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Monday, November 2, 2015

North West Mineral Sites Unveiled

By Liengu Etaka Esong
Stakeholders in the Mines Industries and Technological Development sector in the North West Region have been schooled on the role of the Kimberley Process in the region. Following the creation, organisation and functioning of the Kimberly Process in 2011 in Cameroon, organisers in the sector have been going round the country to sensitize the public on their activities.
It is against this backdrop that a meeting was organised on October 27, 2015 in Bamenda to drill stakeholders in the sector on their activities. During the meeting participants were made to understand that the Kimberly Process is aimed at tracing the minerals of the North West, and will also help in the sale o f these precious minerals for the betterment of the individuals involved. According to the Regional Focal Point of the Kimberley Process, Ngecha Joseph Endeley, the North West Region has a good number of minerals dotted in the seven divisions of the Region.
He revealed that there was Gold and Saphire in Misaje, Donga Mantung Division just like Kaolin in Momo Division amongst others. He pointed out that the Kimberly Process is out to take stock of active mining sites in the Region, before any activity can begin. He equally reminded all that the population concern will be greatly involved in all the process. On his part the Regional Delegate of Mines Industries and Technological Development, Tegha Charles Ebua, acknowledged the timeliness of the Kimberley Process in the region. He opined that it was coming at a time when they were facing difficulties in identifying areas endowed with minerals.

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