It may be more profitable for African countries to spend the huge outlays that would go into building fancy cities where rail cannot proficiently because of abject lack of power and energy in firming-up basic infrastructure that would make life better for everyone.
CUE's tuppence.

Sent from my iPhone

On 7 Jun 2016, at 10:05 AM, Nyangkwe Agien Aaron <> wrote:


That is a distraction of bad taste. The problems of Cameroon that I am breathing at every second here in Douala has nothing to do with a new capital. It has to do with new policies and new leadership at then helm of the country. PERIOD

Who are you serving by putting across what you posted? Not the suffering masses but some suggestions to the oppressor so that he can get carry around the Babanguida types of debates as happened in Nigeria. 

What a man!!!  

Agien Nyangkwe

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 12:22 AM, 'Mishe Fon' via ambasbay <> wrote:
This is a plan (see below) for the brand new city of Konza in Kenya, designed by Kenyan architects and approved by the Kenyan parliament. The city becomes operational in two years.
We (responsible citizens who love our country) have proposed a new Capital for Cameroon near EBEBDA (Bafia) by the estuaries of the Sanaga river because the present so-called capital Yaoundé has become a total embarrassment and complete nightmare: (Street names unavailable, Houses not numbered, in short irresponsible chaotic Town Planning and infrastructural disgrace; archaic and inadequate electrical grid that leads to incessant power failures, lack of responsible urban transportation, haphazard garbage and sewage disposal)...and much more.
HONESTLY, IF KENYANS CAN DO IT, why should Cameroonians not do the same or even better. This is how a friend gave directions to attend a Party at his home:
"My house dey 4 back Tam Tam Weekend. When you kommot Post Central, take Bend Skin kam 4 Olezoa station Shell. Cross road go tanap for "Femme Joyeuse Bar" then take Taxi. Go sotey pass Eglise Catholique de Mvolye. You go see Dokta Titus Edjoa yi big big maison abandonnee. No stop. Continue sotey for Carrefour Biyem Assi, pass Sous Prefecture, Pharmacie Jouvence, Hopital de District and then some big bar-dancing appele "Tu Sors,Tamja Je Sors" next to Tam Tam. Once out of the Taxi, ask that vendeur de beauregard soya "Ou se trouve la maison d'un Anglophone avec la calvitie qui a une grande  voiture blanche 4 X 4?" He will come and show you my house. It is very easy. *~^o^~ cheerIf you loss 4 kwata, text me*&[] gift.
Tah Mfar Mishe Fon

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