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Friday, August 11, 2017


Dear All,

Find attached for your publication and reading, the article calling on Francophone journalists of Republique du Cameroun, to rise to the occasion and challenge their government to proof its claimed title to the disputed territory of the Southern Cameroons. We should not wait until unfortunate things start happening before we assume our responsibilities as Africans to safeguard life and property. We, as Africans, have suffered too much from slavery, colonisation, imperialism and all other evils, to stand by and see Africans imposing those evils on other Africans merely because they have the power and the guns to do so. We must rise as one man against these evils. When Hitler tried it in Europe, Britain got up and resisted, then the rest of Europe stood with her to say NO to domination. Here we are in Africa, with a the chance of a life time to also say NO to domination and slavery by Africans against Africans in the 21st Century. 

I am calling on Francophone journalists to rise to the occasion and play the role of enlightening their public about the truth of the Southern Cameroons case. Let them put the false indoctrination given to them by their government aside and question the facts that have been fed to them all these years. Only in this way can we begin to address the issues from the facts and not from fiction.

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