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Sunday, March 31, 2013

My Thoughts on the NCC Resulutions Part 1. Traditional Medicine

Mr Akoa, it is lots more serious than you write.
I just followed a BBC report about the creation of a National Union of
Traditional Doctors in Chad. This was last week.
The Chadian organisation is looking for ways of requesting the
incorporation of a programme in the university to teach traditional
Now ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE , especially treatment with plants, is a
gaining acceptability worldwide as a valuable pathway to deal with
rampant health issues especially where there is no doctor.
Reason why the Chinese excel in this art and they make a lot of money
out of Africa from the so-called Chinese medicine.
Reason why American companies like Forever Living are making a great
impact offering natural components to the world as part of the healing
Also, most African countries are now getting to the trend where the
expert in traditional plants combines with the FAITH HEALER and the
medicine doctor to deal with patients!
Mr Bobokiono and his organisation cite a complaint from the
association of doctors, right?
How many doctors do we have to take care of how many patients and for
what price?
Doctors treat.
In rare cases do they actually heal.
Often the so-called doctor is himself a quack who, without appropriate
diagnosis, listens to the patient and offers a treatment. What the
poor patient does not know is that HIS FAITH in the so-called doctor
What happens where there are no doctors?
Of course the populace runs to the traditional healer who often is
more gifted in healing than the doctors are in treatment!
Look, the Lord God in his infinite wisdom hid incredible solutions to
all the 39 possible diseases affecting mankind in his creation
especially the plants?
And he reveals his secrets to some people are not others.
And what is the NCC saying? That based on a complaint from a RIVAL
institution, the needy should not have help?
This is not only preposterous.
This is fierce.
Mr Bobokiono, it so happens that the majority of folks who are so
confident in their art that the actually but airtime on radio and tv
to talk about it are from one part of the country – they are
The likes of DEWAH etc are Anglophones.
Tell me why I should not charge your organization with the usual
ethnic and economic cleansing and even genocide?
Also, there is a group of religious folks who preach and teach a
blanket rejection of physical and spiritual healing and Mr Akoa has
made it clear that the head of the NCC may be of that school.
Let me ask you a question: If the Lord God himself shows a man the
secret in some plant which plant can be used to heal people..what can
you do about that or against that?
Do you know the plant called Moringa Oleifera?
Do you know what it can do? I suppose if someone starts talking about
Moringa Oleifera on radio, you folks will ban the station. It is a
pity really.
Your organization should rather promote progress and development
rather than being a stumbling block to a sector that could do with
some progress.
I am not vindicating quacks, far from it.
There are quacks everywhere.
There are quack journalists, quack doctors, plain quacks, quack
traditional healers.
The NCC is even full of quacks.
But the presence of the quacks is proof of the genuine.


The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
a thing makes it happen.

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