[MTC Global] Do grades still matter anymore?

Several studies have shown that performance at school, as measured by grades and scores on standardized tests, does not correlate with success after graduation. "IQ offers little to explain the different destinies of people with roughly equal promises, schooling, and opportunity," Daniel Goleman writes in his best-seller, Emotional Intelligence.

"When 95 Harvard students from the classes of the 1940s were followed into middle age, the men with the highest test scores in college were not particularly successful compared to their lower-scoring peers in terms of salary, productivity or status in their field, nor did they have the greatest life satisfaction, nor the most happiness with friendships, family and romantic relationships."

And with the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the skills that students need to learn to find a job and be successful is changing fast. In a recent HBR article, Ed Hess, a professor at the University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business, argues that in the AI age, our definition of "smart" will be completely transformed. Since we won't have much of a chance against supercomputers that can calculate far faster than our brains could possibly, we'll need to rely on completely different ways for humans to add value.

"The new smart will be determined not by what or how you know but by the quality of your thinking, listening, relating, collaborating, and learning. Quantity is replaced by quality. And that shift will enable us to focus on the hard work of taking our cognitive and emotional skills to a much higher level," Hess argues.

If robots and artificial intelligence are going to change how we work and the skills that we'll need to do our jobs--whatever those jobs might look like in the future--are grades earned in college or graduate school an adequate indicator of the potential to succeed?

Do grades still matter anymore?

​Best Regards,

Prof. Bholanath Dutta
Founder &  President 
MTC Global: A Global Think Tank in 
Higher Education, ISO 9001: 2008
Partner: UN Global Compact I UN Academic Impact
Cell: +91 96323 18178 / +91 9964660759


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