Brother Ntemfac,
It is time we should start saying the Truth as it is the Truth that saves. You have today made us know that Dr.Nfor Susungi told you that he was the leadman appointed out of the 7 members in his house in London by the 2 Elders. He should show us a document that attests to that fact. He is claiming to be the leadman as told you by phone from Abidjan and he was the one who wrote the Buea BPI which Elder Feko has reminded us of; where is he now in the camp.?
The big question I have for him is this: As a man from NW who knows and practises very sincerely the matter of chopchair-next of King; why should he abandon the chair handed to him as leadman of the SCNC by the Elders.? From all this wrongdoings of Nkambe Elites in this matter of our restoration which they know the Truth but are putting their selfish and or coveteousness ahead of all our global sufferings, I am left with no alternative but to now include his name in the list of Blacklegs. He is a liar as he has claimed that he was the leadman who was given the authority to lead by the ancients who have left this world. Where has he kept the leadership batton handed to him then.? Are all who possess human PHDs(Permanent Head Damage-by Elder S.Arreymbi) no longer thinking right? Look at all the following in this matter-Elder Dr.Gumne,Dr.Susungi, Dr.Agbor-Tabi,Dr.Emmanuel Konde and a lot more are all not thinking right again-why?
As stated in my last write-up that I have documentary evidence to show and prove my case that the old men could not hand over the Leadership of the struggle to a group without the Moses and or Madela. I am hereby asking Dr.Nfor Susungi to ask his 2 or 3 Nkambe Elites who were at home in 1998 to send to him the said handing over letter from the Ancients to H.Fossung. I am also asking another Dr.Atang who claims that he has investigated and has not found any document to that effect to ask his senior sister Mama Anna Foncha to send to him a copy of the signed authority to Fossung. Why should all of them not ask being friends to Fossung to send to them the said letter if those who were there are being fraudulent to keeping the secret of the Truth inorder to achieve their secret and coveteous aims and plans. I am not a human academician but a spiritual academician who represents the life of Truthfulness in the camp.
If their efforts to acquiring the said official document that the international community has, then I will be left with no alternative but to send to them and you all this much denied Truth by the NW men in the house. If the handing over was done to any one of them, they would have been parading with it as a Flag. They are all coveteous and or fraudulent in their behaviours. The Truth shall prevail as I am out for the Truth and those that are our Achans in the camp must be weeded or sent out. The visit of Nfor Nfor, Ndangam,Dr.Gumne and Patrick Mbuwie to Yaounde in AD 2000, its reasons will soon be revealed to you all. Nfor Nfor is too surprised as this things are now unfolding or coming out one after another to his disadvantage. He should quietely resign and leave the scene as Elad and Mukete have done or else the same bulet that hit his brother P.Mbuwie from the gun of the gov't will hit him too. Up till now the assassins have not been arrested-why? What you sow is what you will reap. Why is it that the NW people like to always be wanting to lead even if God has not called them to do so? They behave like the Moslems in hidding secrets of sins committed by their brothers-why? Why so a man as Dr. Gumne not speak openly of what he knows is the Truth of a matter? He has a copy of the handing over letter and now pretending as if he is not aware. What a disgrace to age. I am an Elder as at now and have no reason to lie as the young ones come to me for history of the village. Elders are the  costodians of the Truth in any matter.
With the revelations of Ntemfac concerning our Dr.Nfor Susungi, I am now satisfied with the reason why he is so indebted now to changing his movement and direction to the captors as he is an inlaw as such to Bafang. I am an inlaw to the Bamenda people and will not support them in any given situation of wrongdoing. The Lord has not called me to see wrong and keep quiet in the camp as Joshua in the camp of the Israelites crossing to Jericho.
Things are taking a different turn in the camp and the enemies must be taken away for us to have our breakthrough. If it is my own father who is on the way to our success, I will equally behave radically to him as it concerns the salvation of the oppressed in Babylon.

May the Lord put to shame all them that are standing on our way to the promised land.
Yours freedom fighter,
Rev.Taku-Ayuk Moses(alias Daniel/DM Tutu to S.C.)
--- On Sat, 5/26/12, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:

From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
Cc: "Njoh Litumbe" <>, "Taku A. A. Moses" <>, " cameroon" <>, "Henry Fossung" <>, "Rev.Dr. Ikome Samuel" <>, "" <>, "Feko Nkwutio" <>, "Chief Charles Taku" <>, "Godlove Mburlih" <>, "Rev. Atanga John" <>, "Dr.Christopher Atang" <>, "NFOR NFOR" <>
Date: Saturday, May 26, 2012, 12:10 PM

Questions to Dr Nfor Susungi: Has the Nkambe Division which, alongside
the the Victoria division..only yesterday..voted massively against
Or has Dr the Honourable Nfor Susungi changed?
Dr Susungi..remember that you told me in one phone call from Abidjan
that Dr Foncha handed the mantle to the London 7...with YOU are the
main man?

On 5/26/12, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
> So the Southern Cameroons must be sacrificed because Drt Susungi's
> daughers are married to some NICE young men from Bafang..who bail him
> out these days....especially when he lost his fortune to scammers?
> So international law must be seta side on behalf of Susungi's narrow
> agenda?
> What was this Susungi chap thinking about when he recruited and
> sustained a liberation army in the bushes of Ako?
> What was he thinking about when he wrote the Southern Cameroons Prosperity
> Pact.
> I read a post wherein a member of the YL warned stay out
> of the way of the liberation struggle.
> Nfor Susungi should better take that warning very seriously.
> Beware of Quicksilver Nfor Susungi....the new Tamfu.
> On 5/25/12, feko nkwutio <> wrote:
>> I am reminded that Dr Susungi is the author of the famous BPI or Buea
>> Peace
>> Initiative,a document which, in summary, shows the sharing arrangement of
>> the assets and liabilities of the entity known fraudulently as La
>> Republique
>> du Cameroun( because, militarily it has fraudulently occupied the
>> southern
>> part of British Cameroon), between British Southern Cameroons and La
>> Republique du Cameroun that achieved independence on 1 January, 1960 and
>> became a member country of the United Nations on 20 Sept. 1960.
>> Mola Njoh Litumbe's goal in this piece of lucid posting is not different
>> from Dr Susungi's goal in the BPI. I am a grass-root activist and want to
>> assure Dr Susungi that the youth of our territory have been in love with
>> the
>> BPI since its publication, and anxiously looking forward to the day the
>> BPI
>> will be implemented. By talking a language that now abandons the BPI,
>> double-talk, is Dr Susungi encouraging the youth to fight for the
>> independence of their country so the BPI can be implemented soon or, what
>> is
>> he really up to, corrupting and betraying them?
>> Dr Susungi, a man's word is more precious than silver and gold. By a
>> man's
>> word he is known. If you can not be known by your word, how else do you
>> want
>> to be known?
>> Feko.
>> --- On Fri, 5/25/12, Njoh Litumbe <> wrote:
>> From: Njoh Litumbe <>
>> To: "Nfor N Susungi" <>, "Taku Moses Jane Ikome"
>> <>, "Martin Yembe" <>
>> Cc: "Taku A. A. Moses" <>,
>> ""
>> <>, " cameroon"
>> <>, "Henry Fossung" <>,
>> "Rev.Dr.
>> Ikome Samuel" <>, ""
>> <>, "Feko Nkwutio" <>, "Chief
>> Charles
>> Taku" <>, "Godlove Mburlih" <>,
>> "Rev.
>> Atanga John" <>, "Dr.Christopher Atang"
>> <>, "NFOR NFOR" <>
>> Date: Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:45 AM
>> Dear Southern Cameroonians
>> I'd like to thank Dr Susungi for putting the last nail on the "coffin" of
>> this scandalous allegation of a mantle of leadership having ever been
>> handed
>> to Amb. Fossung by Dr Foncha. I can confirm that most of the SC
>> delegation
>> in London enjoyed the hospitality of Dr Susungi at his 3-bedroom luxury
>> flat
>> in Baker Street, London W1, where the historic London Communique was
>> signed.
>>  The three elder statesmen Dr John Ngu Foncha, the Hon. S.T. Muna, and
>> myself who had met their expenses throughout this historic mission, made
>> separate arrangements for their travel, accommodation and upkeep.
>> If the truth must be spoken in this debate as to whether Southern
>> Cameroons
>> is indeed part of La
>>  Republique du Cameroun, permit me to use a simple illustration:
>> If a man and a woman who are not related by blood are found living
>> together,
>> the normal presumption is that they are living as husband and wife.  If
>> the
>> man refers to the woman as his "wife," he must be able to produce
>> evidence
>> that at some time in the past, either according to native law and custom,
>> or
>> before a civil status Registrar, he and the woman he refers to as his
>> wife
>> performed the rituals that are mandatory to constitute a legal marriage
>> in
>> the first place. Failing such proof, the relationship is merely social
>> co-habitation (come-we- shidon; or Joumba) and it cannot be described as
>> a
>> marriage which implies a contract-at-law.
>> The joining
>>  of states that are members of the United Nations is similarly governed
>> by
>> the statutory provisions of the UN Charter, Arts 102/103.  The joining of
>> a
>> member state of the UN with a non-self-governing territory (as LRC and SC
>> respectively were on 1 Oct 1961) is governed by UN General Assembly Res.
>> 1541 of 15 Dec. 1960.  Therefore, failing proof that the political
>> cohabitation of LRC with SC complies with the legal provisions enumerated
>> above, there has never been a legal union ab initio.  In my considered
>> opinion, it is simply a case of LRC succeeding Britain as colonial master
>> over Southern Cameroons, when Britain left unceremoniously at midnight on
>> 30
>> Sept 1961 without first yielding the instruments of power to the
>> functional
>> SC Govt as should have been the case pursuant to UN General Assembly Res.
>> 1514 of 14 Dec. 1960. In the result, LRC simply moved its
>>  security forces across the international boundary with SC and annexed
>> and
>> colonized the UN trust territory of Southern Cameroons.
>> Therefore, for a Southern Cameroonian to seek or accept a political job
>> in
>> LRC can only be likened to Moses seeking a job in Egypt where his
>> (Moses')
>> people were enslaved.  Herr Hitler of Nazi Germany, after he overran
>> France
>> in WW2, appointed Frenchmen as prefects to rule France on his behalf, but
>> these appointees owed allegiance to the Fuhrer who could dismiss them at
>> will. For a Southern Cameroonian to aspire to be President of LRC, would
>> be
>> like Moses aspiring to the the Pharaoh of Egypt where Moses' kith and kin
>> were held as slaves!
>> I invite Dr Suzungi to follow Moses' example.  Join me to lead your
>> people
>> first out of bondage and, in the fullness of time, negotiate a treaty of
>> good neighbourliness as equal
>>  partners with LRC, as indeed Egypt has now done with the state of
>> Israel!
>> There are Jews still  living in Egypt, but none of them can validly
>> aspire
>> to be President of Egypt!
>> Working as separate groups has not got us very far in half a century. Let
>> us
>> recognize that the emancipation of Southern Cameroons is greater than any
>> of
>> us or our personal ambitions, and that it is time we forget petty
>> differences and UNITE, to seek first the independence of Southern
>> Cameroons,
>> and "all other things shall be added unto us."
>> Accept my fraternal greetings
>> Mola
>>         From: Nfor N Susungi <>
>>  To: Taku Moses Jane Ikome <>; Martin Yembe
>> <>
>> Cc: Taku A. A. Moses <>; ""
>> <>; " cameroon"
>> <>; Henry Fossung <>; Rev.Dr.
>> Ikome Samuel <>; ""
>> <>; Feko Nkwutio <>; Chief Charles
>> Taku
>> <>; Godlove Mburlih <>; Rev. Atanga
>> John <>; Njoh Litumbe <>;
>> Dr.Christopher Atang
>>  <>; NFOR NFOR <>
>>  Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 12:27 PM
>>  Subject: Re: UNITY IS STRENGHT
>> Dear Jane,
>> You say: "do you remember that it was only Fako and Nkambe counties that
>> voted overwhelmingly NOT to join LRC?"  Thank you very much for this
>> historical reminder.
>> I was 13 years old when the plebiscite took place in 1961.  I was not old
>> enough to vote; but I do know that Dr. Kevin Ngwang Gumne, my senior
>> brother, was a returning officer and that he voted to join Nigeria as did
>> the majority of the people from Nkambe Division.
>> The reason why they voted to remain in Nigeria was very simple.  Our
>> parents
>> had been used to trading with Nigerian towns like Takum, Baissa,
>> Bissaula,
>> Jalingo, Gembu, Nguroje, Yola and even Ontitsha.  They could not
>> understand
>> why Foncha wanted us to start trading with Ntongtu people.
>> Our people were familiar with Bamoum people who used to come as far as
>> Ndu
>> and Nkambe for trade. People like my father spoke the Bamoum language
>> fluently.  But Ntongtu people (Bamileke) were not known to us.  After the
>> plebiscite, we were told that the majority of the people of the Southern
>> Cameroons had voted in favour of joining Ntongtu people.  So our people
>> said:  Shikienang, we shall learn to trade with Ntongtu
>>  people.
>> After reunification, many of our people remained in Nigeria where the
>> Wimbum
>> language is classified as one of the indigenous languages of Taraba State
>> where it is known as the Kambou language.  But in Cameroon, it is the
>> people
>> from the Divisions which voted overwhelmingly for reunification that are
>> now
>> saying, "we have changed our minds".  Many of those who are agitating for
>> the Southern Cameroons independence actually voted for reunification, if
>> the
>> truth be told.
>> I have heard a lot of stories alleging that Pa Foncha passed the mantle
>> of
>> leadership to Ambassador Henry Fossung.  No such thing ever took place.
>> In
>> 1995, I played host in London to the delegation of the Southern Cameroons
>> which visited the United Nations.  That delegation included Pa Foncha and
>> Pa
>> Muna.   A lot of history of the Southern Cameroons transpired in my
>> 3-bedroom London flat where we all slept on the floor, the couch and the
>> shared the few beds.
>> The transfer of political legacy from Pa Foncha and Muna took place
>> during
>> that London visit. They passed the mantle not to one person, but to a
>> group
>> of individuals because they could not trust one person.  The individuals
>> were the following:  Sam Ekontang Elad (Fako), Mola Njoh Litumbe (Fako),
>> Henry Fosssung (Lebialem), Simon Munzu (Kupe Manenguba), Mercy Tembon
>> (Mezam), Arnold Yongang (Boyo) and Nfor N Susungi (Donga & Mantung).
>> The two Octogenarians did not utter a single word to anybody; they only
>> transferred a spirit to whoever understood what was happening.  This
>> happened when we took a group photograph and popped champagne at the
>> hotel
>> where Pa Muna was staying in chalk Farm in London following the signature
>> of
>> the London Communique.   Many of those who were present at that gathering
>> did not understand what was happening, but I understood it.   They merely
>> said, "we did
>>  our best with our level of education.  Please take over and do better
>> than
>> us".
>> After the deaths of Pa Foncha and Pa Muna, I have had to think very
>> carefully about what they would have wanted us to do.  Should we correct
>> the
>> mistakes they made or should we pull out of the union entirely (assuming
>> that it is possible)?
>> I have taken the position that Pa Foncha and Pa Muna would have wanted us
>> to
>> correct the mistakes that they made.  I have since articulated my
>> position
>> on this issue for which I have received a lot of insults from people who
>> tell me that I am looking for a job.  My response is that I am indeed
>> looking for a job, the top job in the country.  I want to be President!
>> People laugh and mock at me and tell me that I am wasting my time.  My
>> attitude is that I will get the job if it is God's will and I believe
>> that
>> my approach corresponds to what Pa Foncha and Pa Muna would have wanted
>> from
>> one of their co-inheritors to do.  God will support my quest because I
>> have
>> always made it clear that I hate no one.  I don't hate Francophones or
>> Ntongtu people or Beti people or Douala people or people from any corner
>> of
>> that entire country.  I don't love everybody, but for heaven's sake, I
>>  hate no one!!!! We are all one people suffering from a crisis of
>> leadership.  Period.
>> I decided to react to this mail because when as a "Nkambe man" I read the
>> type of hate mail that some people have accustomed themselves to, it only
>> saddens me.    It saddens me because the Southern Cameroons cause is a
>> noble
>> cause for equality for all Cameroonians.  That equality can neither be
>> achieved by preaching "hate" of the Francophones, nor hate by one segment
>> of
>> the Southern Cameroons for another segment.
>> I don't know and I doubt very much that Dr. Gumne and Nfor Ngala Nfor are
>> guilty of any of these allegations.   They are my brothers from the hated
>> Nkambe; but we have parted ways as to the direction in which we thinkg
>> the
>> struggle should be taken.
>> But I want to make it clear that I have decided that I shall be fully
>> involved in the mainstream politics in Cameroon (I don't care whether it
>> is
>> called, Federal, United, or simply Republic of Cameroon).   I simply take
>> it
>> that my rights and obligations have not affected by any changes in the
>> name
>> of the country.  When I get there, I have my own ideas as to what new name
>> I
>> shall give to the country.
>> I represent those people from Nkambe Division who say they did not vote
>> for
>> reunification.  But now that they are in it, they have learned to trade
>> with
>> Ntongtu people and they just want to get on with their lives.
>> Dr. Susungi
>> --- On Thu, 5/24/12, Martin Yembe <> wrote:
>> From: Martin Yembe <>
>> To: "Taku Moses Jane Ikome" <>
>> Cc: "Taku A. A. Moses" <>,
>> ""
>> <>, " cameroon"
>> <>, "Henry Fossung" <>,
>> "Rev.Dr.
>> Ikome Samuel" <>, ""
>> <>, "Feko Nkwutio" <>, "Chief
>> Charles
>> Taku" <>, "Godlove Mburlih" <>,
>> "Rev.
>> Atanga John" <>, "Njoh Litumbe"
>> <>, "Dr.Christopher Atang" <>,
>>  <>
>> Date: Thursday, May 24, 2012, 9:29 AM
>> Dear Rev
>> May God forgive you for daring to judge so baly. You say you are at
>> home and reason why you know Nfor Nfor more than all othes. Leave
>> Fossung out!!
>> On 5/22/12, Jane Ikome <> wrote:
>>> Dear Rev. Taku Moses,
>>> Please, would you stop the character assassination of a whole people;
>>> the
>>> Nkambe people in the name of Nfor Nfor and Ngumne. These two guys may
>>> have
>>> their short comings, not unlike any other leader or leaders, present or
>>> past, of southern Cameroons. You have the freedom of speech to say
>>> anything
>>> you want to Nfor Nfor and Ngumne; but not to castigate Nkambe people in
>>> your
>>> writings. When you do that it simply shows that you are not a true Man
>>> of
>>> God. There are certain things
>>  you got
>>  to know:
>>> 1)    You are so excited with Muna and Foncha; don't you recall that
>>> these
>>> are the two guys who put southern Cameroons in the mess we are in now?
>>> You
>>> should look for heroes somewhere else, not in late Muna and Foncha. I
>>> was
>>> at
>>> AAC in Buea in 1993, and got the too late confessions from Muna and
>>> Funcha.
>>> If you were there, then you should know what am talking about. These two
>>> guys complained that they were mere teachers, and that is the reason why
>>> they were duped by LRC. That was not the reason; They were selfish and
>>> greedy. They refused to surround themselves with intellectuals like late
>>> Dr.
>>> Ngu and late Dr. Fonlon. And these two minds and others were given jobs
>>> in
>>> Yaounde by Ahidjo, instead of working in Buea and advising Foncha.
>>> 2)    When you try so hard to divide southern Cameroons by putting too
>>> much
>>> emphasis on Nkambe while
>>  condemning Nfor Nfor and Ngumne, do you remember
>>> that it was only Fako and Nkambe counties that voted overwhelmingly NOT
>>> to
>>> join LRC? So please, stop condemning Nkambe people, because though they
>>> may
>>> have Nfor Nfor and Ngumne, whom you so seriously hate, they could also
>>> be
>>> the most patriotic southern Cameroonians in the land; so watch out what
>>> you
>>> say.
>>> 3)    Thirdly and lastly I would suggest that we respectfully leave
>>> these
>>> senior citizen, who have tried their possible best, although
>>> unsuccessfully,
>>> to deliver us independence and failed, alone; Nfor Nfor is doing
>>> whatever
>>> he
>>> is doing because there is a power vacuum. These guys are tired, and if
>>> we
>>> are unable to deliver, we should stop complaining and blaming those who
>>> are
>>> supposed to be on a well-deserved retirement.
>>> Long Live Southern Cameroons!!!
>>> Thank You
>>  Jane Ikome
>>> (Human Rights Activist)
>>> (If EVERY Woman has Financial Independence, ALL Nations will be FREE of
>>> Debt)
>>> (Free Education and Free Healthcare is a Human Right)
>>> From: Taku A. A. Moses <>
>>> To:; " cameroon"
>>> <>; Henry Fossung <>;
>>> Rev.Dr.
>>> Ikome Samuel <>;;
>>> Feko
>>> Nkwutio <>; Martin Yembe <>; Chief
>>> Charles
>>> Taku <>;
>>  Jane Ikome <>; Godlove
>>> Mburlih <>; Rev. Atanga John
>>> <>;
>>> Njoh Litumbe <>
>>> Cc: Dr.Christopher Atang <>; " DR.NFOR
>>  <>; NFOR NFOR <>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 7:31 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: SCNC RESOLUTIONS: FORWARDING OF
>>> Dr.Atang,
>>> You will agree with me that when you see an enemy in the camp of our
>>> Army
>>> as
>>> in the days of the Jews fighting a war with Ai and were defeated pants
>>> down.
>>> They had to come home and find out where is the problem coming from.
>>> That
>>> is
>>> exactly what I am here doing to weed out the enemy in the house or camp.
>>> You are in the US and were not at home to have seen our united efforts
>>> put
>>  forth when your Brother inlaw-Dr.J.N.Foncha was still living. Whenever a
>>> meeting was sommoned by him and Muna, we all will travel overnight to
>>> Bamenda to have them put into us their wisdom plans. The whole problem
>>> as
>>> now, that is slowing down the velocity at which we were fighting the
>>> course,
>>> is clearly connected to the dubious and or secret dealings of Nfor Nfor
>>> with
>>> the oppressors thru the NW Governors. He is the Achan in the camp and if
>>> he
>>> is removed from the activities of the SCNC, then we shall be restored to
>>> the
>>> same zeal that your inlaw Paa Foncha left us with. That zeal has been
>>> destroyed by the divisive tendencies for selfish reasons of the Nkambe
>>> elites in the persons of Nfor Nfor and Dr. Gumne.Since your people are
>>> all
>>> very eager to have this Restoration, Nfor Nfor will out there collecting
>>> various sums for the course, and go to Belgium where you have UNPO
>>  which
>>>  has no UN mandate to handle any thing that concerns us. He will come
>>> back
>>> with various pictures snapped with some of the men and be deceiving his
>>> NW
>>> people.
>>> You will agree with me that, as a servant of the Most High God that you
>>> also
>>> serve, will not take sides in any matter be it concerning my blood
>>> brothers.
>>> I have no divisive tendencies as Jesus whom I serve has no divisive
>>> instructions given to me to practise. He died both for the Gentiles and
>>> the
>>> Jews. But my cry is that the Truth should prevail in our dealings with
>>> one
>>> another in the struggle. Not that you should be going behind collecting
>>> secret sums. The oppressors' Master, asked Biya to dish out the sum of
>>> FF
>>> 2
>>> billion to be handed to H.Fossung in AD 1999 but he refused and from
>>> that
>>> time his life has been in danger of Assassination plans that reached
>>> UN/UK/US and he was
>>  asked to be ferried to the U.S for safety. Even in
>>> exile, he is working more effectively than they who are at home
>>> receiving
>>> huge soft monies from our enemies and masses. Why do you have to
>>> establish
>>> many groups when the old men left us with one and only indivisible group
>>>  called-SCNC?
>>> Since I am not outside as you who are in the Diaspora, only hearing
>>> or reading from internet contributions, you will not know much about
>>> what
>>> is
>>> happening on the ground.
>>> The confusion in the Leadership of the struggle handed over to H.Fossung
>>> documentarily by your old men, is being caused by Nfor Nfor of which you
>>> have read many open write-ups to show that this man is the enemy "dans
>>> la
>>> maison" and he must leave that struggle. I had in many occassions
>>> reffered
>>> persons for you to find out my accusations leveled against this man who
>>> pretends to be what he is
>>  not. You have read my mails and should have by now
>>> known that this man is not writing as "I hear say man"but as a man in
>>> the
>>> house.
>>> Please write a personal mail to Nfor Nfor to leave as he has destroyed
>>> all
>>> that your inlaw left for us to continue under the leadership of the man
>>> they
>>> chosed with wisdom. A man they know/knew and were too sure that he can
>>> never
>>> sell the course, as he possesses the needed international
>>> intergrity-H.Fossung. He fears God and eschews Sin but loves
>>> Righteousness.
>>> A man I am made to understand that you were school-mates in the
>>> yesteryears
>>> and you are more close to him more than some of us now. Your inlaw
>>> Dr.JNF
>>> and Paa Muna were not wrong in their choice but coveteouness of the
>>> Nkambe
>>> man has caused all this confusion that we are experiencing now.
>>> But God is on the Throne to answer me when ever I call Him for any
>>> matter.
>>  I
>>> have not yet lifted Nfor Nfor as I am giving him time to resign. Failure
>>> to
>>> resign then I will...........
>>> I am here again refreshing your memory that the handing of the batton of
>>> Leadership was not verbal as the case may be but very well documented
>>> and
>>> forwarded to the high worldly quarters that be concerning our course.
>>> They
>>> all were aware and submitted to him but this Nkambe power-hungry and or
>>> fraudulent elements decided to fight to upset the properly set
>>> leadership
>>> plan for our struggle. Nfor Nfor is fully accused of wrongdoing and his
>>> brothers.
>>> In as much as I am fighting on my knees to have the war victorious (as
>>> that
>>> of Bakassi) without visible blood shed, the man Nfor Nfor goes to the
>>> enemy
>>> and collects very secretly financial gifts that the enemy is using to
>>> penetrate our camp, thereby making our prayers slowed down and or
>>  not
>>> hitting at the target to the enemy. Dr. Atang, how can you be asking for
>>> 2
>>> things at the same time if you are sincere with what you are doing?
>>> Federalism and Restoration to statehood. Nfor Nfor deserves to be stoned
>>> as
>>> in the days of Achan.
>>> Now that people have started seeing my point of contention with Nfor
>>> Nfor,
>>> his exist is near and very obvious as at now. You should have asked
>>> yourself- why is LRDC after H Fossung and not after Nfor Nfor and or
>>> Gumne?
>>> Musonge even sent assassins to come kill me because of a letter of Truth
>>> I
>>> wrote him as PM in 2004. Why is Nfor Nfor free and prospering while
>>> other
>>> SCNCs are suffering in various locations? He is a blackleg and corrupt.
>>> The sincere prayers I rendered asking Heaven to set confusion between
>>> him
>>> and Chief Ayamba whom he selected and put there as he did the same to
>>> Paa
>>> Martin Luma-late has
>>  yielded significant results as you can see yourself. If
>>> God can answer the 3 sentence prayers for our enemies should He not
>>> answer
>>> if there is an Achan in our camp?
>>> Dr.Atang, you have gotten the Truth from me and you should make an
>>> effort
>>> to
>>> hear from others as i have always given some names of sincere people for
>>> references of my claims. I am to day not writing again but will only
>>> wait
>>> and pray as I have made my case known to you all for referrences
>>> tomorrow.
>>> He styles himself "Doctor Nfor Nfor" when he has not defended any
>>> theises
>>> as
>>> you did some years ago. He is a FRAUDULENT man. I am not the one slowing
>>> down the process as you have mentioned in your mail but your NW- Bamenda
>>> covetous brothers-Nfor Nfor and Gumne. They are holdg the Hand of God
>>> not
>>> to
>>> move and do that which He wishes to do because of the ACHAN in the camp.
>>> May the Lord
>>  continue giving us the Patience we need for our FAITH in His
>>> Word not to fail
>>> Yours freedom fighter-not with human weapons of MK47 but with spieitual
>>> missiles.
>>> Rev.(Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses(alias Daniel/DM.Tutu of S.C.)--- On Mon,
>>> 5/21/12,
>>> Dr. Christopher Atang <> wrote:
>>>>From: Dr. Christopher Atang <>
>>>>Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: SCNC RESOLUTIONS: FORWARDING OF
>>>>To: "" <>,
>>>> "" <>, "Feko Nkwutio"
>>>> <>, "Henry Fossung" <>, "Chief Charles
>>>> Taku" <>, " DR.NFOR SUSUNGI"
>>>> <>, "Rev. Atanga John" <>,
>>>> "Mr.Ayuk Mathias" <>, "Rev.Dr. Ikome Samuel"
>>>> <>, "Martin Yembe" <>,
>>>> "" <>
>>>>Cc: "Godlove Mburlih" <>, "NFOR NFOR"
>>>> <>
>>>>Date: Monday, May 21, 2012, 9:48 AM
>>>>Rev. Taku:
>>>>Am I right to assume that in your laudable attempts to fight against
>>>> 'demonic attacks' operating in, or even working against
>>  our legitimate
>>>> restoration struggle, you sometimes (seem to) play the role of
>>>> a catalyst in emitting negative and/or divisive tendencies consciously
>>>> or
>>>> unconsiously, designed to slow down or even derail our struggle?  This
>>>> is
>>>> just my simple question for now.  Please, inform me whether or not my
>>>> assumption is right.
>>>>For your information, the current "state-of-the-union" (of the
>>>> struggle) hurts greatly, considering all the sacrifices many Southern
>>>> Cameroonians (Ambazonians) - including you - have endured since the
>>>> beginning of our legitimate struggle.  Do we want all these to end in a
>>>> fiasco?
>>>>Christopher Atang, Ph.D.,
>>>>5507 Pipingwood Drive
>>>>Houston, Texas 77084
>>>>Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to
>>  win.
>>>>- Jonathan Kozel
>>>>From: Taku A. A. Moses <>
>>>>>To:; " cameroon"
>>>>> <>; Feko Nkwutio <>; Henry
>>>>> Fossung <>; Chief Charles Taku
>>>>> <>;
>>>>> " DR.NFOR SUSUNGI" <>; Rev. Atanga
>>>>> John <>; Mr.Ayuk Mathias <>;
>>>>> Rev.Dr. Ikome Samuel <>; Martin Yembe
>>>>> <>;
>>>>>Cc: Godlove Mburlih <>; NFOR NFOR
>>>>> <>
>>>>>Sent: Sunday,
>>  May 20, 2012 10:34 PM
>>>>>Subject: [camnetwork] Re: SCNC RESOLUTIONS: FORWARDING OF
>>>>>brother Godlove,
>>>>>You are too right in your write-up to correct whatever Nfor Nfor is
>>>>> doing
>>>>> up there and setting confusion all over the place. What has the SG of
>>>>> the
>>>>> UN go to do with anything in the name of re-organisation of his SCNC.
>>>>> Is
>>>>> the SG who instituted the SCNC.
>>>>>As you rightly mentioned as an academician too, that there was no
>>>>> preamble
>>>>> to the said resolution as it is looked upon as if it was written in a
>>>>> haste. It is his singular conception and grammer to deceive the public
>>>>> that he is working hard for the course. Hurry hurry broke his
>>>>> academic trousers and therefore his under wear will be seen if he is
>>>>> wearing an old Polo pant or a
>>  rainbow coloured pant. This means your
>>>>> inner secrecy will be exposed whether clean or dirty. Nfor Nfor should
>>>>> repent and step-down from that association called SCNC or else as
>>>>> tides
>>>>> or sea waves are going contrarily against his boat, there will be no
>>>>> Jesus in the boat to be called to calm the waves, and his boat will
>>>>> surely sink to the bottom of the sea. As the document was written with
>>>>> haste from his personal academic file, so shall it be trashed in the
>>>>> UN
>>>>> trash can or basket.
>>>>>Any NW elite in the SCNC challenging my write-ups concerning the
>>>>> insincerity of Nfor Nfor should be very careful as this is not a
>>>>> matter
>>>>> from your mbo or matango house in Metta quarter Bamenda. Be very
>>>>> careful
>>>>> as you support wrongdoing.
>>>>>Since I have discovered
>>  from time past when we came from Abuja for the
>>>>> famous court ruling, and having been close to the activities of the
>>>>> SCNC
>>>>> in Bamenda, I quickly deduced that Nfor Nfor is not straight or
>>>>> transparent in his deeds or dealings with others. That was why he had
>>>>> an
>>>>> old man he could dribble like a ball and be doing his mischieves and
>>>>> or
>>>>> deceipt to the NW people. This type of behaviour has caused faithful
>>>>> and
>>>>> or committed members like Elder Feko and brother Wachan including
>>>>> Ntemfac
>>>>> Ofege to leave the SCNC for him to be dribbling Paa Ayamba, an old
>>>>> and semi elitrate man of over 80. He will write all that he wishes to
>>>>> write and Paa will only sign. Paa does not know what is happening or
>>>>> what
>>>>> is coming in as financial support to the course as he and his self
>>>>> appointed Treasurer are the ones who
>>  are operating that department. Where
>>>>> has he gotten money that he has built 2 houses of worthy values during
>>>>> his tenure as Vice Chair-if he is not
>>>  dubious?
>>>>>I personally prayed for confusion to be fallen between them(as I did to
>>>>> LRDC) as he was not honest to Paa Ayamba. My Bible says that: Two can
>>>>> not
>>>>> walk/work together except they be agreed-Amos 3:3. He has not
>>>>> been sincere to others in the course as he goes around be it in Europe
>>>>> or
>>>>> US collecting money for support of the course, and Paa does not see
>>>>> any
>>>>> dollar. That is the spirit of coveteousness or greed in his part. Any
>>>>> one
>>>>> wishing to be challenging my allegations against Nfor Nfor should go
>>>>> privately to any of the 3 persons mentioned above and find out if I am
>>>>> sounding the Trumpet of Truth or not
>>  against this man's unfaithfullness
>>>>> and or insincerity to our course. Those who are supporting his acts
>>>>> are
>>>>> equally going to be regarded as accomplices and the word states that,
>>>>> they shall receive their due share of their rewards for
>>>>> unfaithfulness from the Rewarder-Jehovah God.
>>>>>May the Lord who sees in the secret continue to expose all the evil
>>>>> doers
>>>>> in this course who are causing us daily set backs. We are all in
>>>>> expectancy including our brothers who are working still in
>>>>> Babylon-LRDC
>>>>> as they are all living in daily fears. The Timing of the Lord is
>>>>> supreme
>>>>> to any matter.
>>>>>I wish all sincere freedom fighters God's protection but the pretenders
>>>>> with the WOES as stated in Isaiah 5:20-25 and Psalms 109.  The reward
>>>>> to
>>>>> Achan in the camp
>>  will also be their portion thru the Anger of the
>>>>> Lord-Amen
>>>>>Best regards,
>>>>>Yours freedom fighter (not with human weapons of MK47 but with
>>>>> spiritual
>>>>> missiles as manifested during the Bakassi war in AD 1994 and the war
>>>>> could not escalate).
>>>>>Rev.(Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses(alias Daniel or DM Tutu of Southern
>>>>> Cameroons.
>>>>>--- On Sun, 5/20/12, Godlove Mburlih <> wrote:
>>>>>>From: Godlove Mburlih <>
>>>>>>Date: Sunday, May 20, 2012, 4:38 AM
>>>>>>This could pass for an internal circular informing members of the SCNC
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the activities of their group but not a plea addressed to the UN on
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> status of the Southern Cameroons. Imagine, no preamble that could
>>>>>> succinctly brief the Secretary General of the problem .He receives
>>>>>> millions of memos every day from all over the world and we are
>>>>>> assuming
>>>>>> here that our problem is foremost in his mind? There exist several
>>>>>> versions of summaries of the problem that could easily be copied into
>>>>>> the text of any message to the UN.
>>>>>>There is the
>>  question of how an expose on the internal conflicts of the
>>>>>> SCNC will educate the UN on the question on the table ? Washing your
>>>>>> line in public does not enhance your status as a united movement.
>>>>>>Then there is the one on how the SCNC could at the same time claim to
>>>>>> speak for all Southern Cameroonians while paying lip service to the
>>>>>> PCF
>>>>>> by pretending to be loyal to it:
>>>>>>"1.      Cognisant of SCNC's unalloyed support and general approval by
>>>>>> all Southern Cameroonians for the unity effort through the creation
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the Patriotic Coalition Front (PCF),  Council resolved as follows;
>>>>>>a)      That in the supreme interest of the struggle for the
>>>>>> restoration
>>>>>> of the sovereign statehood of Southern
>>  Cameroons, the PCF should pursue
>>>>>> its historic mission diligently and with a sense of purpose."
>>>>>>        That there is an urgent need for a an umbrella organ to handle
>>>>>> the liberation struggle has been  a general outcry yet nothing is
>>>>>> really
>>>>>> being done about it so we continue to dance on the spot. If we can't
>>>>>> work together for our liberation then we should join our politicians
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> consolidate the occupation instead of continuing to be so amateurish
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the approach. I feel really sad, sad ,sad.
>>>>>>     Pa Ngume , you have declared here on several occasions  your
>>>>>> readiness to hand over to younger blood for reasons of health .
>>>>>> Please
>>>>>> call together those in the various groups whom
>>  you  judge from personal
>>>>>> experience to be selfless militants for the course and try to form a
>>>>>> united front to take over. You know the  house so well that your
>>>>>> proposals will most likely earn the confidence of many . You will in
>>>>>> doing so be building a sustainable heritage. I belief that such an
>>>>>> effort could attract the necessary financing.
>>>>>>     Godlove
>>>>>>--- On Sat, 5/19/12, NFOR NFOR <> wrote:
>>>>>>>From: NFOR NFOR <>
>>>>>>>Subject: SCNC
>>>>>>>To: "ambasbay" <>,
>>>>>>> ""
>>>>>>> <>, "Free Southern Cameroons"
>>>>>>> <>, "SouthernCameroon"
>>>>>>> <>,
>>  "sceuadmin"
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>Cc: "Ambazonia National Group"
>>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>>> "FREE AMBAZONIANS" <>,
>>>>>>> "" <>,
>>>>>>> "" <>,
>>>>>>> "" <>,
>>>>>>> "" <>,
>>>>>>> ""
>>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>>> "" <>,
>>>>>>> ""
>>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>>> ""
>>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>>> "" <>,
>>>>>>> ""
>>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>>> "" <>,
>>>>>>> ""
>>  <>,
>>>>>>> "" <>,
>>>  "" <>,
>>> "" <>,
>>> "" <>,
>>> "" <>,
>>> "" <>,
>>> ""
>>> <>,
>>> ""
>>> <>, ""
>>> <>, ""
>>> <>,
>>> ""
>>> <>,
>>> ""
>>> <>, ""
>>> <>, ""
>>> <>, ""
>>> <>,
>>>  "" <>,
>>> "" <>,
>>> ""
>>> <>,
>>> "" <>,
>>> "" <>
>>>>>>>Date: Saturday, May 19, 2012, 6:58 PM
>>>>>>> EXCELLENCY, Find enclosed, for your high attention, Resolutions of
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> SCNC National Council for your kind attention and necessary action
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> the supreme interest of justice, peace and the promotion of world
>>>>>>> democracy. From the resolutions, it is
>>  abundantly clear that the people
>>>>>>> of the former UN Trust territory of British Southern Cameroons,
>>>>>>> whose
>>>>>>> plight is well known within your high office and UN organs, are
>>>>>>> running
>>>>>>> out of patience. For over fifty (50) years, having been reduced to
>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>> annexed and occupied colony of Yaounde, they have suffered all kinds
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> repression and atrocities. Their loud cries have attracted no
>>>>>>> deserving
>>>>>>> attention. Yet their problem had its birth with the failure of the
>>>>>>> UN,
>>>>>>> in which all its leaders invested all their hopes and faith, to
>>>>>>> respect
>>>>>>> its own Charter, Resolutions and defined obligations to the Trust
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> its people: an exemplary people who had built up a
>>>  democratic culture and their love for the rule of law was self evident.
>>> It
>>  is this democratic culture of tolerance, love and implicit faith in
>>> dialogue, and the rule of law that today manifests our continuous faith
>>> in
>>> the UN System and international law. But it must be understood that once
>>> a
>>> people, due to persistent and systematic gross injustice, are pushed to
>>> the
>>> wall, their cup of endurance, no matter how deep, must overflow. It is
>>> in
>>> this light that, in the interest of peace based on justice, we
>>> vehemently
>>> call on your Excellency to call upon President Paul Biya to respect the
>>> Banjul Ruling on Communication 266/2003 and submit to the Constructive
>>> Dialogue under the good offices of the ACHPR as approved by the AU, a
>>> regional body of the UN System, in 2009. Having seen President Paul
>>> Biya's
>>> evident disregard of the rule of law and international obligations, and
>>> mindful of the genesis of this political conflict between the two former
>>  UN
>>> Trusts, Your
>>>  Excellency must see the urgency of appointing a highly respected
>>> diplomat
>>> of the UN System as your representative to the Constructive Dialogue.
>>> Accept, Your Excellency, our most high regards. For the SCNC and the
>>> Southern Cameroonian people, NFOR, NGALA NFOR Actg. National Chairman
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