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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Entangled by lies , untangled by truth --- The Final days of the Clintons Travesty of Public Service

Jonathan Awasom So you voted Madam Hilary Clinton who is on her way to be impeached and removed from office for all her despicable lies ? Who di Craze, the one who jeopardized national security by carelessly handling classified information or the one who simply could not perform well at the first debate? Go and review what happened to Richard Nixon. American system does not spare the rod and spoil the child. I am stunt that some of you just vote a candidate simply because she is a woman. You have pity for her as a woman but she is corrupt to the bone marrow with her family, for instance Millions of money collected on behalf of the poor and victims of national disaster in different places but victims have hardly received any help. Worst still she collects money from foreign totalitarian regimes that torture and dehumanize women! Come to think of it , we live in a world where many have turned their backs against truth and now think some should be above the rule of law because of their million years in public service. Is that why you are voting for her Sister ? Really? Hmmm. Well good luck but those of you who enable the likes of Clintons are only setting her up to her own colossal downfall.

She hopes fraud her way to the highest office on earth to use it to cover up and suppress her criminal activities over the years but I am afraid that it is not going to be that easy. Let me be clear that her antics of attacking the FBI Director lately is in bad taste because she created the email problems with respect to national and international security and cannot blame someone else for her own gross public service misconduct.

If anyone thinks Trump should not be President because he lacks public service experience, then replacing him with a corrupt public servant will be disservice to humankind and to the sweat and blood of the founding generation who stood in the gap for posterity. It is deeply sickening how a lady of her status who claims to be a champion of women rights would dine with regimes that destroy the dreams and aspirations of women , and yet claim to stand for women. If she could not defend women's rights when she was at the forefront of US foreign policy as Secretary of State with enormous international power and influence, is it when she will be President ?

She misused the office of the Secretary of State to indulge in international financial schemes that furthered their corrupt Clintons Foundation to the extent which they collected millions to enrich themselves and their cycle of friends employed to work for the Foundation as consultants or employees in different capacities. How can one be expected to put up with this kind of vast corruption ? So what it takes to vote a first woman President is vote anyone no matter their lack of integrity so long as it satisfies her grandiose quest for power, fame and glory but at whose expense? I have not agreed with Trump on a number of issues but he has not committed any crime for ,which to be disqualified to lead as President.

If the only argument is that he lacks public service experience, well, experience is acquired in the process of working and not prior to it. Trump did go for the first debate unprepared and I was really sad and disappointed but since then he prepared very well for subsequent debates in which he surpassed his opponent. It is a development that has created room for grace and ask for his womanizing attitude, it is not a disqualifying factor. Besides, there was no single evidence to corroborate the accusations of the ladies who falsely accused him.

If HRC thinks that the secret tapes of Trump in which he thrashes women as sex objects on the pedestal of power and money is horrifying and disqualifies him , then why does she expect a free pass for her scandalous emails ? One has to wonder why she did not openly condemn the sexual misconduct of her husband during the Monica Lewinsky internship at the White House . Should the seating President of any country be sleeping with young girls who come to the presidency to learn and be trained on how public service works?

Jonathan Awasom

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