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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Re: [MTC Global] [Digest] Lending the Name

Kudos to Prof Bholanath. This has taken this forum to next level.
Next, I am dismayed to observe several books in Management lacking quality in - presentation, language, diction, grammar ,content, structuring, etc. 
These are written by HOD"s, Professors & Faculty. Oral & Written Presentation is as important as Content. How can Mgt books be written in rural Indian English??
10 errors on every page. 
Who approves them? is there a body? Anyone can write any book, without going through QC.Plagiarism & using names is another common factor.
No wonder, many top quality faculty refer to foreign & American books / journals. They have a standard, pattern & good to study.
Let us work towards Quality in MTC G , in whatever we do. Set a benchmark in Management education & practices.
Ramesh Vemuganti

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 11:57 PM, Ashok Kumar <> wrote:
Dear Professor Bholanath,

I read your message and was overwhelmed by your sense of integrity and fairness. Indeed this is what is needed ... every honest academic, scholar or author must learn a lesson from you example. This (having  your authorship without working for it) is much too rampant in India and China but we see a plenty of such unethical practices in the US as well. One of the causal factor for such behavior lies in the  faculty evaluation system. So if n people have one good (or bad) paper each, suddenly the co-authorship permits each having n papers each and this is how it is counted while computing faculty contribution.

It is of course silly and unethical... but what is the way out?  Pushed by faculty senate and governance there is no chance to fractionalize the credit for scholarly work based on number of authors.

Best regards,


From: [] on behalf of Prof. Bholanath Dutta []
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2013 12:53 PM
Subject: [MTC Global] [Digest] Lending the Name

Recently, one publisher called me and requested me to use my name for a book as an author and another book as co-author. I was shocked.  I have authored 21 books including my biography with sincere hard-work, passion and perseverance. But this is a very new experience for me. Immediately , I declined. But the publisher person told that it is in practice and many people lend their names…………….. many times I wonder, why academicians get into all these uncalled practices?


Educate, Empower, Elevate

Prof. Bholanath Dutta

Founder, Convener & President

MTC Global & Knowledge Cafe

Participant: United Nations Global Compact

ISO 9001:2008 Organization /

Cell: +91 96323 18178




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