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Friday, May 31, 2013

Fwd: [SDF-FORUM] U.S. Ambassador R. Jackson speaksout against gov't crackdown on press freedom in Cameroon


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From: Eric acha <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 20:41:07 +0100 (BST)
Subject: [SDF-FORUM] U.S. Ambassador R. Jackson speaksout against
gov't crackdown on press freedom in Cameroon
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Freedom House Index2013 :Cameroon is not Free

With a score of 6, it ranks amongst the top most repressive regimesin
Africa.The worst score on the index is 7, and those in this club
include; North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Equatorial Guinea, Somalia, Sudan,
Syria, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

While the rest of the world was celebrating Press Freedom Day earlier
this month, the regime in Cameroon arrogantly continued with its
unjust and biased mediacensorship. This time again, it went as far as
shutting down the Foundation Radio station in Bamenda for unjust &
baseless reasons. The U.S. Ambassador for Cameroon Robert Jackson has
joined voices to denounce this absurdity, describing it as an
unfortunate situation for a regime purporting to be on course with its
vision 2035.

From the statement below, it is evident the pressure is mounting up on
the regimeto remove the seal unjustly placed on the doors of the
Foundation Radio.


Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Robert P. Jackson
British High Commissioner's Residence, Yaounde
Your Excellency,
Fellow diplomats and colleagues,
Members of the press,
Representatives of the Government of the Republic of Cameroon,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

First off, I would like to thank the
British High Commission for conceiving the concept of this award and
for hosting us this evening. I am pleased that the U.S. Embassy was
to partner with you on this project and provide some support.
Second, I would like to thank the
Commonwealth Journalists Association, the judges, and everyone else who
helped implement the project. To become involved in an effort like
this suggests to me that you love this country and have a specific
for its development. I join you in that vision and I share your

Despite occasional suggestions that there
is something disloyal or unpatriotic about being vocal, critical, or
contrary — we know differently. The mark of a citizen is civic
engagement. It is his or her willingness to speak out and stand up;
to care passionately and to have the courage to swim against the
current when necessary. Doing so is nothing less than an expression of

Third, I would like to congratulate all the journalists who competed
for the award, especially the winners. For
those who won, I applaud your fine work. For those who did not, I
encourage you to carry on your noble work. Sometimes the greatest
heroes in our society are those who quietly persevere, even when
unrecognized, unrewarded, or un-thanked. Therefore, members of the
press — in this room and throughout the country — I recognize and thank

Ladies and Gentlemen, friends, what we are
doing here this evening goes far beyond the confines of a writing
competition. We are chronicling our respect for freedom of speech and
expression. We are also acknowledging the importance of diversity
itself. Because there can be no diversity in society without the
freedom to express it.
I am pleased to have with me this evening
our Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Cynthia
Akuetteh, so that she can witness some of the exciting things that are
taking place here — as well as the initiatives of people like you. I
believe that freedom of expression has come a long way in Cameroon and
the country has made significant strides over the years.

Undoubtedly, there is much still to be
done, but I believe the country is on track. Progress does not happen
on its own, however, and it will take a continual and consistent effort
to stay the course. For example, several weeks ago a radio station in
Bamenda was censored and shut down. I consider such actions to be
unhelpful and inconsistent with international standards, as well as
incompatible with the government's own Vision 2035 plan of economic and
social transformation. Fortunately, incidents like this one appear to
be more and more the exception than the norm.

Permit me to share a few thoughts about the value of a free and
professional media in a country's democratization. In functioning
democracies, voters hold their leaders accountable.
However, for voters to exercise effective oversight, they must have
access to accurate information. The public relies upon you not only
to convey the news but to identify it. You help shape opinions about
what is newsworthy, about what
events are significant.

Furthermore, it rests upon investigative
journalists to discover the truth as well as to identify lapses in
truth. This underscores the significance of the role you play and the
importance of playing that role responsibly. In your positions of
greater influence, you must demonstrate greater integrity. You must
rise above the fracas of the street, above the
banter of gossip, conspiracy theory, and sensationalism. You must be
shrewd, thoughtful, well-reasoned, and impartial. Your devotion to
truth should supersede any political allegiance or personal bias.

If public servants err or take a misstep,
we face not only legal consequences but public scrutiny. We all know
that even if our employer fails to identify a wrong, investigative
journalists like you might. I am not just talking about theoretical
concepts. I am talking about historical realities with practical
relevance, such as Edward Murrow's 1960 investigation of the McCarthy
anti-communist hearings; Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein's reporting on
the Watergate scandal; and Seymour Hersh's 2004 article on torture at
the Abu Ghraib prison. However embarrassing and difficult these
reports were at the time, they led to change and reform.

In closing, allow me to once more
congratulate you for the work you do, day in and day out. I share your
vision of the greatness of this country and its potential to excel.
May you succeed in your important work; may you have the space to do
independently and may you have the wisdom to do so responsibly. If
Cameroon is indeed a great "construction site," as characterized by
President Biya, the structures to be built are not simply dams,
bridges, and roads. They are institutions, mindsets, norms, and new
realities. And you are among the key builders.
Thank you.

Ambassador Robert P. Jackson

Eric Acha


Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily
given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed (Martin
Luther King Jr. Letter from a Birmingham City Jail 1963 )


The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
a thing makes it happen.

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