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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Re: Brenda Biya

To -> Rev. Papa Ayuk Taku Moses,
When a PAAWCE becomes President of Cameroon, you will still be alive and kicking.
We will look for you wherever you are and ensure that you are a witness to the swearing in ceremony.
If you are dead and in a grave in your nativity we shall invoke the spirits of nsibiri to exhume your
physical body and bring it with your soul to the swearing in ceremony.  Let me know if you have any questions.

To -> Ayuk Arrey Ebott a bona fide PAAWCE
Please keep on with your good work.
When a PAAWCE becomes President of the Republic, we will transfer you to the 
currency manufacturing unit where you shall ensure the compliance and integrity of
every authentic new currency that is  printed.

Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: ayuk arrey ebott <>
To: "" <>; christmasebini <>; DISCUSSION LIST MANYU <>; Sammy Arrey-Mbi <>; "" <>; Patience Ebini <>; Henry Fossung <>; Mathias Ayuk <>
Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2016 3:57 AM
Subject: RE: Brenda Biya

Some people have PHDs in criticism, but are completely illiterate in bringing up good ideas. Every tom and dick can criticize, but it is  those who master wisdom and discernment who are capable of bringing ideas to push the community ahead.
Mr. Ebini's idea may not be the best as an example of federalism, but he marks a point.
The other day, during news, the number of candidates writing the Cameroon GCE in Cameroon was almost the same as those writing the baccalaureate. If we make the simple assumption that the anglophone population is about 20% of Cameroon population, it means the English culture is seriously gaining ground among the francophones.

Ayuk Arrey Ebott
Head of Compliance Dept.

Union Bank of Cameroon plc
Tel: +237 6777 112 38

It's not how many brains you've got that matters.
It's how you use your brains that counts.
Attitude is more important than Aptitude.

Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2016 22:38:00 +0000
Subject: Re: Brenda Biya

My son Atemako,
You are now always reasoning like a native man who has not seen the 4 walls of the classroom that should enable him to reason more maturely and reasonably to the admiration of many and sundry.
Your write-up below is a note that goes so far to disgrace you among-st your peers as a learned son of the soil of the captives. How on earth can a small girl (18 yrs) who has already destroyed her future thru evil deeds as the murderous father; be the one to cause her Bilingualism to foster Federalism?. The Federalism that you are insinuating is between who and who-I ask you? Why should you even write something about that delinquent daughter of a murderer that you are not subjected to. Do you lack topics to write-I ask you?

You are a son to the kingdom of Eyang Atemako and not to the kingdom of Douala Manga Bell. Since AD 1984 when Nebuchadnezzar-Paul Biya changed the name of the nation to their maiden name-La Rup. du Cameroun and exited one of the stars from the flag, it was from that day that we were no longer a part of what you are continuously advocating.  Do not allow me to challenge any of your write-ups as it can be grievous on your side as it can hurt you very sincerely as it contains the Anointing to hurt the black-legs in this painful situation that I and my people are subjected to, thru the errors of the international community that be. I find myself and my kindred both at home and abroad in pain as the tribe of Judah in Babylon. Refer to the book of Daniel in the old Testament of the Bible. You say you can be of help to a drug addict-be careful in the U.S.

A small girl at 18 is associated with lifestyles that are incriminating to the point of being arraigned to appear in court in a strange land to the disgrace of the father. The mother had to smuggle her quickly out of the U.S. She is already a drug addict, a fornicator, a prideful girl and a gangster to the knowledge of the father. Are you the one who will change her to be a qualified LRDC Bilingual daughter to enforce Federalism in that internationally acclaimed nation of Frauds-I ask? Do not write things that will have you to be regarded as a two sided cutlass. You are a king to your people of Eyang Atemako and should have wisdom in writing.

Yours frustrated and depressed uncle in exile,
Rev. (Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses (alias Daniel to his people in captivity in Babylon)

From: 'christmasebini' via ManyuVoice <>
To: "Manyu (Ossidinge) Manyu, (Ossidinge)" <>; "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 3:23 PM
Subject: Brenda Biya

There is something I find very impressive about Brenda, Paul Biya's daughter even in the midst of all her challenges (BTW I will be willing to help Brenda with her behavioral challenges pro bono). We may all miss this if we do not pay attention. That is the fact that our political elites have come to the realization that English education is superior. Even with the cursing it is a good thing that Paul Biya's  daughter is so bilingual. This will make it easy for the new generation  to understand and embrace the concept and benefits of federalism

Christmas Ebini 

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