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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Re: [MTC Global] Req for suggetion regarding Training & Placement Officer.

I agree to Prof Bholanath re: placement not simply grabbing a job. That is where my views earlier were placed on training and placement as two different activities. Training seeks to a long term career plan.

Nagaraja K

On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 9:13 AM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta <> wrote:
At this point, I feel that the word "Placement" is very much misunderstood and always it is compared with grabbing a "Job". Placement Team must look beyond a Job---- At the end of the program, A Student must be HAPPY and there has to be a sense of 'FULFILLMENT' in terms of knowledge acquisition and other aspects of development. Placement Team must be able to give a proper career guidance/career management  to the students apart from just a job--- There are many students want to pursue higher academic courses , many students want to join their own family businesses and many want to start-up new enterprise. These  areas also need to be addressed. Most of the placement departments are lost in Soft Skills/ Life Skills and getting companies ( irrespective of quality) in the campus.

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 8:31 PM, Ramamirtham Gopal <> wrote:
Placement is the end point of the  training process at a B School. What does this training entail?
What is it that Corporates look for in a student?
Many Corporates with whom we had a discussion revealed that while basic knowledge of the subject is  the given thing, they are looking at the holistic development of a student.
What does this holistic development mean? This means that the student should have inter alia
1. good Rounded Personality
2  good negotiation skills, 
3. capacity to do group working -- should not be an introvert
4. capability to be Go Getter, 
5. should have problem solving capacity, 
6. capability to think outside the box
7. good communication skills  etc etc
If this is what is required and desired then what can B Schools do. B Schools must focus on the above through the following tools (for e.g.)
1. Organizing and participating in International, National Conferences and Workshops.Here it should allow the students to form committees and take the initiative with the faculty playing a facilitating role.
2. Arrange for Guest Lectures from Senior and Middle Managers so that the student learns the art of problem solving
3. Arrange Group Projects so that the student learns the art of group working and also communication skills
4. National and International Industrial visits  etc etc
Through this the student can become independent and also have a holistic development of self. He undergoes a personality change.
The responsibilities of a B School interalia also includes providing placement assistance not placements to the students. 
From the above it is clear that there is a lot of student interaction as well as corporate interaction which is required to make the student fit for employability and placement
Consequently it is necessary that there should not be one person but a team which will look at the internal aspects of the B schools -- helping the students have a holistic development and at the external aspects of the B Schools -- corporate interface. Both these teams need to speak with each other.
The development of the child normally takes place during the period July to Oct/ Nov of a given year while the placement activities takes place throughout the year. It begins sometime in Aug and ends somewhere in Feb / March.The Placement Officer has to be constantly on his move. He has to visit atleast three to four offices everyday meet the HR manager and request them to come to the B School He cannot be sitting in the offices. He is like the Sales Manager or the Service Manager in the corporate world. These two gentlemen cannot and should not be sitting in the offices, they have to be on their toes literally.
I would therefore prefer to keep the two functions seperate. Designations do not matter. A simple designation like ASST Prof. --Training and Development  and Asst Prof. Placements should suffice. (The word asst can be replaced by associate or professor depending on the person in charge). The key to suceess is we have two persons then these two persons must talk to each other and work together. This is a must. If this does not happen then the whole concept will fail.
Prof. Dr. R. Gopal

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:32 PM, Ganesh Natarajan <> wrote:
Placement is the logical end point of a training process and cannot be wished away

Good education should lead to. Employability and training to placement

Just a thought !

Ganesh Natarajan

San jose CA USA

On May 31, 2012, at 10:39, "" <> wrote:

> My Further views :
> 1. It may not be possible to separate placement from the school process in professional/vocational courses.
> 2. School must take all initiatives to ensure that the finished products are sold in the market.
> 3. School processes need to be fine tuned based on the industry feedback wherever necessary and suitable.
> 4. Creating separate centre may create problem in coordination and understanding.
> 5. Placement department is having more interface with corporate hence must play the pivotal role in building the competency of students.
> 6. Ultimately students need to perform but they must be made fit and which largely depends on faculty teaching subjects and placement department to give finishing touch.
> 7. The title 'TPO' may not fit well as the placement head needs to interact with senior executives from corporate. The title ' Placement Director' can redefine the role of placement head.
> 8. Many B-schools have the title of 'GM-Placement' etc but many colleges may not like to corporatize/commercialize (perception) the placement department and avoid such names.
> These are some of my views for further deliberations,
> Cordially,
> Bholanath
> Sent from my Nokia phone
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Virendra Goel
> Sent:  31/05/2012 8:58:20 pm
> Subject:  RE: [MTC Global] Req for suggetion regarding Training & Placement Officer.
> My take on the matter:
> 1.       Placement should not be the responsibility of the school hence it
> should be placement facilitation center.
> 2.       There should be a competency building department that should take
> care of skill building and additional knowledge that the curriculum does not
> provide but found to be essential for competency. There should be a process
> of competency mapping every quarter and results passed on the individual
> concerned.
> 3.       The facilitation center and the competency building department
> should be two different units.
> Regards
> Virendra Goel
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Prof. Bholanath Dutta
> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 11:40 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Req for suggetion regarding Training & Placement
> Officer.
> Please find few submissions from my side in the ongoing interesting
> discussion:
> 1. Training, Placement, Counseling, Career Guidance, Entrepreneurism --
> Functional Areas of any Placement Department.
> 2. Require change in the mindset w/r/t Placement Department-- From Support
> Function to Strategic Role.
> 3. Placement Department must work along with other departments---Mostly it
> works in isolation. And all departments blame placement department , if
> placement is not good which is not correct but a common practice.
> 4. Many management feel it is a cost center to some extent.
> 5. Placement and training can not be separated and must go hand-in-hand.
> 6. Always there is a shortage of Manpower in Placement Department given the
> reason that placement only happens in a certain period of the year which is
> not correct as this is a round the year activity.
> 7. Wonder how many colleges have a separate budget for placement and in
> reality disbursed to the department.
> 8. Placement Officer must take at least one subject to understand the
> students and their strengths and areas for development apart from  regular
> interaction.
> Few submissions from my side for further deliberations.
> Cordially,
> Bholanath
> On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 11:24 PM, Stephen Narayanan <>
> wrote:
> Well...indeed it is a dual responsibility that most Management B-Schools
> want to impose on a Placement person but not without the logic as we are in
> touch with Corporates and understand the qualities which HR's look for in
> is easier for the Placement person to mentor and guide the
> candidates accordingly.
> My own observation through my experience says: During a Placement process (
> external) if I am there with the group of students sitting for selection,
> the % of selection goes up.Each candidate who comes out shares how the
> process went and any area where he got stuck, I guide him and others who
> throng around as to what would be the correct response to the querry....and
> to be alert for any googlies which may catch them unawares. In our Institute
> One Lecture every week is devoted for CRC ( Corporate Resource Cell - of
> which we are the Placement Group )....and we share with the students the
> current changing trends, the new emerging sectors offering better
> opportunities, besides putting them through the mock GD, P.I. sessions to
> prepare them for Corporate processes.
> In my view...Training & Placement...Go Hand in Hand.
> Stephen Narayanan
> General Manager - Corporate Resource Center
> New Delhi Institute of Management.
> 60, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
> New Delhi.
> Tel.:- (011) 29956566-69/40111000: Extn.217.
> Mob.:-9868386192
> --
> Happy Knowledge Sharing!
> Kindest Regards.......
> Bholanath Dutta
> Founder, President & Convener: MTC Global
> <>
> /
> Cell: +91 96323 18178

thanking you and with kind regards

Dr. R. Gopal

Director, Dean and Head of the Department

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil University
Department of Business Management

Sector 4, Plot on 10, CBD Belapur
Navi Mumbai 400 614
Tel. ++ 91 22 27565616 Fax. ++ 91 22 27575064
Tel. (M) 98203 56428

Happy Knowledge Sharing!
Kindest Regards.......
Bholanath Dutta
Founder, President & Convener: MTC Global
Cell: +91 96323 18178 


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