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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Thoughts on the NCC Resolutions: Traditional Doctors. My Last Mail to Mr Ofege

M. Akoa, le problème me parait plus grave qu'on ne le pense.
Je viens de suivre un reportage de la BBC sur la création de l'union
nationale des médecins traditionnels au Tchad. C'était la semaine
Non seulement cet organisme cherche à se faire connaitre mais
l'organisation tchadienne demande la création d'une filière
d'enseignement de la médicine traditionnelle à l'université.
Au Tchad…juste a cote !
Alternative Medicine - la médecine alternative - en particulier le
traitement par les plantes or les produits naturels, devient
acceptable, partout dans le monde comme une voie précieuse pour faire
face aux problèmes de santé qui sévissent en particulier là où il n'y
a pas de médecin.
Les Chinois sont excellents dans cet art et ils gagnent beaucoup
d'argent en Afrique avec la médecine dite chinoise.
Les entreprises américaines, telles que Forever Living, ont un grand
impact en offrant des produits naturels au monde dans le cadre du
processus de guérison.
En outre, la plupart des pays africains ont compris que l'expert en
plantes traditionnelles se combine avec le guérisseur et le médecin
des médicaments pour traiter les patients!
On y ajoute les hommes de dieux !
M. Bobokiono et son organisation me cite une plainte de l'association
des médecins…non?
Il ya combien de médecins au Cameroun pour combien de malades et a quel prix ?
Les médecins soignent.
Souvent ils ne guérissent pas !
Souvent, le médecin lui-même est un charlatan qui, sans diagnostic
approprié, écoute le patient et offre un traitement. Ce que les
pauvres malades ne savent pas, c'est que c'est sa FOI qui soigne!
Je pose donc la question ? Qu'est-ce qui se passera là où il n'ya pas
de médecins?
La réponse est simple…la population ira chez le guérisseur
traditionnel qui est souvent plus doués dans la guérison que les
médecins en traitement!
Mr Akoa, L'ETERNEL dans son sa sagesse a cachée des solutions à toutes
les 39 maladies qui affectent l'humanité dans sa création en
particulier les plantes?
Et il révèle ses secrets à certaines personnes et pas aux autres.
Je déclare que par sa maladresse et son ignorance la NCC vient de
déclarer une guerre absurde !
Et pas seulement absurde.
C'est même ridicule.
M. Akoa, il se peut que la majorité des tradi-praticiens qui utilisent
la radio et la télé soit tellement confiants de leur métier qu'ils
veulent en parler ouvertement !
En plus, la majorité de ceux qui utilisent la radio et la télévision
pour parler de la médicine traditionnelles sont anglophones !
Les DEWAH etc sont anglophones.
Dites-moi pourquoi je ne devrais pas déclaré haut et fort que la NCC
est dans une logique d'épuration ethnique, économique et même de
Aussi, il ya un groupe de religieux qui prêchent et enseignent le
rejet en bloc de la guérison traditionnelle et même spirituelle !
Ceux la sont aussi contre les prophètes comme TB Joshua etc.
M. Akoa, vous savez de qui je parle.
Je me pose des questions: Si L'ETERNEL lui-même a montre a un homme le
secret d'une plante qui capable de guérir le SIDA…et que cet homme
cherche à le dire a tout le monde…qu'est-ce que la NCC peut faire
contre ?
Connaissez-vous la plante appelée Moringa oleifera?
Savez-vous ce que cette plante peut faire? Je suppose que si quelqu'un
commence à parler de Moringa oleifera à la radio, la NCC va
sanctionner la station.
C'est dommage.
La NCC devait devrait plutôt œuvrer pour le progrès et le
développement au lier d'être un caillou dans les souliers du
Je ne suis pas en train de promouvoir les charlatans, loin de là.
Il ya des charlatans partout.
Il ya des journalistes charlatans, des charlatans tout court, des
guérisseurs traditionnels charlatan.
Il ya même des charlatans dans la NCC.
Mais la présence des charlatans est la preuve de l'authentique.

On 3/29/13, solomon atanga <> wrote:
> Mr Ofege this is my last mail to you on this issue. I did not create the NCC
> and i am not a member. I don't think those who are in the NCC are so stupid
> to listen to an almost non exiting figue in Cameroonian journalism like
> me.
> I am by no means threatening you Mr Ofege. Who am I to threaten mighty you?
> But to come on a forum and make statements or comments and insinuations like
> you did is the issue at stake
> I will not have time to answer each segment of your mail. I simply want you
> to let everyone know about what you said:
> " Mr Amabo, Ilistened to you the other day on radio and you practically
> announced these sanctions in ADVANCE! "
> Let me tell you in clear terms that i am not jubilating. by no means. over
> what by the way? I instead regret the way some media men go about this job.
> I am not only a broadcaster but also a listener and televiewer. I am not by
> no means saying i am the best. i am even the last. But know that i can
> never, i mean never defend any one who decides to rub journalism into mud
> and does not want to listen to advice.
> I can never defend people who blackmail others and stop only when they are
> few CFA frs or nairas. I can never spend time defending people who have no
> sense of morality, respect and seem to have taken the 'common man in
> Cameroon' hostage.
> I will see what you will eventually do the day you hear a radio or TV or
> newpaper say Mr Ofege has stolen money meant for the construction a
> government building and for adultry or any other accussation without
> evidence.
> Mr Ofege you are more than me in terms of beauty ,money , asset, connections
> and all. Please just leave me in my own small corner. In the name of God!
> Personally i do hope our colleagues will seat up and practice journalism in
> the noblest sense of that word.
> Solomon Amabo A.
> Deputy Editor-in-Chief
> Equinox Radio/Television.
> Nat V.P. Council SNJC,
> P.R.O. Camasej-D.
> P.O.Box 5082, Douala,Cameroon
> Tel:(+237)74668899/(+237)95302043
> Email:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
> To:
> Cc: "" <>; camasej group
> all members <>; "cameroon politics @yahoogroups"
> <>; film industry Yahoogroups
> <>
> Sent: Friday, 29 March 2013, 5:04
> Subject: [237 Médias] Re: [camasej] (Mr Ofege)NCC Bans Awilo's IPP News on
> LTM TV and Canal Detective on Canal II?
> Mr Amabo, I do recll that some of your callers told you to let this
> matter be handled IN-HOUSE reason why you piped down.
> Look, the issue is not to make idle-wind threats..look at the big picture.
> The media is this day people with many strange characters which
> characters I will not employ even to sell newspapers let alone
> actually write articles or broadcast but the FIRST DUTY of any group
> of media men-women is the DEFEND their member FIRST...protect the
> errant chick and then deal with the fellow when the wolf is away.
> Here you are threatening me because I caution you about being jubilant
> when an enemy is sanctioned: Do you know how many people would gladly
> table fake reports and hearsays about you to the NCC and get you
> suspended? Even people you think are your friends.
> Watch it, young man.
> On 3/29/13, solomon atanga <> wrote:
>> Mr Ofege read this sentence of yours:
>> " Mr Amabo, Ilistened to you the other day on radio and you practically
>> announced
>> these sanctions in ADVANCE! "
>> I hope you have me on record Mr Ofege. When the time comes i do hope you
>> bring evidence of your assertions against me.( 'The day,' and the
>> 'sanctions in advance ' you are talking about)
>> For the rest of your remarks,no comment.
>> Solomon Amabo A.
>> Deputy Editor-in-Chief
>> Equinox Radio/Television.
>> Nat V.P. Council SNJC,
>> P.R.O. Camasej-D.
>> P.O.Box 5082, Douala,Cameroon
>> Tel:(+237)74668899/(+237)95302043
>> Email:
>> ________________________________
>> From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
>> To:
>> Cc: 237 media pressmen <>; "cameroon politics
>> @yahoogroups" <>; ambasbaygroups
>> <>; film industry Yahoogroups
>> <>
>> Sent: Friday, 29 March 2013, 4:25
>> Subject: [237 Médias] Re: [camasej] NCC Bans Awilo's IPP News on LTM TV
>> and
>> Canal Detective on Canal II?
>> Mr Amabo, I may have to warn of a dangerous precedence being set
>> herein for the following reasons:
>> 1. The concerned were never given the opportunity to defend themselves.
>> 2. The media collective were never given the opportunity to caution
>> the sanctioned press hands.
>> 3. Which WRITTEN Code of Ethics did the NCC use to adjudge on this
>> case and how does that conflict with EXISTING Laws and the judiciary
>> process related to the issue at table?
>> 4. Does the NCC have a legal mandate to carry out this action?
>> 5. Some members of the NCC had private motives to sanction the
>> concerned hence this was a sort of kangaroo court. Mr Amabo, I
>> listened to you the other day on radio and you practically announced
>> these sanctions in ADVANCE!
>> 6. There are clear challenges to the GRUND NORM of a democracy.
>> THE PRESS are not the same thing. A democracy needs all of the above
>> to thrive. The IDEAL remains the US First Amendment herein posted;
>> First Amendment
>> * Text
>> * Learn more
>> Amendment I
>> Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
>> prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
>> speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
>> assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
>> In fine, it is never in the interest of media practitioners for
>> FOREIGN BODIES composed of dubious characters - aliens - to adjudicate
>> In fine, caution.
>> Ntemfac Ofege
>> Reporter.
>> On 3/28/13, solomon atanga <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> i received unconfirmed news this evening that the National Communication
>>> Council,NCC has reportedly banned the pidgin news programme popularly
>>> called 'IPP News' broadcast on LTM Douala based TV station for a period
>>> of
>>> six months.
>>> The same NCC is said to have also banned another programme on Canal II
>>> TV
>>> called Canal Detective for a period of three months.
>>> The NCC found the different programmes guilty of violating the ethics of
>>> the
>>> journalism profession. ( Broadcasting shocking images, interviewing and
>>> recording people without their consent, use of abusive and obscene
>>> language
>>> in some cases- according to my source) amongst professional lapses other
>>> lapses.
>>> While waiting for the information to be confirmed and made official ,
>>> the
>>> NCC's chair His Lorship Ateba wants media men to remain impartial in the
>>> coverage of senatorial elections as campaigns begins this Saturday
>>> April
>>> 29
>>> 2013.
>>> The NCC met for two days with its members and publishers of newpapers in
>>> Yaounde.
>>> Solomon Amabo A.
>>> Deputy Editor-in-Chief
>>> Equinox Radio/Television.
>>> Nat V.P. Council SNJC,
>>> P.R.O. Camasej-D.
>>> P.O.Box 5082, Douala,Cameroon
>>> Tel:(+237)74668899/(+237)95302043
>>> Email:
>> --
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> ------------------------------------
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> Le vote court jusqu'au 30 juin 2011!
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