Re: [MTC Global] Creating a culture of research in India

Research no doubt is the foundation stone for building upon it a successful business model. However the basic itself is under serious threat right from primary level where I don't know what is going wrong but going by the expose made by Puducherry Governor Kiran Bedi who showcased the level of education of primary students who were unable to form a single line sentence properly, I am really very apprehensive as to what exactly is the malady which if not corrected would lead to a bad mess in future. Students aspired to be Nurses to serve patients could not get the word Nursing spelled and written properly. This wasn't the case with Tamil Nadu earlier but maybe the shift of focus from governance to preserving of seat has resulted in this mess.


Stephen Narayanan
Freelance Educational Consultant/Corporate Training facilitator

On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 12:46 PM, Prabhakar Waghodekar <> wrote:

My take is:
  1. Research is the very breathing of academicians. Academician without built in nature of research attitude is a liability to the nation.
  2. Do not get misled by the term "research".  Research does not mean big labs with crore  of Rs investment, does not mean its existence is proved by publication. The western people's nature has inbuilt cult of reasoning, scientific thinking, urge to achieve something superb, etc. Therefore West could do wonders, e.g., Was co-d-Gama, Columbus, Edison, Einstein, F W Taylor and many more.
  3. In research  attaining the peak is a very slow and lengthy process needing untiring efforts,  determination, self-sacrifice, community-focused, etc.
  4. If  institute and universities keep their eyes open, they will identify host of issues orbiting around, big and trivial.
  5. In India due to sheer ignorance and lack of vision,  we prefer to be insensitive and stagnant, the great sins of academicians. It is so perhaps because it may be for us a short cut without losing our comfort, without jeopardizing  our pitiable existence.
  6. Obviously we have to start with small issues on the ground, develop the research cult  as Rome was not built in a day. For instant: cannot faculty deal with such day to day issues like: civil engineering: traffic density on highways and its control, cleaning nalah formed out of waste water, garbage  disposal, etc., mechanical: improving output in service/manufacturing sector (material utilization for  products like washers, recycling waste water in house for vegetables, etc), and the like. Let us start with trivial issues, solve them and proceed. Opportunities will be opened up automatically. If this is done, our present issues like quality education with affordable cost, enhancing employment, etc., will automatically vanish. Please remember life means and isfull of emergent issues. Fight against them through research the only way to attain ensured happiness of life for both the present generation and generations to come.
  7. Let us imagine what we have been losing just for want of research attitude?  Please note Re-Search is searching again. What? Using the knowledge of natural laws (to me scientific laws is a subset of natural laws), develop facilities so that larger good of humanity is achieved.
  8. Research is the pulse. Keep it alive.

Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
NH 211, Beed by pass road,
Aurangabad: 431010 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925
Chairman, Advisory Board, MTC Global, Bangalore.

Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

From: "Prof. Bholanath Dutta"
Sent: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 11:45:10
To: join_mtc>
Subject: [MTC Global] Creating a culture of research in India

Whenever global rankings of universities are announced, there is some murmur in our media and elsewhere about India's poor showing. Former President Pranab Mukherjee spoke about this in many forums, asking why quality of our academia cannot be as good as those in other countries.

Research is one aspect that often got flagged, pegged by the observation that the number of publications and their citations are relatively less in India, in comparison with various developed countries. Why are they low? The reasons are many; a few prominent ones are outlined below.

A culture of research is largely missing in our institutions. Collegiality and a singularity of purpose among faculty members are important requirements to build that, where members need to be bonded by shared, research-related values and practices towards building a safe home for testing new ideas.

Vague prospects

Sadly, we lack clarity on "what developing research culture means?" Education administrators in India looked at this in many different ways, such as, (i) building research culture involves incorporating research into an organisational culture that has not previously considered that activity as part of its culture; (ii) implanting a research sub-culture within an organisational culture currently having a distinctive teaching sub-culture; (iii) having a 'petri-dish' culture — an environment into which we toss research and expect it to grow, just as we expect bacteria to grow in a petri dish. Unfortunately, none of these help much.

Instead of any comprehensive reviews and follow-up actions, we seem to mindlessly adopt some practices. A glaring example is rules requiring publication in international journals (and presentations at international conferences), as criteria for promotion. No doubt, the intent is to introduce a research culture, which is laudable. However, trying to achieve this goal through international publications tends to undermine the longer-term goal of building an indigenous research culture to address the important problems of society.

The policy of requiring international publications induces faculty to turn toward addressing unfamiliar problems of distant lands for the sole purpose of getting a publication or two so they can get promoted.

This turns the very purpose of research on its head — instead of doing research in order to serve society, faculty start doing research so that they can get it published, treating publication as the end.

Research and publication

Research culture refers to a pattern of basic assumptions about research. In India, we seem to suffer from a tendency to treat research and publication as the same thing, which they are not.

While good research is expected to generate publications in the top rated journals the converse is not true. Because of this tendency, majority of our institutions do not have any institutional research thrust, unlike in the west. Important is to examine not just what the researchers do, but why they do it.

In India, publications happen due to individual initiatives — often driven by survival or promotional needs rather than being drawn out of purposeful collective effort. The difference, thus, is 'want to' versus 'have to', propeller being 'individual need' rather than 'common zeal'.

Why does this situation persist despite repeated appeals for betterment? This happens because dealing with 'paradox of scope' often blurs the vision of our education administrators. The expanding periphery and contracting core of our colleges and universities stretches the already limited adaptive capability of governance structures to the breaking point.

Data assessing several key dimensions of universities and colleges — full-time faculty, liberal arts and scientific education, student services that act in loco parentis, the library, etc. — demonstrate how the traditional core of the university is declining.

At the same time, the periphery of the institution — outsourcing partnerships, corporate training, vocational courses, discrete research centres, etc. — is continuously expanding.

Perils of peripheral growth

The challenge is to take back charge of the institution. For that, the institution needs to define a strategy that specifies the domain in which it will operate. The risk inherent in the new competitive environment is that as the institution expands everywhere in the periphery, it will be successful nowhere. Unmistakably, research in India has become a victim to this peripheral growth.

One common requirement of "developing a research culture" is to move from a few isolated individual researcher projects to an environment where research is so pervasive that it appears to be the activity of a large number of interconnected colleagues. We need steps in that direction.

What is being done to achieve that? Apparently, precious little. A recent news item indicated that a single higher education regulator would replace the UGC and AICTE. The proposed Higher Education Empowerment Regulation Agency, being developed by the HRD ministry, is aimed at eliminating overlaps in jurisdictions and remove irrelevant regulatory provisions. Will this help?

Perhaps yes, but only to a limited extent because real requirement is to have close examination of (i) the philosophy that guides an organisation's policy towards research; (ii) the climate about research that is conveyed in an organisation by the physical and administrative facilities as well as the way in which researchers in the organisation interact with others; (iii) the rules of the game in place for getting along with research in the organisation; (iv) behavioural regularities when people engage in research, such as the language and the rituals used.

To move ahead, institutions must get empowered to look within rather than being cowed down by a regulator, in whatever name we may call it.

Better will be to have a facilitating body instead of a regulating one if our aim is to promote a research culture.

Author: Prof. Subrata Chakraborty, Director-in-charge, IIM-L

Cell: +91 96323 18178 / +91 9964660759


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