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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

[MTC Global] Ref Google

What is HBS's class attendance policy?
MBA Class Attendance
Daily class attendance is required of all MBA and cross-registered students. This requirement formalizes the reciprocal responsibilities between students and faculty to be fully prepared for class and to contribute to joint learning. More broadly, it reinforces our belief in education as a shared enterprise. The success of Harvard Business School's learning model depends upon broad, regular class participation by all students. This, in turn, depends crucially upon regular attendance by all students in all classes.
Excused Absences
Students may be absent from a small number of classes for the following specified reasons without adversely affecting their grades or academic standing:
  • personal illness: birth or adoption of a student's child, or the illness or medical needs of a child for whom the student is a primary caretaker
  • death or serious illness in the close and immediate family
  • student's own wedding day, or that of a close and immediate family member
  • required military service
  • court summons or jury duty that cannot be postponed
  • the observance of high religious days
Students must notify their instructor(s) of any absence in advance by telephone, e-mail, or in person, or, in the case of emergency, as soon as possible afterward. This notice must also be given to Registrar Services, Spangler Center, 2nd Floor ( Notifying the instructor(s) and Registrar Services does not constitute an excused absence. Even if the absence is excused, students are responsible for satisfying any "make-up" requirements for a missed class. Failure to provide proper notice may lead to adverse consequences with respect to course grades 
DHRUVA stipulates minimum of 75 % attendance,leaving 25 % for HBS kind of excuses
Dr.S.Pratap Reddy 
Founder Chairman 

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