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Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Bottom Line: You cannot make money doing "NOTHING", talk less of making $1000/Day watching Binary Options you never invested in; transform your pipe-dreaming self into a Ferrari driving Playboy/Cassanova Millionaire. Its all (Fs) FAKE, LE FAUX, FEY and Fraudulent Forkanizing Oyigbo 419 or Zeek Rewards reincarnated. The new Internet Lie Lie "sensation" now is "BitCoins and Binary Options". Make wuna kiafoot 4 upside here. I don tok my own. Pah MISHE

Millionaire Methods – Yep, It's a Scam

If you are looking to sign up and buy into this "Millionaire Methods" program you might want to think again. This program is not what they make it out to be. Its a scam (clean and clear) and it has to be stopped.

I have reviewed this Millionaire Methods scam and will be going over some important things that you should know. In this short review I'll expose this program for what it really is and hopefully save you some money in the process. 

The Millionaires MethodsMillionaire Methods Review

When I first came across this program I was very suspicious of it being a scam. I have reviewed hundreds of online scams and almost all of them have the same general characteristics.

In fact, I just reviewed 2 new scams the other day (Easy 1 Up & Income From Home Academy)

Two of the most common characeristics that I see is that these scam programs claim to earn you massive amounts of money and that it is so simple you don't have to do a thing.

Millionaire Methods falls right in with this. Its supposedly your ticket to financial freedom and will have you making boatloads of money without doing anything.

But you can't trust this place. And the first thing I want to do is go over some of the red flags I noticed on this site.

They have changed the sales page for this scam program so it isn't exactly how it was when I wrote this review. However, its the same scam product that they are selling with this.

#1 Spelling Mistakes

The sales page is loaded with spelling mistakes. While some doubters may claim that spelling mistake isn't a sure sign of a scam but it definitely raises my suspicion of the program and makes me wonder how this could happen. Spelling errors are a rare sight in professionally crafted websites where they painstakingly proof read their "Final Product".

The program is called "Millionaire Methods", yet they mess up and write it  as Millionaires Method all over the place.

As you can see below they spelled this program's name 3 different ways in just one small section. These people need to get it together.

#2 Paid Actors

I recognized the person in the one video right when I saw her because I have seen her in numerous scams. She must have a PhD in "Scam Connery"

If you actually buy the program you will be taken to a welcome video where the actress below speaks. They also show a screenshot of this video on the sales page.

As you can see this is the person in the video at Millionaire Methods….

And here she is on Fiverr, (a website where anyone can go to hire paid actors to make fake promotional videos on anything and any topic) like this one…

#3 Fake Testimonials

The next problem that I came across is that the testimonials they display on the sales page are completely fabricated. They are made up and the pictures of the people are not real. These are all stock pictures available online.

I'll prove it. Take a look at this screenshot I took of the sales page. As you can see on the right there is a guy claiming he made tons of money….

After performing a reverse Google image search I was able to find that this same image has been used on numerous other sites, literally hundreds. It is more than likely a stock photo that anyone can buy the rights to use online.

#4 Customer Service # Doesn't Work

On the sales page near the bottom they display a customer service phone number. The problem is that it doesn't work. I tried calling it and got a message saying that "the number you have tried calling is not in service".

They post the phone number here to make potential customers feel more safe when they are purchasing, but they know that most people aren't going to try calling it and they really hope that people don't.

#5 Discount After Discount After Discount

Also on the sales page you will see that they will give you a massive discount on this program. Instead of paying the full $297, they are going to let you have it for just $47…

But check this out.. if you try to click away from the page it will refresh and offer you a $10 discount on top of that, making it just $37…

And guess what? If you do this again and try clicking away it will do the same thing and offer you a third discount, this time for $20 making the program just $27…

Massive discounts like this and the fact that they don't let you leave the page and keep giving you more discounts are a sign of a scam. They are trying everything in their power to get you to stay and buy this scam program.

#6 They Tell You Nothing!

One of the major problems here is that they don't give you any real information on the program. They butter you up with how awesome it is and everything but they don't really tell you much.

Basically all they tell you is that it gives you easy step by step training, but you don't know what on. You are completely left in the dark and expected to buy into the program before you find out.

Legitimate programs aren't going to act like this. They are going to tell you what they are all about before you buy them. If anything else, this is a very common sign of a scam.

As you can guess, I definitely do NOT recommend that anyone buy into this program. I mean sure, I haven't bought in either so I can't give you inside information, but there are enough scammy red flags that I see on the sales and checkout page that I know this is a scam.

Spelling mistakes, paid actors, fake testimonials, phone number out of service, 3 discounts in a row, and nothing said about what the program is actually about….. if that doesn't smell like a scam then I don't know what does.

I would only recommend this program for people looking to get scammed and lose their money, which I am guessing is nobody.

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