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Monday, March 3, 2014

Re: [cameroon_politics] An upecist answer to Chief Charles A.Taku and Others.

Résumons-nous, pour la compréhension de tous. Surtout pour la compréhension de ceux de francophones qui sont soit ignorant, soit de mauvaise foi manifeste, soit des colons, soit des militants de l’upc, un parti qui se dise historique de la republique du Cameroun qui aujourdhui est depasse par les evenements et par l’histore.  

L’upc reste un parti du passe et du passif.

Ce qui reste comme upc cherche a crée un Kamerun qui a cesse d’exister en 1916 et qui n’extera plus jamais.

Pendant un prétendu colloque sur la non moins apparente réunification a l’université de Buea, un ‘savant’ francophone a eu le génie de dire à haute voix que un ’anglophone’ c’est quelqu’un qui parle l’anglais du fait d’avoir faire des études dans n’importe quel lycée dans la zone anglophone !

Et le premier ministre de la république du Cameroun, fils de Salomon Tandeng Muna, et collaborateur hors catégorie de son état applaudirait avec fougue.

Perception classique des francophones surtout ces adeptes de la colonisation moderne qui pense que le prétendu problème anglophone se résume dans une langue – la langue anglaise.

Anglophone veut dire un citoyen de l’état de Southern Caneroons, dénommé West Cameroun le jour de son indépendance le 1er octobre 1961. Cet état avait sa capitale à Buea, son gouvernement avec EML Endeley comme le premier premier ministre et John Ngu Foncha comme deuxième. Southern Cameroons a plus de 44.000kms2 de territoire. Southern Cameroons avait son parlement à Buea, ses ministres, et avec une population de plus des 7.000.000ames vivant dans le territoire et ce territoire est reconnu par le droit internationale. Bref l’état de Southern Cameroons avait ses institutions. Il y a plus de 9 traites qui tracent la frontière entre l’état de Southern Cameroons et la république du Cameroun. La langue officielle de cet état était et reste l’anglais. Ou est cet état aujourd’hui ? Et la réponse est simple. Cet état est aujourd’hui colonisé, annexé, subjugué et absorber par l’état voisin de la République du Cameroun, Pourtant La république du Cameroun est toujours un territoire sur mandate et un Trust Territory comme Southern Cameroons.

West-Southern Cameroons est un  ETAT : pas une partie de la république du Cameroun ; pas le Cameroun du sud et pas le Cameroun Méridional : UN ETAT.

En 1961, tout ce qu’il fallait pour l’état de Southern Cameroons était son indépendance. Le 21 Avril 1961, l’assemble générale des nations unies vota pour l’Independence de Southern Cameroons ; 50 voix pour, 6 contres et 02 abstentions. La République du Cameroun vota contre cet indépendance. Ceci est très indicatif. Les nations unies avait imposé unification avec l’état déjà indépendant de la république du Cameroun comme clause de l’Independence de Southern Cameroons. Or la république du Cameroun ne voulait pas unification avec Southern Cameroons. La république du Cameroun vota CONTRE ! C’est comme si on vous donne une femme a epouser et vous rejectez la femme. D’où vient ’il que la république du Cameroun est aujourd’hui derrières les fesses des Southern Cameroons. Je vais vous dire pourquoi. En 1961 et jusque ce jour 2014, 72% de revenues de la république du Cameroun provienne de Southern Cameroons. Or la république du Cameroun investisse à  peine 3% de ces revenues dans l’état de Southern Cameroons. Mes amies la république du Cameroun va rendre gorge.

Francophone veut dire citoyen de la République du Cameroun qui devint Independent le 1 Janvier 1960 dans a per près 420.000km2 de territoire avec sa capital comme Yaoundé, Ahmadou Ahidjo comme président, un territoire d’à peu près 430.000km2, son Assemble National, son gouvernement et le française comme langue officiel. La république du Cameroun fut créée le 4 mars 1961 par la France, le même jour que le Gabon, La CAR, le Congo, le Cameroun, et le Chad, par la France. C’est cet état crée a 1916 qui devint indépendant a 1961 avec la même population et le même territoire. Nous voyons cet état aujourd’hui avec le même nom, La République du Cameroun. La république du Cameroun a célébrée le cinquantenaire de son indépendance il y a trois ans et ce jour-là, l’assemblé générale des nations unies envoya son président M. Triki avec deux cartes comme cadeaux à M. Biya ; la carte de la république du Cameroun le jour de son indépendance et la carte de…British Cameroons ! Ce geste est significatif et le message est clair.

Je demande aux militants de lùUPC d’arreter leurs chars ! C’est très ahurissement d’entendre des upcistes comme le Dr Yangye externaliser leur discours sur le prétendu réunification de recréation du Kamerun allemande. Or le Kamerun allemande est mort a jamais après la défaite des allemandes en 1916 et la création de la British Cameroons par le Britannique et la création du  Gabon, La CAR, le Congo, le Cameroun, et le Chad, par la France.

En en plus la colonisation allemande était si éphémère qu’il n’existe aucun colonise allemande dans les territoires disputé. Que ces propagateurs de la délusion de recréer un Kamerun Allemagne me montre sur quel base, légale, culturelle, etc est encrée leur délusion. Il n’y a aucun culture allemande dans la république du Cameroun, ni dans le Southern Cameroons !

Ces militants de l’upc oublient que ce qui s’est passe en 1961 était une tentative d’unification des deux états – l’état de Southern Cameroons dénommé West Cameroon et l’état de la République du Cameroun dénommé East Cameroun.

Pas de deux territoires !

Pas du Kamerun allemande !

Pârce que ce kamerun la etait deja dans au mois si xetats differents !

Et que pour que unification soit valable en droit internationale il fallait une traite d’union entre les deux états. Or dans sa tentative de coloniser et d’annexer l’état de Southern Cameroons, Ahidjo et Biya oublia que le crime parfait n’existe pas. Ils avaient oublié de faire signe un traite d’union entre Southern Cameroons et La république du Cameroun et ils avaient oublié de déposer ce traite au secrétariat des nations unies comme en demande le droit internationale. Allez demander le prof Magloire Ondoa qui indiquait récemment a la BBC qu’il était choque de constater que ce traire n’existe pas parmi les 16000 pages des documents en plus de 200 tomes des textes, lois et traites sur le Cameroun qu’il a récemment publié récemment.

UPC a tout simplement profité du faite que Foncha John Ngouh avait des liens de parante à Dschang. Et que le terre ancestrale de Ngouh est a la Menoua. Donc Foncha John Ngouh etait un taupe qui a roule pour Foncha et personne d’autre.

Ceux que parle du travail de Foncha, de Muna etc, sont des rêveurs. En 1960, les nations unies demandèrent à la Grande Bretagne de parfaire la constitution de l’Independence de Southern Cameroons. C ‘est ainsi que        the Southern Cameroons Constitution (Order-in-Council) entra en vigueur le 1er Octobre 1960 comme constitution de l’état indépendant de Southern Cameroons. Et selon cette constitution Foncha ‘était pas habilite à engager l’état.  Bref, il n’est pas une traite entre Southern Cameroons set la république du Cameroun.

Pis encore le 31 Janvier 2005, pendant la phase d’application du jugement de ICJ sur Bakassi, le nations unies obligea M. Biya et M. Obasanjo de retirer leurs troupes et administrations vers les frontières héritées de la colonisation. Et M. Biya signa la traite de Greentree avec maestria.

 “I President Paul Biya of the Republic of Cameroun in a bid to provide lasting peace to the Bakassi conflict hereby commit myself and my government to respect the territorial boundaries of my country as obtained at its independence.”

Ce document existe!

En allant fêter son prétendu réunification à Buea M. Biya cherche à se dédouaner.

Apre-moi le déluge !

Vous ne vous poser pas de questions sur le fait qu’il n’avait aucune ambassade représenté à Buea ? Même pas la France ?

Vous ne vous poser pas des questions sur accélération de travail sur le Port de Kribi.

Que les rêveurs de la colonisation de Southern Cameroons rêvent toujours. Ils vont maigri. 

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 8:16 PM, Daniel Yagnye <> wrote:

Dear Chief Charles A.Taku,

It has always been a delight to read you. It is with a great deal of gratitude and pleasure that I have read your mail to Mr. Tchucham in which you as usual show a huge Open-mindedness   and raise an important point concerning the ideology that must drive a struggle and the conditions under which strategic partners can be considered seriously. 

Considering that you expressly referred to the "Ideology empire" that Um and his followers built, I would like to make a brief recall of what pushed the "Anglophones" of their time to follow them. As you said it very rightly, they would have voted overwhelmingly for the UPC, had the French not destroyed our hopes. Before discussing the issue of ideology itself, I would like to underline some general considerations that have already been made in the course of the debates on the “Anglophone issues” these last weeks.
The most important point that I want to raise is that I would like all of us, fellow Anglophone and fellow Francophone Citizen and compatriots to consider the fact that the basic issue for us is not about ousting Biya or any other « Aujoulatist agent » but to get rid of/or change the system in place by siding with our populations.
Also, I would like us to seriously consider whether the problem with Southern Cameroons is the artificial "conflict" or "discord" between the NW and the SW as some want to insinuate. Furthermore, is it not about being Cameroonians in the same country or refusing the country’s unity, or let’s put it this way, about rejecting the idea of unity with other Cameroonians considered as francophones? Please bear in mind that I’m just asking us to think about it.
There has always been a minority current against the Reunification that has survived and that is likely to take advantage of the failures due to what I call “Contentieux Historique” (the crimes of France in our country that remain undebated and unpunished thank to the prevalence of neocolonial rule) to prevail. I would not dare to say that that current still remains a minority today but it has been nourished by the ongoing frustrations from La Republique and the offhand manner with which the Yaoundé regime has been treating the “Anglophone issue” raised by the fellow Compatriots of SW/NW provinces. The great “Reunification” fraud and many other frustrations named during debates here have given that cause its autonomy. Despite all the arguments that seek to demonstrate the differences between our Peoples, let me insist that a People is not a composite of populations but a political and historical construct. In this understanding, before colonization our People was One. Our People still is One today after colonization, fake reunification and formal independence. The reality of annexation and assimilation must not lead us to confusion and to serious errors of appreciation. There is a strong linkage between the restoration of the Southern Cameroons' Dignity and the restoration of the Independence and the Sovereignty of the whole Republic of Cameroon.
So let us consider this: the problem is it to renouncing our well-deserved rights as CAMEROONIAN CITIZEN by setting the clock 50+ years backward because of the “Contentieux Historique” instead of trusting the whole Cameroonian People like our predecessors - “Anglophones” and “Francophones” all alike - did 50+ years ago, and embracing the struggle for the sake of the whole Kamerun, a country in which you, Chief Taku, or Boh Herbert or Pah Fru Ndeh, as CAMEROONIAN CITIZEN - and not just as PWAACE as Pa Fru keeps promoting it - could become the PRESIDENT of the country with the approval of all/or the majority of the populations??
As for the ideology, please allow me to quote three statements in which you have insisted on that matter:
1. "The Southern Cameroons has discovered that during the pendency of colonial rule, the Citizens of La Republique du Cameroun have made little effort to provide an ideological perspective to their struggle against neo-colonial rule."
2. "The more than 300 political parties that exist in La Republique have no  ideology to underpin their ambition to take power? The SDF which espoused a liberation ideology from inception has been subdued through infiltration by Aujoulatist agents."
3. "Where is the ideological empire Mpodol, Ouandie, Moumie and others built which was admired and emulated by revolutionary leaders throughout Africa, including Nelson Mandela, Amilcar CABRAL, AUGOSTINHO Neto etc.  Show me where it is so that like these liberators that I have cited we can believe you and like our leaders in 1952, we can once more recommence the discussion where they left."
To make it short, I won’t comment on whether the effort to provide such has been little or if there has been no ideology at all. It is very right to point out the paucity of an ideology as compared to the age of Um and his comrades, but let us be reminded that neither their generation nor the today’s parties can be compared to one another in all respects.
As for our two generations, unlike Um, Ouandié, Moumié, Ossende and their Comrades who confronted and fought the crude colonial rule and died for their ideals, the postcolonial generation did not succeed in confronting head-on the more refined neocolonial regime with the same resolve, and many accepted to serve it, the reason being for a large part the cruelty of the neocolonial regime as I pointed it above combined with several tactics of crushing contestation and keeping power. Our brother Janvier Tchouteu-Chando stated in an article that: "...Leadership over the forces that should give Cameroon its strength (the people) has been undermined by government-instigated discrimination. Clannishness, tribalism, ethno-centrism, regionalism and other forms of division are often set aflame on groups (as scapegoats) in order to dispel discontent directed against the government and the system. The regrettable outcome of such moves has been the open and latent distrust that has caused the breakdown of cooperation between the forces that are supposed to work together to realize our potentials" (in "Why Cameroon needs a fundamental change")
Also, the 300+ parties - with the exception of the SDF to a certain extent – are mostly governmental creations. They cannot be compared with the UPC that has constantly undergone unspeakable persecution and repression over the decades. Biya does not let our party alone. His administration interferes all the time in our affairs and has yet split it into several factions, one of which is even called “UPC gouvernementale”. On the other hand, there is the stranglehold of France that you have also recognized, just like Mr Janvier Tchouteu-Chando did:"...The majority of cameroonians have always rejected the system and the Ahidjo and Biya regimes that the system created...the present French-backed regime relies heavily on the nation's stereotypical armed forces and secret service" (ibid.).
Nevertheless, the UPC still holds on to its IDEOLOGY, though it cannot live up to the requirements of that ideology in its present day condition. That ideology was founded on the pillars of the Revolutionary Nationalism, the Reunification prior the Independence and the Betterment of the condition of the Cameroonian Populations. That ideology was summarized in one word: the UPECISM, which rested on VALUES like Fraternity, Truth, Sincerity, Courage, resolved Commitment to one’s cause, Patriotism, Love for one’s PEOPLE and one’s LAND etc.
The fact that no other ideology has emerged that can overbid this one is because the issues have not changed, but have been worsened on both sides of Mungo River by 50+ years of “navigation à vue”.
But that does not mean there’s NO ideology at all for it is the same ideology that true and committed Upecists stand for today. It is the ideology I stand for. It only needs to be properly adapted to the specific conditions of our time. And it is appropriate to treat the problems of our society. Reason why I very much appreciate the closing of your write up in which you state the readiness of Southern Cameroonians to join efforts to continue the struggle that our Ancestors died fighting, so as to change the present system, and bring about the changes that we all so much long for and build the kind of society that we would like to live in and leave to our children and grandchildren as legacy. The ousting of the Yaounde regime is a mere secondary option in the course of this essential process. That is the common point that links our generation and that of our Ancestors.
Permit me to end at this point, the future will tell us more about our common destiny. This is in close relation with the spirit of the posture that Um had in 1952, and I am confident that we will find the right answers to the questions we are raising today, and will come to understand each other on the right thing to do. This is particularly true as far as your request of a blueprint or platform and your plea for the Southern Cameroonian case are concerned:
1. “The Southern Cameroons  have persistently replied by asking the proponents of this general proposal to show them a plan and a platform and additionally convince them why joining forces to remove Biya resolves their problem".
2. You have said also: „The Southern Cameroons Case is a case for the respect of international legality, a struggle against annexation and colonial rule and indeed, a fight for justice against international criminality.”
Strangely enough, I could have myself made that same plea and written that request while addressing France, Great Britain and the so-called international community, but not only for the Southern Cameroons but for the whole Republic of Cameroon at least for the second statement of the request!
The day comes when WE will just do it!
Very respectfully and faithfully yours,

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