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Monday, January 2, 2017

Kidnapping of Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) citizens im Mundemba over January plan demonstration.

Over 40 persons have been kidnapped by a combine armed forces
(Gendarmes, police and army) of La Republique du Cameroun in Mundemba
at 10.00am. They were taking in two pickups land cruisers vehicles
belonging to the army and gendarmerie company in Mundemba to an unkown
destination. They were Kidnapped in the instant of the Senior
Divisional Officer for Ndian, Mr Ndong Chamberline (centre region,
LRC) and the Divsional Officer for Mundemba Mr. Mathias Fombele (from
Lebialem, SC).

At the time of their Kidnapping they were planning to begin their
peaceful procession across Mundemba, one of the most neglected and
resource plundered areas of SC in the senseless union with LRC for the
past 55 years, were yielding to calls by Southern Cameroons quasi
administration led by eminent Southern Cameroons' statesman Mola Njoh
Litumbe for a demonstration on the 2nd of January to mark the 2017,
People Independent Restoration of Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia)
struggle. The people in Mudemba (women, youths and men) agree that a
full independent of SC is the sole sound solution for their endemic
neglect as a people by the successive regimes of LRC.

I choose to use the word Kidnap because these are aliens forces and
not forces belonging to SC knowing that arrest can be legal in a
sovereign Country. LRC doesn't have have the legitimacy of Southern
Cameroons in 2017. As oppressed people in this union we are not equal
to any tribe or a linguistic description anglophone but rather a
people with an oppressed nationalities known as Southern Cameroons
(Ambazonians), equal to any other UN independent trust territories.

It is time time we need to correct the error of Foncha & co who failed
to apply for Southern Cameroons membership into the UN after SC got
her independent on October 1, 1961. For this to happen we need a form
as a matter of prime urgency:

1) put in place an interim representative government to be comprised
of 15 cabinet member or less;

2) an interim congress of 65 congressmen from 5 each from the current
from Ndian, Donga-mantung, Mezem, Kupe-Muaneguba, Manyu, Ngo-ketunjia,
Bui, Momo, Fako, Boyo, lebialem, Menchum and Meme.

3) A judiciary commission.

As usual, one of the protesters, Bekando Bernard, said the standing
off began between the peaceful protesting citizens and the occupier
forces when they started brutalising the unarmed protesters. We are
working with others to know their whereabouts

Nasako Besingi

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