RE: [MTC Global] RE: India a view point

To put it in a nutshell. We have a law for everything but a sheer capacity to implement and enforce the same!!
How is it these very same individuals follow all regulations and practices when abroad? They know the consequences obviously.
N Chandrasekhar ( Germany)

Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 21:54:17 +0800
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] RE: India a view point

This is not a system failure. Afterall system is designed by the man. System can only prevent the opportunity but not the intention of the people to do undesirable things. When man does not want to follow the system which he hinself has designed these things happen . It is really a very sad state of affairs that the judiciary has to remind the Govt quite often that it is the responsibility of the Govt to exercise good governance.Policy paralysis, indifference to people's problems, rampant corruption and absolute lack of accountability of the political system have all contributed to this pathetic situation. On top of all these things our country is lacking leadership and credibility. 

As a banker and economist I used to respect Dr.Manmohan Singh . Now I have completely lost all hopes . PM has position but no power ( the power is defused by players behind the scenes, who are conducting shadow government through remote control) nor is he able to exercise influence in a positive way. The country is currently going through a leadership crisis and lack of value systems. 

The judiciary has done its job by enforcing NOTA ( people's right to reject the candicates in election )and banning convicts from contesting in the  elections. The ball is now in people's court. It is not only our fundamental right to vote but our duty towards the country to elect the right people. When all of us feel this responsibility and exercise our votes in the right manner, then we can bring a change in the system and accountability of the Govt to the people.We have to be hopeful to see the light at the end of the tunnel ,though the tunnel may be too long and keep working towards it by motivating the people around us.

With regards,



On Thursday, 28 November 2013 1:56 PM, Tarun Das <> wrote:
The picture of today's India as depicted by Professor Virendra Goel is really frightening. 
I am completely lost. Can't all of us together repair this systems's failure?

Dr. Tarun Das

Subject: RE: [MTC Global] RE: India a view point
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 11:30:11 +0530

Self-centered  narcissist and 'For Sale'  politician, incompetent and manipulative bureaucracy, insensitive government employees, unscrupulous business, Monstrous police,  helpless judiciary,  deceptive social and religious leaders, caged military, paramilitary forces and investigating agencies, fleecing banking, taxation and financial system, privileged media and intellectual class,  frustrated teaching community,  ignorant - irresponsible – silent spectator – sufferer citizen  and corruption, lack of transparency and no accountability as common factors – that is how I would like to define today's India.
Virendra Goel
From: [] On Behalf Of Tarun Das
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 10:19 AM
To: Benita Sharma; MTC Global; A N Bhattacharya; Ajay Roychoudhury; Amitendu Palit; Anand P Gupta; Anand Pandit; Anil Bisen; Bhattacharya, Prof. B. B.; Bibek Debroy; D. Bandopadhyay; kanwaljit oberoi; N L Ahuja; Pradeep Chakrabarty; Radhabinod Barman; Raj Agrawal; Rajaram Dasgupta; Sapna Popli; Sujit Sengupta; Sukumar Nandi; Swaraj K Nath; Bijoy R; Bijoy Raychaudhury; Brahm Nath Puri; Hira Sadhak; Hiren Sarkar; Ajay Kumar; Amitabha Mukherjee, WB; Arindam Roy; Arnab Maity; Arvind Virmani ED, IMF; Roshan Sahay; Sanjay Pradhan; Shyamlendu Pal; Sudarshan Gooptu
Subject: [MTC Global] RE: India a view point
An interesting article on the saddest state of socio-economic-political affairs in India today.  
The author is former Europe Director, CII and lives in Cologne, Germany.
The author blames the government for this saddest state of affairs. 
But what about his own masters- the Corporate India?
If they do not patronage, how can the government survive?

Dr. Tarun Das
World Bank Technical Adviser (Public Debt Management and Policy)
Deepening MTBF and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project
Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh,
20th Floor, 6th Building, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka.

Subject: FW: India a view point
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 23:08:45 +0530
From: ritu datta []
Sent: 27 November 2013 20:50
Subject: India a view point
just pathetic!! can only rectify it with resolve & time tested indian values!!!  
Subject: India a view point
The German press has savaged India's misgovernance.
The Brussels-based European Commission  Standing Committee on Global Foreign Direct Investments last week listed the top 20 destinations the EU 27 will target for the next five years. Sadly, but for well-known reasons, India does not figure in the list. 
Stocks of European Union direct investments to the rest of the world amounted to €5.6 trillion at the end of 2012 and the EU continues to have a fixation with China. As for India, senior EU officials noted with quite a bit of scepticism: "India is probably getting there, but not quite arrived".
An editorial in the highly circulated German national newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine screamed: "India has never had it so bad. Stealing in government has never been this brazen. Government officials are now so audacious in their corrupt practices that they do not give a damn about who is watching".
"Supreme Court directives are routinely flouted. Crime rates are up and security of life including women's safety, which is the first responsibility of every government, is at its lowest ebb. India must then be more than qualified to be called a failed state." In the Manager magazine, one of Germany's leading glossy business journals, an article said: "Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has a natural inclination to be a follower, not a leader. "
The article states, "India is a country where merit and integrity have no value and the country continues to sink beneath the suffocating weight of mediocrity and unrestrained, rampant greed. The majority of citizens feel excluded and disrespected at all levels of their daily lives. The youth of the country that make majority of the populace clearly feel helpless and many are pushed to take to misdemeanour and crime."
Der Spiegel wrote in an edit article recently: "While the main functions of the parliament are to make laws and hold the executive accountable through oversight, Indian lawmakers make very few laws, pass incompetent motions and engage in rampant disruption of the proceedings." 
The German business newspaper Handelsblatt wrote: "For India, it seems clear that the hope of becoming one of the best twenty economies in the world will only remain a daydream. Corruption is the bane of the society. The Government knows this and the crusade against corruption is being handled with kid gloves."
(The author is former Europe Director, CII, and lives in Cologne, Germany.)
(This article was published in Germany on September 4, 2013)
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