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Friday, June 30, 2017

Re: [MTC Global] Tactical superiority and our own strategy to counter Chinese threat...

Sir, War in this century has become highly destructive of all assets. A current
perception is, that war has integrated all kinds of threats.Economic threats, threats to
movement of goods, information, people and threats to the country's natural environment
as well as far using more sophisticated weapons of high destruction.The threats can be
directed at social fissures in a belligerent opponent so as emerge victorious. Victory
itself is now newly defined: The protection of a market for goods and services, the
exploitation of the defeated country for enacting laws to weaken social cohesion in a
nation state.And the creation of a captive market in the defeated country. There need not
be any territorial occupation.

War itself is being fought in many dimensions such as overland, underground, on the sea
and below it, in the air, in space and in cyber space also. Space and telecom assets can
be threatened or worse infiltrated to seek advantage.
The definition of war has become diplomacy by other means, thru friendly satraps as proxy
allies to harass and violate friendly norms periodically.

Wars have become chronic low intensity conflicts. they degrade the nations productive
capacities into huge spending on arms and manpower and to maintaining them on alert all
the time, No overt action is conducted till the vulnerability of a nation becomes so
visible that a short sharp and hot confrontation is carried for a very limited purpose of
creating fear and confusion in the enemy nation. It is for this reason,that the Chinese
refer to the 62' conflict as a "lesson". They have once again reiterated this warning.

We may not worry so much as an immediate hot war, but must worry, that the Chinese feel
confident to wage a hot war at their time of choosing and when we least expect it. Our
defences are down at some definitely predictable moments that the Chinese have properly
assessed. They also know that our alliances and partnerships with the other super powers
are very fragile.They know that our ability to form allies in defense pacts is very
rudimentary. They also know that the Security Council of the UN can be vetoed in case of
any action by a coalition of other powers attempting to prevent a hot conflict. They also
know that may western powers can be manipulated because of their positive trade

We have to be on guard all the time, develop a retaliatory strategy not necessarily by
only armed might but by ability to create enough reciprocal damage in the event of a
bloody conflict.

Perhaps, our leaders may be already seized of them. There were mistakes in the last
conflict that led to our humiliation at the hands of the Chinese. The Chinese have
cleverly manipulated the media to lay the blame for the 62 conflict by calling India as
the aggressor and the faulty policies of our PM Mr Nehru. We should not repeat them in
any future conflict by deeper understanding of the present situation and building
suitable defenses in a more integrated manner.
Best regards,

On Fri, 30 Jun 2017 17:54:17 +0530 Stephen Narayanan wrote
>You never know when from proxy war it could come to a full showdown. The way the
escallation have happened at the Sikkim border front it does not augur well for India. On
top of that the chinese have reminded us of 1962 war rubbing salt into our wounds. Even
Bhutan which is an independent peaceful kingdom in the himalayas had objected to china
building roads right up to its border as they too were feeling threatened and they had
reached out to India for help which is why our army put road block on their works. China
has been vigorously pushing ahead with its OBOR plans and the countries on board with
them are actually on the platform as they are afraid of rubbing china on the wrong side.
China recently in order to placate Afghanistan offered mediator help in resolving their
dispute with pakistan and had asked pakistan to reign-in their terror agents - this is no
doubt an acknowledgement that Pakistan is a country which is exporting terror and china
is aware of it too but for their own selfish interest they will not dub their friend
pakistan as state actor of terrorism. Quite a double speak if one may say so. I caught up
breakfast news which proclaimed that china has moved 3000 troops to forward lines in
sikkim and also moved a column of tanks.
We will no doubt have to take a decision to boycott chinese goods and maybe our home
industry may get this window of opportunity to manufacture the products indegeneously.
Lets hope for the best.
Stephen NarayananFreelance Educational Consultant/Corporate Training

On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 11:19 AM, kiran paranjpe wrote:
Sir, You are right. But whatever we are and we say that we are humanitarian, we are

peaceful, we have rich values, very diverse, we are civilized, democratic, tolerant,

etc. The fact that is unchanged in the background is that we are very vulnerable. There

are deep fissures in our society, we seem to face very great difficulties with the way we

think and act. What is more our vulnerability has created a dependency mindset. Our

activities are always focused to stitch very fragile partnerships with smaller developed

countries for solving our problems.

Local, and international terrorism, civil wars and violent strife seems to define the

face of war in this century.War by proxy masters using non state actors has been an

unchanging feature of this war. China has already learnt from its experience of

supporting friendly organizations in other countries for waging war against democratic

and representative regimes.Creating proxy fighters, supporting their interests and

unleashing mayhem have been mastered by the them.

We also suffer from proxy run conflicts in Kashmir, the Northeast and the Naxalites in

Chattisgarh and Jharkhand.Our soft power seems to have been useless against this new

enemy: the proxy master. India vulnerability is exposed with every outrage. We call it

now a law and order problem; now an exploitation of misguided youths problem, now a

handiwork of inimical countries and now a political problem. What are the solutions?

Defense experts, various social organizations have pointed at the vulnerability facing

the country. Our continued reliance on others through common sharing of interests has had

only a minimal success. The world is changing( maybe for the worse!!). We have to adopt

rapidly also to overcome our national vulnerabilities or face impending anarchy and

chronic civil unrest.

Best Regards,


On Wed, 28 Jun 2017 22:31:51 +0530 "virendra goel" wrote

> …and cannot stop imports as we depend on them for all our needs from pin to elephant..I

beg to differ on above statement. We are not dependent on them , we buy Chinese products

because they are cheap otherwise for each Chinese product being imported there is

indigenous product in the market. Government cannot ban the imports from China because we

as a country are signatory to WTO. We can never catch up with China because we cannot

achieve productivity per person equivalent to China because we are welfare state and our

labour laws are more humanitarian (stringent) than theirs.RegardsVirendra GoelFrom: [] On Behalf Of Stephen


Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 11:24 AM


Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Tactical superiority and our own strategy to counter Chinese

threat...Absolutely True Kiranji....China is surely giving India a Run for the money...we

talk of tolerance and development but these are all hollow talks...their work

speaks...while we just make din...and chinese are super confident that India can do no

more than just yak-yak- yaking and cannot stop imports as we depend on them for all our

needs from pin to elephant...our electronic industry runs with chinese

materials...communication equipment is dominated by Made in China products. I do hope

that "Make In India" fast-tracks our own industries to atleast follow if not catch up

with the chinese.Regards,Stephen NarayananFreelance Educational Consultant/Corporate

Training facilitatorMob.:-9868386192On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 10:57 AM, kiran paranjpe

wrote:Sir, We may keep talking of the Chinese threat. The

Chinese are very pragmatic people.

They have so much work, that they are busy round the clock in their factories making all

kinds of products. The Chinese earn their income, they make investments and ensure that

they get their returns( this includes putting India on the hot plate, denying memberships

to the NSG, UNSC, and frequently teach lessons on drawing the territorial boundaries such

as planting flags, destroying our bunkers and all kinds of muscle flexing.)

What can India do? We keep buying cheap low quality Chinese goods, encourage the Chinese

to set up telecom networks and mobile phones and tomorrow maybe make them partners in our

FDI programs, etc.

There is thus nothing to be gained by simply crying that the Chinese are doing petty and

mean things with us. They also do many mean things with other countries but that is never

our concern.We want peace at all costs and even insults don't matter. The conventional

war is dead. Today's war is called Low Intensity and Chronic insurgency, the idea is to

create mayhem, disturb normal life and destroy economic and military assets by surgical

strikes. The terrorist on a suicide mission may blow up sensitive installations or simply

maim and kill hundreds of people gathered at a place. With the terrorist dead, all leads

are lost. Our investigative machinery responds till a new blast..and responds again.

Whatever may happen to this country, we must have our Mansarover Yatra and implore the

Chinese to allow us to proceed.The Chinese also provide stapled visa to foreign visitors

to visit Arunachal Pradesh. So dire and urgent are our needs that we always fall prey to

Chinese mean acts.. and life goes on as usual.

Best regards,


On Tue, 27 Jun 2017 17:29:27 +0530 Stephen Narayanan wrote

>Two News items which caught my attention today:

1.) Chinese troops transgression by entering Sikkim sector and destroying two Indian Army

bunkers. On top of that the chinese government accusing Indian Army of transgression "

Ulta Chor Kotwal ko Daante".

2.) China offers to mediate between Pakistan & Afghanistan as a good neighbor and assures

Afghanistan that they would ask Pakistan to reign in their terrorist groups.

The second news item clearly demonstrates that china is well aware of pakistan and its

breeding of terrorism to bleed India yet it is backing them with arms and ammunition and

presence of its engineers and army for the Silk Route and other self interest

agenda.First things first. Is our Army incapable of responding to the chinese

belligerence? Can we not even defend our own territory? China has been increasingly

provoking India by aerial reconnaissance as also ground transgression across our

borders. But now they have gone brazenly to the extent of destroying our bunkers and what

was our army doing? How can we be sure now that tomorrow they will not march into our

cities? Why are we still hankering Hindi-Chini Bhai-Bhai? The brotherhood call which the

earlier Congress had given way back in 1962 is still in use more as a consolation. It is

high time that we also asserted and showed chinese that they cannot take us for granted.

Warm Regards,Stephen NarayananFreelance Educational Consultant/Corporate Training




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