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Tuesday, December 4, 2012



Cameroun is such a huge contradiction. Even its map overturned looks like a question mark with Lake Tchad as the dot. Or is it like the African continent? And truly nothing there is that grows on the African continent that does not grow in Cameroun: a country most richly endowed with natural resources that tantalize a people immersed in crude all-engulfing
abject poverty. And while equitable distribution of those resources is a notion outlandish, it is supplanted by the equitable fishing out of scapegoats in the name of regional balance – a dry humour euphemism!

One of the most recent victims of regional balance is Professor Ngolle Ngolle Elvis. By Cameroun's standards, if a person who has held a ministerial position for over five has a shortage of as little as 1.5 million francs, that person should be hailed. Why should it be different with Professor Ngolle? The answer can only be found in the distorted policy of regional balance. Otherwise can one not explain that someone suspected of having embezzled 100 billion of "state funds" comes clean of mere investigation while papers upon papers make an alleged embezzlement of 1.5 million their lead story!

No-one is saying that embezzlement of smaller sums of money does not amount to criminal liability. But the fuss made against Professor Ngolle Ngolle Elvis finds no justification amid the mighty chunks safely chopped off by human sharks. It is perhaps only consistent with the notorious policy of presidential reward for those who render undue service to Mr. President.

We do remember that Mr. Forjindam was the first person that called for the amendment of the constitution to enable Mr. Biya to stand election indefinitely. His reward is life in prison. Mrs. Haman Adama was the only person (out of five) allowed to nominate Mr. Biya as the only candidate at the CPDM Congress of 2006. Her reward is indefinite remand in prison custody. Mr. Marafa Yaya admittedly made Mr. Biya the invincible King Kong of electoral contests in Cameroun. King Kong has now barricaded him inside a prison closet to languish for 25 years… A wonderful lesson for my brother and friend poor Profesor Ngolle Ngolle Elvis!

Regional balance indeed! How else can one explain it? Hon Fonso received allowances as a member of the Inter-ministerial Commission. He took part neither in determining the amount nor in the calculation of the sums due. Yet has his name been published for 750.000 francs said to be unduly received. So starkly ridiculous! Each parliamentarian for instance receives 75.000 francs for fuel allowance each session. Is any of them expected to fine out whether that is covered by the law, and if so what the correct amount is? Really leaving thee substance and chasing the shadow!

Long live the all-pervading negative game of regional balance!


Communications & Public Relations,
People's Action Party, PAP
National Working Secretariat,
Buea, South West Region,

Motto: Work - Peace - Justice

Tel: (00237) 78 35 80 29 / 94 99 87 43

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*Facebook Page: *!/profile.php?id=100001912645245

"I profoundly believe all Cameroonians will some day speak the same
language, sing the same songs, dance to the same rhythm, dine and wine at
the same table. When the rich shall cater for the poor and the strong shall
help the weak, the law shall be supreme, justice and peace shall forever
reign, if we are honest and believe we can get there. God bless
Cameroon."Hon. AYAH Paul ABINE, Cameroon 2011 Presidential Candidate and PAP National Secretary General.

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