now to even enjoy food with his truly granddaughter as wife-Chantal. She is now enjoying spiritual food very secretly with some of the body guards on duty at night. She is being starved at such as she does not go to Bia's room at will. Ask her if you can. Rosicrucian s do not share sleeping rooms with their wives. This is their law indeed. I have been privileged to deliver some of them to freedom by the Anointing of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus and all the books were burnt to ashes.


The Anglophones in the civil service and military should be informed to start packing out for what has happened in Kouseri in the North, will start happening in the other 8 Provinces of the nation. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. The following Anglophone Blacklegs should be well informed now as the Provision of "Woes" from the Throne of God-Isa.5:20-25 is soon coming to them; Captain Peter Musonge, Chief Tabetando George, Ngole Ngole, Ngute- all of S.W and Philemon Yang, Atanga Nji, Ndeh John, Achidi Achu from NW. I have selected 4 from each province to bell the cat in the government of Bia. He has taken the lives of 2 or 3 Fons for a sacrifice so as to water down the fight thru his demonic master who requested such a sacrifice from him. He is also going to take 2 from the S.W so as to balance the sacrifice for the nation of S.Cameroons to remain in captivity and he be using us and our wealth as his servants. God is seeing and recording for His timing action of His Vengeance. Bia knows that I have picked up this wicked plan from the realm of the spirit. 


Any matter that God is involved should be treated with care as I am also extending this calamities of Godly "Woes" to any group of persons advocating for FEDERALISM and or secretly having secret ties with our captors. This is as a result of the various accusing fingers and tongues to they that are of the U.S group called Morisc-duly headed by Boh Herbert with his henchmen of doubting characters, who had been visibly playing hide and seek game as SCNC leaders in the U.S with the late Ambassador-Jerome Mendoga. If you have not touched bitter leaves, your hands have no reason to be bitter or if you have not taken any soft-money at any point in time, you have no reason to be worried about any accusations from men. What is done in the secret is always seen by God who is Omniscience and is every where and every time of day-24/7-Omnipresent. He does not sleep or slumber neither does He go on weekends. He does not punish they that are clean in their deeds; except they that are guilty.

He will fight our battles and we shall only come to collect the spoils as in the days of the Jews to the Assyrians as He says He changeth not as He remains the same-very Powerful and Loving Father.


The 3 prison sentences I have placed upon that nation since AD 2000, will surely be continuously enforced by the government of Heaven that has given me the Authority to declare a thing here on earth and it will surely come to pass in His timing-Luk.10:19. Until we leave that union, La Rep du Cameroun will have no Peace in their nation or Borders; 2) There shall be continuous and visible Poverty in the land-No Prosperity and 3rdly. No Glory of Football at International level again only Defeats-no matter how well they play. The AFCON cup they won was as a result of the coach to have fielded 3 Anglophones in the team erroneously. I am a god to Bia as Moses was a god also to Pharaoh in the days of the Jews in Egypt and also Daniel to Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. I was reliably informed by my spiritual son in Limbe-(name with-held) that LRD sent security forces (2 Police officers) to come and look for me thru him and to ask me to come to Yaounde not to kill me but to have a compromise with me so as to stop my Prophetic Ware-fare Prayers that are confusing their evil works and also sustaining Ambassador Henry Fossung from being killed by them after 20 solid/visible attempts upon his life that failed. He told them that, I am in Nigeria and that he has no contact of me. 


Do not be worried as every demonic plan now being put in place by him will also meet with Godly Plans from the Kingdom of God for annulment. He is a servant to Satan thru Amorc, Freemason, Sun god in Paris, Esingan, Homosexual-ism and the drinking of human blood at Mvolye for demonic powers, but I am an Anointed servant of God filled with the Holy Spirit Anointing that breaks every demonic yokes. Bia knows me in the realm of the spirit as only spirit can fight spirit. Bia's end of mission is at hand-Note it. God told me that S.Cameroons is to Him in Africa as Israel is to Him in the World. So do not be worried as those innocent souls that B.I.R meaning-(Brutal Indiscipline Robbers) have killed is a sacrifice for our course. God will replenish our sorrows with enormous Joy from His Kingdom. The nation has already been handed to Him as a Christian nation for Him to rule us.


May the Lord keep us in Unity so as to be victorious in this Battle of ours. He fought for Israel and He will also fight for us as we call on Him daily. Keep calling upon His name for vengeance, as you cannot avenge your enemies. You should stop accusing one another even as the Blacklegs and they that are advocating for Federalism as they are being regarded as dogs willing to go back to its vomit.

Only be courageous as God told Joshua when he took over the baton of leadership from Moses.


Yours Freedom Fighter-(not with human weapons of MK47 but with Spiritual Missiles that go all over)

Rev. (Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses Sr. (alias Daniel or Bishop D.M Tutu for his people of S.Cam.)

From: charles ndifor <>
To: Henry Fossung <>; "" <>; Taku A. A. Moses <>; Sama Lawrence <>; Amos Mindako <>; Paddy Yong <>
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 5:36 AM



On Saturday, July 15, 2017 11:42 PM, "Martin Tumasang [cameroon_politics]" <> wrote:



La Republique carries out back door changes of the country's name

It is becoming increasing clear that La Republique has applied to the world body in charge of name changes for the country name to change. That said, some websites have been doing the changes gradualy from Cameroon to United Republic of Cameroon. Check the attached screenshot from the credit card company in UK and see the changes. Last week it was NOT the same on this website. Recalled that Akoson Pauline Diale yesterday reported of a similar situation on an Ethopia air ticket. Something is cooking up. We shall bring you more details on this. IT SHALL NOT WORK.

Mark Bareta.




Posted by: Martin Tumasang <>

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