Nestor Diomatchui

Dear all,

Two days ago, in the evening of Monday August 28th, I came in to watch part of a talk on SCBC tele by one Nestor Diomatchui. I thought he wore the insignia of a political party (MDR) that operates in the Republic of Cameroun. (It has also operated illegally on our territory anyway). 

Mr. Diomatchui talked of an "Anglophone problem" and referred to us (Southern Cameroonians) as their brothers. Throughout his talk he never mentioned that the Southern Cameroons and the Republic of Cameroun are two separate states. Each time he made the "mistake" of calling us by our right name (The Southern Cameroons) he quickly changed to Anglophone regions. He talked of sending delegations to the North West and South West to appease the people there.

 I do not like to assume that Nestor Diomatchui is ignorant of anything. He is fully informed, has complete knowledge of who we are and has the same mentality as his own people. I like to remind him as follows, however.

1.       The Southern Cameroons does not fall within the area where his political party should be operating and is therefore not supposed to be part of his audience except he came apologizing to us on behalf of his country.  

2.       Our national language was, and still is, English. So we are a member of the Anglophone community of nations. But first, we are a people, with an identity; citizens of a state with internationally recognized boundaries. We are Southern Cameroonians and will remain so until we ourselves decide on any other identity, and even so, without the approval of any foreigner(s), including those from the Republic of Cameroun. So if he likes to, he is reminded that ours is the Southern Cameroons problem, originating from our invasion in 1961 by the Republic of Cameroun whose citizen Diomatchui happens to be.

3.       Mr. Diomatchui's advice that delegations be sent to North West and South West regions is of interest. We did not, at any stage in our history, consider such appellations for parts of our country which is divided into well recognized Counties. So the intention for which any foreigner may wish to impose such misnomers is now defeated. The talk of sending such delegations to our country presupposes the authority of the government of the Republic of Cameroun over the Southern Cameroons. So Nestor the leopard maintains the spots that identify his kind. I do not, no matter how much I stretch my imagination, find the reason for which this guy thinks that what we need is appeasement. I am convinced that the loud message from our bang already rippled even into space. So if Diomatchui were some creature that just flew in from some planet, he should have heard about the invasion of the Southern Cameroons, some 57 years ago by the Republic of Cameroun. If he hasn't, then he has no grounds to be part of aby talk on the issue.

4.       I'd like Nestor Diomatchui, and any other person who reasons like him, to be reminded that we are not brothers any closer than the well-known dictum that "all men are brothers" allows us to be. Nigerians, Kenyans, South Africans, etc. are our brothers. Yet none ever conceived the idea, or committed the act, of invading us.

 So who invited this foreigner to freely abuse Southern Cameroonians on their own state television? What good purpose was this guy's passage on SCBC tele intended to serve? Did it? If anything, it was hurting. I trust the Almighty who leads our way will convert any stumbling block into a stepping stone.

Ngwa Ntonufor  


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