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Thursday, June 2, 2016

An INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE specifically to RESET our EMANCIPATION QUEST by us, the victim of Ian-Cameroonism INVOKING our rights of SELF DETERMINATION under the PRE INDEPENDENCE identity of AMBAZONIA is on the works.

..."An INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE specifically to RESET our EMANCIPATION QUEST by us, the victim of Ian-Cameroonism INVOKING our rights of SELF DETERMINATION under the PRE INDEPENDENCE identity of AMBAZONIA is on the works. ..,,"

Hello ALL

It should be very obvious to all desirous of INDEPENDENCE that the entire emancipation quest is now caught beneath the vicious backwash tide of PAN CAMEROONISM. We are drifting rudderless in the savage sea of pan-Cameroonism with no shore insight.,,, unless we do something drastic as skipping ship, we are doomed!

In obedience of the laws of nature -- the laws of system theory-- we who really are desirous of our independence must act differently. WE MUST SEEK TO SKIP THIS SINKING SHIP NOW BEFIRE WE BECOME ANOTHER LOST CAUSE -- ANOTHER ARMERNIAN CASE!!!  

We must recognize our very precarious situation and withdraw from our current stance of directly and indirectly colluding with the enemy via promoting pan-Cameroonism. A stance which is clearly an UN-WIN-ABLE one as it's a so powerless one!

Why? Because we should be the first to admit that our entire emancipation quest has been hijacked by PAN CAMEROONISM. Right from the start as far back as in 1948 when RJ Dibongue of Bassa French Cameroonian nationality was our representative in Buea, we built our sovereign foundation from a false premise as do it continues today!

SOLUTION: We must return to basics. 

We are owned by anyone to deny us this right of returning to the basics of survival. So we must not be fooled by the certain flurry of counter arguments from our detractors that does nothing but DELAY and OBFUSCATE our very simple case of SELF DETERMINATION.

It can't happen if we who really want our independence don't take this DECISIVE STEP. If we don't reject the current "evolutionary path" that continues to hold us hostages to pan-Cameroonism we will be the toast of another "lost cause"!! NO JOKING HERE AS TIME IS TICKING AS GENERATIONS ARE DYING AS HISTORY IS CONTINUALLY BEING REVISE..  

By adopting the pre-independence identity of AMBAZONIA we will be visibly demonstrating to the world that "we know what we want" because "we know who we are". 


Since by the over 60 years of the effective operation of pan-CAMEROONISM of whatever cardinality, all we can show for is our SECOND CLASS CITIZENRY........ Just why are we wasting time still calling ourselves by the very name that is the cause of our demise in this subregion! The name or that has "Cameroon" attached to it?

THIS IS WHY WE NEED TO RETURN THIS OUR ENTIRE EMANCIPATION QUEST TO AN ORIGINAL STATE WHERE WE CAN START ALL OVER. This time, immunized by the pre independence mentality we should be able to seek and serve OUR BEST INTEREST as "power", an equation we are yet to factor, will be under our conscious control.

Please Comrades: SUPPORT THIS SINGLE-PURPOSE CONFERENCE whose goal is that we "invoke our rights of self-determination" under the pre-independence identity of AMBAZONIA and then adjourned! It's that simple but that powerful!!!!

The rest, you should be pre-assured, will follow like clockwork as we would by this single  act have detonated the POWER of a countervailing NATIONALISM: our very own unique AMBAZONIAN NATIONALISM is the only sure weapon to fight and defeat the now very entrenched CAMEROONIAN nationalism. 

If this our emancipation quest can not even tap on the natural latent powers we have lying dormant in our pre independence nationalism, those talks of gaining independence by petitioning UN/AU etc, etc or even jumping ahead of the "power spectrum" and talking "action on the ground", are all time wastage!

We can do it now by shedding our very democratic but very misplaced "parliamentary mentality" for the much needed "pre independence mentality.

Do it without any prejudice and see a dawn of a new era for our suffering people. Do not do it for yourself. Do it for your children and the yet to be born. This is because, this pre independence theater is one which conducts only "revolutionary mentality"! We shall be required to disown and dispense of certain "formalities" until effective independence is achieved. As when such things like "titles" shall be earned in the field and not simply elected  to cater to inflated egos!!! Everyone shall be required to VOLUNTEER their time, talent and resources in the most efficient way which is just that they SUPPORT the cause!

This should make "cooking that independence soup" done as "naturally rightly" as can be done. Today we have just too many cooks recommending so many funny ingredients which is reason why as of now it's still so salty .., and stilL not done! 

Edwin N Ngang
AMBAZONIA Liberation Movement - North America

Sent from my iPhone

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