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Monday, July 3, 2017


Hello Fellow Southern Cameroonians !!

"We" started a revolution in November 2016 for our emanicipation and enhancement of our rights, self determination and ability to carve our own future without the diktats of foreign entities.
We have fought a gallant fight. We have not WON yet we have not LOST. We have shown to the entire world how resilient we can be when we want to.
Almost one year after (Lawyers, Teachers and the subsequent "Coffin Revolution"), methinks it is time to do some soul searching, introspection and map out strategies for the way forward.

NB: These are my random thoughts and not emanating from any ante-chambers of some political think-tank. So if you must attack my input, then do so without using the tired route of calling all dissenting opinionated characters like moi-meme as "Sell Outs". I am not and never will be. I say it as I see it. Na all dat.

1) Truth be told, Cameroon shall never be the same again in the foreseable future
2) Being an "Anglophone" shall never be used again perjoratively by francophones to disparage people of Southern Cameroons. Southern Cameroonian leaders have emerged who were hitherto unknown in the national scene and boy oh boy...are they fire-brand?
3) Appointment of S/C as eternal "Adjoints" in government of parapublic organizations will no longer be the norm. Meritorious anglophones will occupy prestigious positions in government like Finance, Defense, Secretary General @ the Presidency, Ambassador to the USA, Nigeria, UK.
4) English shall be taught to Anglophone students by Anglophone teachers in the English language.
5) Everyone now accepts that there are two main  distinct cultures that cannot be bastardized by a stroke of the pen (Decrets) or by acrobatic subterfuge or political chicanery that partly led to the present stalemate.
6) Without the advantage of a sophisticated well armed (to the teeth) security forces, Southern Cameroonians have once again proved what resilience can do while standing in harms way.

In that sense, we've succeeded way beyond our expectations. While I understand that certain aspects of our DEMANDS have not been fulfilled (remember that HOPES never Die:
I am Suggesting that we take a deep breath and put an end to the GHOSTs TOWN phenomenon and pave the way for a resumption of schools, come September 2017. And here are my reasons:

A) Allowing our children to go back to school is not a sign of failure, weakness or capitulation but an element in political science described in self defence politicking as "Negotiation Jujitsu Bodoshiming"

Information reaching some of us reveals that a prolonged status quo may make an already deplorable economic chaotic climate more confusing. As a matter of fact, many of our youths have been radicalized, constituting and transforming themselves into dangerous elements of uncertainty. They are now going around (especially in the North West Provinve unleashing a new brand version of urban terrorism) on the population that has borne the bulk of the entire suffering of the S/C peoples. Many of these our desperado youths (through no fault of theirs) may be lured into provocative acts of arson and banditry thereby jeopardizing our already fragile and even non existent security.

We, Southern Cameroonians have to accept our own short-comings. Many of us are greedy self-seeking careerist opportunists, power hungry unconscious despots and even political neophytes. We are the architects of our own demise (Over book, Over sabi and Over Do Me I Do You) This is not a critique. It is reality and I am guilty as charged for the same crimes. It simply means..."We too like Fight; justified or not".

B) Truth be told: Life is gradually returning to normal in many parts of SW Region. Instead of allowing our "Collective Fight" to die a natural death, (with all the repercusions that may reverberate from a few over zealous CPDM talking heads) it is better to call an official "Cease Fire".

C) Calling off the Ghost Towns and Resumption of classes come September 2017 will not stop SC from continuing to request the immediate release of their leaders; the continuous demands of an autonomous, Independent or Federal Southern Cameroons (which ever comes first).

I am hereby officially and for the reasons raised above begging our "LEADERS" of the various SC groups to give a serious thought to my suggestions and LIFT the specter of the debilitating GHOST TOWNS and Schools Closure.
I may be wrong but what is the rationale for (example)"Anglophones of Bamenda extraction" not going to school in Bamenda but their other children attend "Anglophone" schools in Yaounde, Douala or Limbe?
I honestly don't understand. YES, there are so many "Anglophone" schools in Yaounde (Bastos, Etoug-Ebe, Biyem Assi, Melen, Madagascar, Essos, Obilli, Lake Y'de, Etoudi, Titi Garage, Nsam Efoulan, Cite Verte). All these "Anglophone" schools (Private, Religious and Para-government) are functioning 100% without the slightes inkling about the strike in Abakwa.
The curriculum taught in these schools is not the topic of this discussion but rather the fact that there is an observation of a clear cut case of DOUBLE STANDARDS. You can juxtapose this same scenario with our LAWYERS. Na the same thing. I dey tok lie?

Mbang Nfor Mishe Fon
Matrufon of Alamatu, Njuh Mankung
Southern Cameroonian in very good standing

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