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Thursday, August 10, 2017

RE: Prince Harry Literally Needs a Permission Slip to Marry Meghan Markle.


Prince Harry Literally Needs a Permission Slip to Marry Meghan Markle

PopSugar Wed, Aug 9 3:30 AM PDT
Prince Harry's relationship with Suits actress Meghan Markle took an exciting turn when the couple jetted off to Africa for a romantic safari trip, and the getaway has many people pining for another royal wedding. Realistically, though, zero bells will be ringing for the couple until Meghan impresses his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II — and gets it in writing. Due to the Royal Marriages Act 1772, the monarch has the right to veto the marriage of a member of his or her family and is required to give formal consent to any family marriages in order to guard against those that could "diminish the status of the royal house." The fact that Meghan is a divorcĂ©e — she was married to Trevor Engelson from 2011 to 2013 — has been widely speculated to hurt her chances, but it actually won't. Not only have modern royal marriage rules become more lax than in previous years, but the queen has technically dealt with that kind of drama before. ...
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Vanity Fair

What Did Prince Harry Give Meghan Markle For Her Birthday?

Josh Duboff, Julie Miller,Vanity Fair 2 hours 58 minutes ago
Photo: Getty.
Late last week, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle touched down in Africa for the most anticipated royal vacation since, well, Prince William took Kate Middleton to the continent to propose. As if the couple's destination did not seem like enough of an indicator of a forthcoming engagement, the timing—Markle's 36th birthday—further put proposal-obsessed royal watchers on pins and needles.
On this week's In the Limelight, two such royal buffs, Josh Duboff and Julie Miller, dissect the first photo that surfaced of the couple in Africa for any possible clues indicating what might be in store for Harry and his romantic interest. (Expect fevered speculation in particular about what Meghan was holding inside bubble wrap while deplaning.)
Also on the episode, "The Bubble Wrap Bride," Josh and Julie discuss the fascinating clairvoyant who claims to communicate with Princess Diana from beyond the grave, and Beyoncé's great roller-rink adventure.
So unwind from today's safari by popping in headphones, pouring yourself something cool in the crystal flutes you hauled halfway around the world (what, you never know when you'll need to celebrate), and listen to this week's In the Limelight episode. Afterward, feel free to share your thoughts, questions, and ideas with In the Limelight on Twitter and Instagram. If you write a review on Apple Podcasts, maybe Prince Harry will send you a bubble-wrapped present on your next birthday.
This story originally appeared on Vanity Fair.
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