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Saturday, June 30, 2012


When I read Dr. Susunji's piece, I was very impressed with his analysis. However, he did not succeed in challenging the central thesis that "There was never any re-unification. Throughout his analysis he pointed out errors which in many legal minds would have frustrated the contract or agreement between Ahidjo and Foncha. There was never a meeting of the minds between the representatives of the Republic of Cameroon and the representatives of the British Southern Cameroons. He, in many occasions referred to "The French Republic of Cameroon". There has never been any country called "The French Republic of Cameroon". There was French Cameroons, British Southern Cameroons, and British Northern Cameroons. When the French Cameroons had its independence on January 1, 1960, it changed its name to The Republic of Cameroon which by the way after they seceded from the United Republic of Cameroon in 1982 and assumed their original name at independence, The Republic of Cameroon, they would not leave Southern Cameroons' territory. If Dr. Susunji reads his own piece all over again, he would come to the conclusion that there was no re-unification because the meetings between Ahidjo and Foncha as analysed by him, were fraught with bad faith and errors. The Queen of England and Her Majesty government was the rightful authority to grant independence to Southern Cameroons and/or to negotiate with the Republic of Cameroon but did not because a few misguided individuals who did not understand global politics or any politics at all, but were intoxicated with power they thought they had, drew us to a situation they themselves could no longer get us out of it. Dr. Foncha and Mr. Muna were here in Washington in the 1990s and I was present in those meetings were both of them confessed to their mistakes. Fortunately for us, Mr. Biya seceded from the illegal union, i.e. the Federal Republic of Cameroon, and took his nation back to their original status of the Republic of Cameroon though he has since been illegally occupying our territory against our will. There were so many irregularities, as pointed out by Dr. Susunji's analysis that made the agreement null and void ab initio. So, when Hon. Ayah, a respected jurist states that there was never any reunification, he is very right. Dr. Susunji's lengthy analysis just confirmed that thesis that there was never any reunification. The Republic of Cameroon and its French backers know that they are occupying a territory as colonizers.  They should know that no people ever die under colonialism or subjugation. Southern Cameroons will not be the first. We, Southern Cameroonians shall be free one day. It took the children of Israel 400 years to be free from the Egyptian bondage, it took African Americans 400 years to shake off the shackles of slavery, it will take Southern Cameroon a shorter time to get itself rid of the shackles of The Cameroon Republic's occupation. Indeed there was never any reunification between Southern Cameroons and the Republic of Cameroon. One might even not succeed to defend that thesis even if the country were still called the Federal Republic of Cameroon or the United Republic of Cameroon because of the irregularities enumerated by Dr. Susunji. There was the Republic of Cameroon from January 1, 1960 which boundaries did not go beyond the Mungo River. The Republic of Cameroon did not share borders with the Federal Republic of Nigeria on January 1, 1960. Southern Cameroons shared borders with those two independent Nations: The Federal Republic of Nigeria and The Republic of Cameroon. Since 1982, the Republic of Cameroon has been violating the sovereignty of Southern Cameroon which attained her independence on October 1, 1961. 
Dr. Peter N. Njang 
In a message dated 6/30/2012 12:51:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
I have warned all those transforming the liberation struggle into an
intellectual debate to beware. We can NOT be fooled ANYMORE. Thanks,
Mola Mbua for this piece, but I dare state that no matter how many
thesis are presented on whether or not there was (re)unification is
not our point of interest now as to the fact that a people want to be
free. Those who want to remain in LRC are free to, without dragging us
along. I am speaking from my soul!!!
Shey MF Yembe

On 6/30/12, thomas sama achoa <> wrote:
> Dr Louis Egbe even the damn thing that Ahidjo called a Federation in
> September 1961 before the intention
> of the Southern Cameroonian people was made in October that is a month later
> was wrong.
> See why it was wrong let me bring Nigeria into play. Nigeria as an entity
> started as a federated state of three
> states that does not mean that three states were independent entities with
> International Boundries as was the case
> of the Southern Cameroons, what happened in LRDC in September 1961 is just
> the same like the Nigerian people
> deed by declaring a federated state from the start, so  Ahijo's Federation
> does not include the Southern Cameroons into the damn thing
> what a heck is Dokta Susungi trying to tell me here? It is because of the
> likes of Dokta Susungi that we are where we are
> today for he dokta saw this thing coming but he failed to raised an
> objection today we the young once are suffering and
> scattered all over the world like sheeps without a shepherd and enstead of
> him appologising to us he is there running his
> mouth about nonsense is he insane or what is this all about?
> ________________________________
>  From: louis egbe <>
> To:;;
> Cc:
> Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2012 2:17 PM
> Subject: A Reply to Dr. Susunji's RE-UNIFICATION: CLARIFICATION NOTE
> Saturday, 30 June 2012
> I was interested in Hon Chief Ayah's internet-circulated posting, 29 June
> 2012, which clearly stated that there is no legally binding document
> deposited at the UN, as required by international law enshrined in the UN
> Charter that created the so-called Union between the Southern Cameroons and
> La Republique du Cameroun. Hon. Ayah was correct. However, it seems Dr.
> Susunji, in his own rebuttal article equally published yesterday, 29 June
> 2012, in various Cameroon internet fora is stating that Hon Paul Ayah's is
> misleading and that there is or was a kind of legally binding agreement.
> Dr.Susunji is totally incorrect and his article is grossly misleading as the
> following analysis and argument will reveal in this essay.
> In the first place, if there was any "Treaty", then that "Treaty" has been
> violated since Ahidjo abrogated the Treaty in 1972 by violating the Federal
> constitution that brought to birth the de facto Federation in 1961. The
> Federal Constitution which came to force in September 1961 could not
> possibly be classified as a Treaty since the only signatory in the document
> was President Ahidjo......
> Read the full article in:

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