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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Re: [FREE AMBAZONIANS] Re: [camasej] Re: [cameroons_sdf_party] Re: [cameroonianjournalists] Re: [camnetwork] My 2014 Challenge on Southern Cameroons

Hi Tagne,

How could the BSC leaders say no to self-rule when the Cameroons had two federated States from 1961 to 1972 after joining LRC with all the sovereign self-governance structures in both States? Can you explain you reasoning on this one?

Remember that the federal constitution provided protection from the disruption or destruction of this self-rule but the 20 May 1972 highjack would not have any of it. Hence, my point below on the minimum stating point of any self-rule considerations. But clearly even these two federated state option has been denied our people hence the desire to seek the zero sum game/ option.

Unfortunately, LRC cannot achieve self-rule without the BSC people having a full expression of self-rule their way. Hence, we will likely never agree on the way forward or the priorities for tat matter, period.

Sent by Mukwo-okwo Ntu'a

On 1 Jan 2014, at 16:13, jtagne <> wrote:


Massa Mukwo,

You are absolutely amazing. Even if I said I am for what is that going to change?  I believe you read from the same article that Foncha et al left the eastern chamber of parliament in Enugu and refused "self-rule" by joining la republique of the postal man that paul biya abandoned in Senegal since his death. 

So if I say to you now that you can self-rule your so call southern Cameroon how are you going to do it? 

Mukwo my brother keep demanding your self rules and 2 states while my friends Ofege and Ebenezer Larry King Eyong with their supporters want independence,  Paawces want presidency. As for my brother Boh Herbert I can't say with exactitude what he wants. For us to even think of any way to go with our southern Cameroon we have to get the Pa Achidi, john b ndeh, Musonge, Inoni, the small Muna (I believe you read how one of them said my brother Eyango from Nkongsamba is not Cameroonian) and Fonchas etc out of the helm of our beloved country Cameroon. 

So keep typing your sc and dreaming about the same thing every day but per minute also think about first preparing the way and getting this biya paul out is the primary focus or at least should be our primary focus. 


Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note® II, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Mukwo-okwo Ntu'a <>
Date: 01/01/2014 08:29 (GMT-05:00)
Cc:,,,,Free Cam Ambazonians <>,Cameroon Politics <>,Way Forwards Houston <>,WFN listserve <>,SOUTHERN CAMEROONS <>,Scapo London <>,SCYL DISCUSGROUP <>,Ambasbay <>
Subject: Re: [camasej] Re: [cameroons_sdf_party] Re: [cameroonianjournalists] Re: [camnetwork] My 2014 Challenge on Southern Cameroons


Mr Tagne,

Thank God that you understand the history and evolution in the former British Southern Cameroons. That being the case, I have a specific question for you and all others:

Would you be in support of self-rule in the Cameroons after Paul Biya that allows the Cameroons (2 Federated States) to run their own affairs as enjoyed by the inhabitants of BSC from 1954 to 1972 with all the attendant institutions and resources at its disposal except for foreign affairs and the military? 

Herein are the fundamentals of the self-determination (self-rule) demands of the BSC people. If yes, then we are closer than you think. However, if no, we can all see why the current construct of LRC will never move forward as one unit no matter how long it takes because we do not believe in the same objectives/goals.

Again I will borrow from the Good News bible which tells us "Can two walk together except they agree?" 

Sent by Mukwo-okwo Ntu'a

On 1 Jan 2014, at 05:42, Jean-Bosco Tagne <> wrote:


Dear Dr. Atang,

Thanks so much for this mail and I wanted to respectfully get back to you before 2014. May 2014 be a year of better understanding between the united son of our beloved country call Cameroon wether it is South, West, Est or North.

To come back to your mail, I can reassure you that I am aware of all the point you put below and would like you to know that no matter what our beloved country was one till the British and the French set us apart. I do not believe being from the British and/or French protectorat will change that fact.

You wrote in 3 that "The Southern Cameroons was represented by elected officials/representatives in the Nigerian Eastern House of Assembly in Enugu.  Some of the democratically elected members include Dr. Foncha, Mr. J. T Ndze, Rev. Kangsen, etc.  Chief Mukete and Mr, S. T. Muna were Federal Ministers in the Federal Republic of Nigerian Government.  Dr. Endeley was in Medical School in Lagos Nigeria at that time." and I am worry that such Elected officials who could consciously get out of the Nigeria Eastern house of Assembly were easily manipulate by "Francofou" as stipulate by my friend Boh Herbert. I find it hard because you have to wake up early and dump a Nigerian to be absorbe that easily by a Cameroonian particularly a postal worker who knew little about politics. 

I find it hard to accept that someone who was "self-rule" with all his branches of government could just refuse his "self-rule" as define by my elder brother Boh Herbert to be a slave of "Francofou". Don't tell me that the Foncha, Endeley, Juah, Mukete,Muna, Kangsen etc you site were empty heads who deliberately refused to self-rule your so call "SC". Dr. Atang please do not insult these very intelligent Cameroonians who were able to say no to the BIG Nigeria.

Dr. Atang, I did not know that a voting-plebicite will turn out being an occupation. I can't comprehend  this contradiction from your 11 points. May be it is my poor understanding of the English langage but what I want you to know is that this bla bla about "SC-WC-EC-NC" have been setting us behind for the past 50 years. We hear less about our brothers who gained their independence with Nigeria and as you can see they are doing better while this EVIL man call paul biya is turning us up site down day in day out. Let us get him out and fix our country.

Dr. Atang, you have a lot to do by taking a good fight with the like of Achidi Achu, John B Ndeh, Agbor Tabi, Ngole Ngole, Musonge, even Inoni etc before taking to the "francofou".

Dr. Atang we need to get biya out and work on changing the course of our beloved country. We can't run away from that with EMPTY retoric Doc. If you believe that your "SC" independence is the way to go to get biya out before reorganizing our beloved country please convince people like me first but I doubt it.

Again happy 2014 to you and your beloved family.


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