A lot of controversy has been generated by the new President of CAF (Malagashy Ahmad Ahmad) who replaced controversial (Cameroon's) Issa Hayatou; when he declared at a Press Conference in Abidjan a few days ago that "Cameroon was not ready and will not be ready to host the All Africa Soccer games". 

As usual, "Cameroon Soccer Fans" like "one man" insulted the daylight out of the poor guy even going as far as saying he was jealous of Cameroon. You will be amazed at what you read on Social Media. Ahmad had threatened that CAF should immediately have a Plan B (i.e have other African countries step up to the plate and rescue them from imminent disaster). So far Algeria and Morroco have indicated they are ready if CAF is ready to Deal. 

That lone fact has jolted the usually lakadaisical "on vas faire comment" Yaounde authorities out of their usual Tom Foolery and caviar reverie...all now claiming that "Les travaux avancent bien et sera complete avant la date buttoir". Meme sep les Ministres des Eaux et Forets, Ministres de l'Agriculture, de l'Administration Territiriale, by kind by kind Ministres 4 Ngola who have never "Ntah Mballon" (like Bello Bouba My "Garri"and Dakole Daissala are all now involved in FECAFOOT; joining Repe Oncle Bidoung Kpwatt. Sep Sep Tonton Mb'ya himself is wearing his "Designer Tracksuit" and "Inspecting" les Travaux de la CAN. Nkunkuma was obliged to tchappia his "Vacation" in United Arab Emmirates to rush back to Ngola and "FIX" this semol FECAFOOT wahala. As we speak, Yaounde est en pleine effervescence. So, let us wait and see.

To get to the bottom, we (and our team of investigators on the ground) tried to find out if 17 months to the debut of the Sports Jamboree, Cameroon is actually ready. We will look at the Logistics; Infrastructure (Stadia, Road Network, Hotels, Security (or Insecurity), Media Presence and much more. Please we need images from the various "Chantier de travaux"; meetings of the "Comite de Normalisation". Before anyone ask why we are doing this: Well; it is our duty as "Citizen Journalists" to get to the bottom of any issue that pricks the fancy of many. Here is what Ahmad Ahmad actually said:

Le président de la Confédération africaine de football (CAF) le Malgache Ahmad Ahmad a estimé que le Cameroun n'était pas prêt pour accueillir la Coupe d'Afrique des nations CAN-2019, alors que le nombre des équipes participantes est passé de 16 à 24.

Le Stade Omnisports Mbapelepe a Douala

"Même à quatre équipes, le Cameroun n'est pas prêt. Nous avons décidé que désormais ce ne sont plus les membres du comité exécutif qui vont inspecter les pays retenus pour l'organisation de la CAN. Ce sont désormais des experts qui le feront et la CAF statue au regard des résultats. Pour ce qui concerne le Cameroun, nous allons envoyer les experts et on décidera à l'issue de leur mission d'inspection"

LeState Olembe a Yaounde

cameroun,chantiers,des,stades,yaounde,bidoung,mkpatt,cible,facile,cameroon,CAMEROUN :: Chantiers des stades de Yaoundé : Bidoung Mkpatt, la cible facile :: CAMEROON

Rue Bebey Elame a Douala

Des motos taxi en face du marché Mboppi à Douala - Cameroun


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